Dr. Elisa Baek,
Department of Psychology, UCLA, How Real-World Interactions Shape
and are Shaped by Neural Information Processing. (Joint with
Carolyn Parkinson) [July 2019--December 2022. Now an assistant
professor in the Department of Psychology at University of Southern
Dr. Marya Bazzi,
Oxford Centre for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Mathematical
Institute, University of Oxford, Community Structure in Multilayer
Networks. (Joint with Sam Howison.) [Winter 2016--Summer
2016. Now a lecturer (i.e., assistant professor) in the Mathematics
Institute at University of Warwick.]
Dr. Heather
Zinn Brooks, Mathematics, UCLA, Dynamical Systems on
Networks. [July 2018--June 2020. Since July 2020, Heather has been
an assistant professor in the Department of Mathematics at Harvey Mudd
Dr. Phil Chodrow,
Department of Mathematics, UCLA, Various projects in Networks and Data
Science. [July 2020--June 2022. Now an Assistant Professor of Computer
Science at Middlebury College.]
Dr. Weiqi Chu,
Department of Mathematics, UCLA, Opinion Models on Networks. (Joint
with Andrea Bertozzi) [July 2021--August 2023. Now an Assistant
Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at
University of Massachusetts, Amherst.]
Dr. Gillian Grindstaff, Department of Mathematics, UCLA, Topics
in Topological Data Analysis. [July 2022--August 2023. Now a
postdoctoral scholar in the Mathematical Institute at University of
Dr. Lucas Jeub,
Oxford Centre for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Mathematical
Institute, University of Oxford, Community Structure in
Networks. (Joint with Sam Howison.) [Winter 2016--Summer 2016. Now
a postdoctoral scholar at the ISI Foundation in Italy.]
Dr. Mikko
Kivelä, Multilayer Networks [3/13--10/15. Now an
assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at Aalto
Dr. Sanjukta Krishnagopol, Department of Mathematics, UCLA,
Topics in Complex Systems. (Sanjukta is simultaneously a postdoc in
the School of Information at UC Berkeley, with Jennifer Chayes as her
mentor there.) [July 2022--June 2024]
Dr. Sang Hoon
Lee, Oxford Centre for Industrial and Applied Mathematics,
Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, Multilayer Networks,
Core-Periphery Structure, and Mobility [6/12--6/14. Sang Hoon is
now an Assistant Professor in the Department of Liberal Arts at
Gyeongnam National University of Science and Technology.]
Dr. Sergey Melnik,
Oxford Centre for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Mathematical
Institute, University of Oxford, Cascades on Networks
[12/10--12/11. Sergey was previously a visiting postdoc (from
University of Limerick) in my group from 01/10--03/10. Sergey is now a
postdoctoral scholar in the Department of Mathematics & Statistics at
University of Limerick.]
Dr. Nina
Otter, Department of Mathematics, UCLA. Mathematics of Data
Science. (Joint with Guido Montúfar) [January 2019--June
2021. Nina is now a Lecturer in the Department of Mathematics at Queen
Mary Universty of London]
Doctoral Students
Dr. Sumeet
Agarwal [Systems Biology Doctoral Training Centre] Department of
Physics, University of Oxford, Networks in Nature: Dynamics,
Evolution, and Modularity. (Joint with Charlotte Deane and Nick
Jones.) [Summer 2008--Summer 2012. Sumeet is now an Assistant
Professor of Electrical Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology
in Delhi.]
Dr. Paul
Brodersen [Systems Biology Doctoral Training Centre], Mathematical
Institute, University of Oxford, Relating Neuronal Coding to
Network Architecture (Joint with Colin Akerman.) [Fall 2012--Fall
2017. Paul is currently a postdoctoral scholar in Pharmacology at
University of Oxford.]
Dr. Birgit
Brüggemeier, Neuroscience, Department of Physiology, Anatomy,
and Genetics, University of Oxford, Drosophila Courtship
Song: Modelling Behavioural Patterns in Terms of Neural and Muscle
Dynamics. (Joint with Stephen Goodwin.) [Fall 2013--Fall
2017. Birgit is now a postdoctoral scholar at the Fraunhofer
Dr. Valentin
Danchev, International Migration Institute, Spatial Network
Structures of World Migration: Heterogeneity of Global and Local
Connectivity. (Joint with Michael Keith.) [Spring 2013--Fall
2015. Valentin was then a postdoctoral scholar in the Knowledge Lab in
the Department of Sociology at University of Chicago. He is now a
postdoctoral scholar at Stanford University.]
Joshua Enwright, Department of Mathematics, UCLA, Topics in
Topological Data Analysis and Opinion Dynamics [Fall 2021--Spring
2023. Joshua decided to do a Ph.D. in theoretical mathematics in
algebraic geometry.]
Dr. Dan
Fenn, Mathematical and Computational Finance Group, Mathematical
Institute, University of Oxford, Network Communities and the Foreign
Exchange Market. (Joint with Sam Howison and Nick
Jones. Industrial partner HSBC.) [Spring 2008--Winter 2011. Dan
previously had Sam Howison and Neil Johnson as his supervisors. Dan is
now working for HSBC Bank.]
Dr. Martin
Gould, Oxford Centre for Industrial and Applied Mathematics,
Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, Limit Order
Books. (Joint with Sam Howison. Industrial partner HSBC.) [Fall
2009--Summer 2014. Martin has received a James S. McDonnell
Postdoctoral Fellowship in complex systems and used it at Imperial
College, where he was a CFM-Imperial Research Fellow. He is now a
founder and CEO of the company Sonalytic (which was purchased by
Spotify in March 2017).]
Dr. Lucas Jeub,
Oxford Centre for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Mathematical
Institute, University of Oxford, Networks, Communities, and
Consumer Behaviour. (Industrial partner Unilever.) [Fall
2011--Winter 2016. He is now a postdoctoral scholar at the ISI
Foundation in Italy.]
Klimm, Systems Approaches to Biomedical Sciences Centre for
Doctoral Training, Generalised Networks for Protein Interaction
Analysis (Joint with Charlotte Deane and Jonny Wray. Wray is from
our industrial partner e-Therapeutics.) [Summer 2015--Spring
2019. Flo is now a postdoctoral scholar in the Department of
Statistics at University of Oxford.]
Dr. Yacoub
Kureh, Department of Mathematics, UCLA, Nonlinear Opinion
Models and Other Networked Systems. [Fall 2016--Spring 2020]
Dr. Barbara
Mahler, Systems Biology Doctoral Training Centre, University of
Oxford, Computational Homology and Networks. (Joint with Ulrike
Tillmann.) [Summer 2014--Spring 2020. Since Spring 2020, Barbara is a
postdoctoral scholar in the Mathematical Institute at University of
Martínez, Oxford Centre for Industrial and Applied
Mathematics, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, Disordered Granular
Crystals. [Fall 2013--Fall 2018. Joint formally with Jon
Chapman. Alejandro is now a postdoctoral scholar in DLab, a
Computational Biology Lab, at Fundación Ciencia y Vida
Murevics, Oxford Centre for Industrial and Applied Mathematics,
Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, Systemic Risk in
Financial Systems. (Joint with Sam Howison. Our industrial partner
is HSBC.) [Fall 2013--Spring 2019]
Dr. William
Oakley, Department of Mathematics, UCLA, Strong
Consensus-Seeking in a Model of Social Consensus Formation. [Fall
2016--Summer 2020]
Dr. Se
Wook Oh, Oxford Centre for Industrial and Applied Mathematics,
Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, Complex Contagions
with Lazy Adoption. [Joint formally with Jon Chapman. Spring
2013--Spring 2018. He is now a data scientist with Wonderful
Dr. Roxana
Pamfil, Industrially Focused Mathematical Modelling (InFoMM)
Centre for Doctoral Training, University of Oxford, Communities in
Annotated, Multilayer, and Correlated Networks. (Joint with Sam
Howison. Our industrial partner is dunnhumby.) [Spring 2015--Spring
2019. Roxana is now a data scientist at QuantumBlack.]
Dr. Sofia
Piltz [Life Sciences Interface Doctoral Training Centre], Oxford
Centre for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Institute,
University of Oxford, Models for Adaptive Feeding
and Population Dynamics in Plankton. (Joint with Philip Maini.)
[Fall 2010--Summer 2015. Sofia became a postdoctoral scholar at the
National Institute of Aquatic Resources, Centre for Ocean Life (and
also in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science) at
Technical University of Denmark (DTU). She is now a Post-Doc Assistant
Professor in the Department of Mathematics at University of
Dr. Puck
Rombach, Oxford Centre for Industrial and Applied Mathematics,
Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, Colouring, Centrality
and Core-Periphery Structure in Graphs. (Joint with Alex Scott.)
[Fall 2009--Fall 2013. Puck is now an Assistant Professor in the
Department of Mathematics & Statistics at The University of
Dr. Marta
Sarzynska [Systems Biology Doctoral Training Centre], Oxford
Centre for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Institute,
Spatial Community Structure and Epidemics. (Joint with
Elizabeth Leicht.) [Fall 2011--Summer 2015. Marta is now working for
Bain & Company.]
Dr. Alice
Schwarze, Systems Approaches to Biomedical Sciences Centre for
Doctoral Training, Robustness and Entropy for Dynamics on
Networks (Joint with Jonny Wray of our industrial partner
e-Therapeutics. Also joint formally with Philip Maini.) [Summer
2015--Fall 2019. Now a postdoctoral scholar in the Department of
Biology at University of Washington]
David Spencer, Department of Mathematics, UCLA, Routing on
Transportation Networks. [Fall 2018--Fall 2019. David left the
program with a Masters degree.]
Dr. Jake
Stroud, Life Sciences Interface (LSI) Doctoral Training Centre,
University of Oxford, Spatio-Temporal Control of Network Activity
Through Gain Modulation in Cortical Circuit Models. (Joint with
Tim Vogels.) [Spring 2015--Fall 2018. Now a postdoctoral scholar at
University of Cambridge.]
Dr. Jake
Taylor-King, Systems Biology Doctoral Training Centre, University
of Oxford, A Network Approaching to Modelling Cancer
Ecosystems. (Joint with Jon Chapman and David Basanta. Basanta is
from our industrial partner Moffitt Cancer Center.) [Summer 2014--Fall
2016. Note that I left the supervising team in Fall 2016, with Jon
Chapman and David Basanta remaining as supervisors. Jake has now
finished his D.Phil.]
Dr. Fabian Ying,
Industrially Focused Mathematical Modelling (InFoMM) Centre for
Doctoral Training, University of Oxford, Spatio-temporal Patterns
Among Shoppers. (Joint with Mariano Beguerisse Díaz and Sam
Howison. Our industrial partner is Tesco.) [Spring 2016--Fall
2019. Fabian is now a quantitative researcher at G-Research.]
Masters Students
Walid Ahmad, M.Sc., Masters in Mathematical Modelling and
Scientific Computation (MMSC), Continuous-Time Analysis of Temporal
Networks. (Joint with Mariano Beguerisse Díaz.) [Spring
2016--Sumer 2016]
Daniella Ayala Garcia, M.Sc., Mathematical Modelling and
Scientific Computation, University of Oxford, Temporal Percolation
in the Erdős-Rényi Model and the Effect of
Burstiness. (Joint with Mikko Kivelä.) [Spring 2015--Summer
Beguerisse Díaz, M.Sc., Mathematical Modelling and
Scientific Computation, University of Oxford, Analysis of a Bipartite Network of
Movie Ratings and Catalogue Network Growth Models. (Joint with JP
Onnela.) [Winter--Summer 2008. Mariano subsequently earned a Ph.D. in
the Centre for Integrative Systems Biology at Imperial College London.
He is now a postdoctoral scholar in the Department of Mathematics and
Department of Chemistry at Imperial College. He has a James
S. McDonnell Postdoctoral Fellowship in Complex Systems.]
Liam Brown, Systems Approaches to Biomedical Sciences Centre
for Doctoral Training, Statistics and Inference in Protein
Interaction Networks (Joint with Charlotte Deane and Jonny Wray.)
[Summer 2015]
Michael Byrne,
M.Sc., Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computation, University
of Oxford, Nonlinear Waves in
Granular Latticess. [Spring--Summer 2009. Michael earned a
Ph.D. from the Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary
Sciences at MIT. He was then a postdoctoral scholar in Mechanical and
Process Engineering at ETH Zürich. He is now a research fellow in
Physics at Imperial College.]
Alexandra Darmon, M.Sc., Masters in Mathematical Modelling and
Scientific Computation (MMSC), Algorithmic Classification of
Writing Styles via Time-Series Analysis of Punctuation. (Joint
with Sam Howison and Marya Bazzi.) [Spring 2016--Summer 2016. Now
works as a data scientist for Fuse Mobile Technologies Ltd.]
Benjamin Franz, M.Sc., Mathematical Modelling and Scientific
Computation, University of Oxford, Synchronisation Properties of an
Agent-Based Animal Behaviour Model. (Joint with Marian Dawkins.)
[Spring--Summer 2009. Ben received a Distinction in the M.Sc. program
and also won the Nuclear Electric Prize for being the top student in
the program. He is now a D.Phil. student in OCCAM in the Mathematical
Institute at University of Oxford.]
Jasvir Grewal, M.Sc., Mathematical Modelling and Scientific
Computation, University of Oxford, Cooperation Versus Dominance Hierarchies in
Animal Groups. (Joint with Marian Dawkins and Cameron Hall. Jas
received a Distinction in the M.Sc. program.) [Spring--Summer
Wojciech Gryc, M.Sc., Mathematical Modelling and Scientific
Computation, University of Oxford, Modelling Cabinet Networks in
Parliamentary Democracies. [Spring--Summer 2009. Wojciech then
earned a Masters degree in the Oxford Internet Institute and employed
by McKinsey & Company as a Business Technology Associate before
founding Canopy Labs (where he is the CEO).]
Cu Hauw ("Willy") Hung, Department of Computer Science, UCLA,
Bus Transportation for the Los Angeles Unified School
District. [Winter 2019--Spring 2019]
Georgios Kapros-Anastasiadis, M.Sc., Mathematical Modelling and
Scientific Computation, University of Oxford, Cascades on Temporal
Networks. [Spring--Summer 2012]
Laura Keating, M.Sc., Mathematical Modelling and Scientific
Computation, University of Oxford, A Test of Time:
Time-Aggregated Networks and Time-Ordered Networks in Behavioural
Ecology. [Spring--Summer 2012. In Fall 2012, Laura interned with
Save The Elephants (STE) in Kenya, where she used her skills in
network analysis to help in their study of elephants. She is now
working for Strategic Decisions Group.]
Melissa Lever, Systems Biology Doctoral Training Centre,
University of Oxford, Characterising Patients and
Controls with Brain Graphs Constructed from fMRI Data. (Joint with
Sang Hoon Lee.) [Summer 2012. Melissa earned a D.Phil. in the
Department of Pathology at University of Oxford and is now a postdoc
in the Computational Systems Biology Laboratory at University of
São Paolo.]
Antoine Levitt, M.Sc., Mathematical Modelling and Scientific
Computation, University of Oxford, Nonlinear Waves in Granular Crystals.
[Spring--Summer 2010. Earned a Ph.D. in applied mathematics from
Université Paris-Dauphine. He then did postdocs at Commissariat
à l'Énergie Atomique in the Direction des applications
militaires in Bruyères-le-Châtel and then in the
Laboratoire Lacques-Louis Lions at Paris 6. He is now a research
faculty member on the Materials Team at Inria Paris and École
des Ponts.]
Dimitri Lozeve, M.Sc., Statistical Science, University of
Oxford, Topological Data Analysis of Temporal Networks. (Joint
with Heather Harrington and Renaud Lambiotte. [For bureaucractic
reasons, Gesine Reinert is actually listed as the supervisor on
paper.]) [Spring 2018--Summer 2018]
Lasse Mohr Mikkelsen, Applied Mathematics and Computer Science,
Technical University of Denmark, Median-Based Bounded-Confidence
Opinion Models on Networks (joint with Poul Hjorth) [Winter
2021--Summer 2021. Now a Ph.D. student in Applied Mathematics and
Computer Science at Technical University of Denmark.]
Priya Narayan, M.Sc., Mathematical Modelling and Scientific
Computation, University of Oxford, Mathematics Genealogy Networks.
(Joint with Elizabeth Leicht.) [Spring--Summer 2011]
Sofian Otmani, M.Sc., Mathematics and the Foundations of
Computer Science, University of Oxford, Random Graph Models with
Clustering. (Also, here is the cover page.) [Spring--Summer
2009. He subsequently worked for Market Sentinel, Winton Group, and
Bloomberg LP. He is now a Lead Engineer at Onfido.]
John Pearson, M.Sc., Mathematical Modelling and Scientific
Computation, University of Oxford, Computation of Hypergeometric
Functions. [Code] (Joint with Sheehan
Olver, Computing Laboratory; sponsored by the Numerical Algorithms
Group.) [Spring--Summer 2009. John received a Distinction in the
M.Sc. program and is now a D.Phil. student in Numerical Analysis (in
the Mathematical Institute) at University of Oxford.]
Tom Prescott, Life Sciences Interface Doctoral Training Centre,
University of Oxford, Examining Dynamic Network
Structure in Relation to the Spread of Infectious Diseases.
(Joint with Elizabeth Leicht.) [Summer 2011. Tom is now a
D.Phil. student in Engineering Science at University of Oxford. After
he graduates, he will be a postdoctoral scholar in Engineering Science
at University of Oxford.]
Erin Price-Wright, M.Sc., Mathematics and the Foundations of
Computer Science, University of Oxford, A Topological Approach to
Temporal Networks. (Joint with Heather Harrington.) [Spring
2015--Summer 2015. Erin now works for Palantir.]
Patrick Raanes, M.Sc., Mathematical Modelling and Scientific
Computation, University of Oxford, Crowding: Using Statics to Understand the
Dynamics of Densely Packed Hard Particles. (Joint with Radek
Erban and Nick Jones.) [Spring--Summer 2010. Patrick received a
Distinction in the M.Sc. program. He subsequently earned a D.Phil. in
the Mathematical Institute (in the OCIAM group) at University of
Oxford and is now a postdoc in the Nansen Environmental and Remote
Sensing Center.]
Ben Sparks, M.Sc., Mathematical Modelling and Scientific
Computation, University of Oxford, Plastic Self-Organizing Maps and
Classification of Radar Data. [Code] (Joint with Philip Bond and the
Thales Group.) [Spring--Summer 2008. Ben received a Distinction in the
M.Sc. program and is currently teaching, traveling, and busking as he
decides what to do next.]
Leo Speidel, Systems Biology Doctoral Training Centre, A
Spatially-Embedded Random-Graph Model Based on Random Sequential
Adsorption. (Joint with Heather Harrington and Jon Chapman.)
[Spring 2016--Summer 2016. Leo is now a doctoral student in Statistics
at University of Oxford.]
Bernadette Stolz, M.Sc., Mathematical Modelling and Scientific
Computation, University of Oxford, Computational Topology in
Neuroscience. (Joint with Heather Harrington.) [Spring
2014--Summer 2014, Summer 2015] In Fall 2014, Bernadette started a
D.Phil. at University of Oxford in the Centre for Doctoral Training on
Systems Approaches to Biomedical Sciences (SABS). In Summer 2015, she
did a lab-rotation project with me (jointly supervised by Heather
Harrington) on Analysis of Persistent Homology in Neuronal
Networks. [Now a D.Phil. student in the Mathematical Institute at
University of Oxford]
Chang Wang, M.Sc., Mathematical Modelling and Scientific
Computation, University of Oxford, Collisionally Inhomogeneous
Bose-Einstein Condensates. [Spring--Summer 2011. Chang received a
Distinction in the program. Chang is now a D.Phil. student in OCIAM
in the Mathematical Institute at University of Oxford.]
Annika Wipprecht, M.Sc., Mathematical Modelling and Scientific
Computation, University of Oxford, Structure of Charity
Networks. [Spring--Summer 2011. Annika is now a Ph.D. student in
Mathematical Finance at University College London.]
Undergraduate Students
Ahmed Allibhoy, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics (double
major), UCLA, Cluster Synchronization on Networks [Summer
2017--Summer 2018. Ahmed is now a Ph.D. student in Mechanical
Engineering at UC San Diego.]
Julie Bjornstad, Discrete Math, Georgia Tech, A Dynamical Systems Approach to Modeling Plankton
Food Webs. (Joint with Leonid Bunimovich and Chris Klausmeier.)
[Summer 2004--Spring 2005. Subsequently earned a Masters degree in
City and Regional Planning at University of North Carolina at Chapel
William Black, Mathematics, UCLA, Kuramoto Models with
Inertia [Summer 2017--Fall 2018]
Thomas S. Callaghan, Applied Math, Georgia Tech, Random Walker Rankings for NCAA
Division-IA College Football. (Joint with Peter Mucha.) [Summer
2003--Fall 2004. Thomas was a Goldwater Fellow. After Georgia Tech,
Thomas earned a Ph.D. in Stanford University's Institute for
Computational Mathematics and Engineering and was then a postdoc
("VIGRE Instructor") in the Department of Computational and Applied
Mathematics at Rice University. He is now in The Bahamas and is
working for the hedge fund Quantres. (Thomas is the ultimate VIGRE
poster child, and that dates all the way back to his undergrad
Natasha ("Alex") Cayco Gajic, Applied & Computational
Mathematics, Caltech, Splay
States in Coupled Phase Oscillators. (Joint with Mike Cross and
Jeff Rogers.) [Summer 2007. Alex earned a Ph.D. in applied mathematics
from University of Washington in 2015. (She was also the recipient of
an NSF Graduate Fellowship.) She is now a postdoc in experimental
neuroscience at University College London. Starting in Fall 2019, Alex
will be an assistant professor in Cognitive Studies at École
Normale Supérieure in Paris.]
Callum Chalk, Physics, University of Oxford, Detecting False Negatives in
Networks. (Joint with Nick Jones, although D.Phil. students Sumeet
Agarwal, Anna Lewis, and Phillip Staniczenko are the ones who actually
advised Callum.) [Winter 2010. Callum graduated from Oxford in
Kai ("Theodore") Charm, Mathematics, University of
Oxford, Ecological Implications of Compensatory
Perturbations. [Summer 2012]
Qinyi Chen, Mathematics, UCLA, Disease Dynamics on Tie-Decay
Networks [Spring 2019--Summer 2020. Qinyi is now a Ph.D. student
in Operations Research at MIT.]
Xi ("Sherry") Chen, Applied and Computational Mathematics,
Caltech, Synchronization
in Antiferromagnetic Oscillator Systems. (Joint with Mike Cross
and Jeff Rogers.) [Summer 2007. Sherry is now a Ph.D. student in Electrical
Engineering at University of Washington.]
Vivien P. Chua,
Electrical & Computer Engineering, Georgia Tech, Spatial Resonance Overlap in Bose-Einstein
Condensates in Superlattice Potentials. [Fall 2003, Spring
2004--Fall 2004. Vivien earned a Ph.D. from Stanford University's
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering in 2011, and she is
now an assistant professor in the Department of Civil and
Environmental Engineering at National University of Singapore.]
Marieth Coetzer, Data Theory, UCLA, A Bounded-Confidence
Model of Opinion Dynamics with Peacemakers [Spring 2023. Marieth
is now a Masters student at the Oxford Internet Institute at
University of Oxford.]
Max Collins, Harvey Mudd College, Opinion Dynamics on
Networks [Summer 2023. Joint with Sarah Tymochko]
Alexei ("Leo") Dachevski, Electrical & Computer Engineering,
Georgia Tech, A Dynamical Systems
Approach to Modeling Plankton Food Webs. (Joint with Leonid
Bunimovich and Chris Klausmeier.) [Summer 2004--Spring 2005. Leo
subsequently earned an M.Sc. degree in Algorithms, Combinatorics, and
Optimization from Georgia Tech. He now works as a biostatistician for
the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.]
Anupam Das, Mathematics, University of Oxford,
Network Growth Mechanisms for Social Networking Sites. [Summer
2009. Anupam is now a Ph.D. student in Computer Science at University
of Bath.]
Eoin Devane, Mathematics, University of Oxford, Spectral Analysis of the Quantization
of a Mixed System. [Summer 2010. Eoin subsequently earned a
Ph.D. in Mathematics from University of Cambridge in the Cambridge
Centre for Analysis (which is a Doctoral Training Centre).]
Max Eisenberg, Mathematics, UCLA, A Coupled
Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible-Infected Model of Two Sexually
Transmitted Diseases (joint with Christine Kling) [Fall
2023--Spring 2024]
Robyn Ffrancon, Physics, Cardiff University (visiting
student), Family Names and Geographic Movement in Korea. (Joint
with Sang Hoon Lee.) [Summer 2012. Robyn is now a Ph.D. student in
physics at University of Gothenburg.]
Ryan Flanagan, Mathematics, University of Oxford,
Analysis of Separated Cognitive States in the Human Brain. (Joint
with Sang Hoon Lee.) [Summer 2013--Winter 2014. Ryan is continuing his
research during Summer 2014. Ryan is now a Ph.D. student in
Mathematics at Queen Mary University of London.]
Felix Flicker, Physics, University of Oxford, Nonlinear Waves in Granular
Crystals. [Winter 2010. Felix subsequently earned a Ph.D. in
Physics at University of Bristol and is now a postdoctoral scholar in
physics at UC Berkeley.]
Chloe Florit, Mathematics, UCLA, An Agent-Based Model of
Evacuation from Buildings (joint with Grace Li) [Winter
2023--Spring 2023]
A. J. Friend, Discrete
Mathematics, Georgia Tech, Community Structure in Congressional
Committee Networks. (Joint with Peter Mucha.) [Spring
2005--Spring 2006. A.J. is an NSF Fellow, a Goldwater Fellow, and the
2009 recipient of Georgia Tech's Phi Beta Kappa award for the best
graduating senior. He is now a Ph.D. student in Stanford University's
Institute for Computational Mathematics and Engineering.]
Stephanie (Chung) Garrison, Applied Math, Georgia Tech, A Singular Value Decomposition Analysis of
Grade Distributions. (Joint with Shui-Nee Chow.) [Summer
2004--Spring 2005. Stephanie is now an actuary at Safeco (now party of
Liberty Mutual) in Seattle. She is in the personal lines auto pricing
Zhuying ("Emily") Gong, Mathematics, UCLA, Twitter Debates
on COVID-19 Policy in China, Multilayer Functional Brain
Networks, and Opinion Dynamics on Networks [Summer
2022--Spring 2024. The opinion-dynamics project is mentored jointly
with Sarah Tymochko.]
Matt Grau, Physics, Caltech, Synchronization in Small Systems of
Nanomechanical Oscillators. Here is his 2009 Caltech senior thesis, which
follows up on his SURF report. (Joint with Mike Cross and Jeff
Rogers.) [Summer 2007. Matt earned a Ph.D. in Physics from University
of Colorado at Boulder and is now a postdoctoral scholar in physics
(doing experimental quantum information) at ETH Zurich.]
Jack Guo, Computational & Systems Biology, UCLA,
Simulated Dynamics of a 3-Neuron Network [Winter 2017--Summer
Harsh Gupta, Economics, UCLA, Prefential Attachment and
Discrete-Choice Models [Summer 2019. Harsh is now a Ph.D. student
in economics at Stanford University]
Christine ("Mika") Hamakawa, Data Theory, UCLA, Modeling the
Bamboo Ceiling (joint with Michelle Feng) [Summer 2020--Spring
2023. Mika now works at Microsoft.]
Xie He, Mathematics, UCLA, Community Structure in Multiplex
and Temporal Networks [Spring 2019--Summer 2019. Xie is now a
Ph.D. student in mathematics at University of North Carolina at Chapel
Jamie Hill, Physics, University of Oxford, The Physics of Crowding, Packing,
and Adsorbing. (Joint with Radek Erban and Nick Jones.) [Winter
2009. Jamie is now a D.Phil. student in the Systems Biology Doctoral
Training Centre at University of Oxford.]
Sujai Hiremath, Mathematics, Caltech, Bounded-Confidence Models
on Networks (Joint with Franca Hoffmann and Heather Brooks) [Summer
Tom Hosking, Physics, University of Oxford, Random Networks with Clustering. (Joint with
Nick Jones.) [Winter 2010. Tom graduated from Oxford in 2010.]
Rong ("Rose") Huang, Mathematics, UCLA, Biological
Contagions on Networks [Fall 2017--Winter 2018]
Matthew Hudes, Applied Mathematics, Tufts University,
Detecting Anomalies in Traffic Patterns [Summer 2021]
Unchitta Kanjanasaratool, Applied Mathematics, UCLA,
Bounded-Confidence Models of Opinion Dynamics on Adaptive Networks
(Joint with Michelle Feng.) [Fall 2019--Summer 2020. Now a
Ph.D. student in computational social science at George Mason
Ta Chu ("Calvin") Kao, Physics, University of Oxford,
Multilayer Networks. [Fall 2015--Winter 2016]
Kelsic, Physics, Caltech, Community Detection in Facebook Networks.
[Summer 2005. Eric was an NDSEG fellow and earned a Ph.D. systems
biology from Harvard University. He is now a postdoc in genetics at
Harvard Medical School.]
Dominic Kerr, Mathematics, University of Oxford, Modelling Terrorist Networks. [Fall
2010--Winter 2011. Dom is now a Ph.D. student in University of
Warwick's Doctoral Training Centre on Complex Systems.]
Ritvik Kharkar, Mathematics of Computation (and a second major
in Economics), UCLA, Data-Driven Forecasting of Retention Within
the UCLA Mathematics Major. [Fall 2016--Spring 2017]
Jennifer Kitson, Mathematics, University of Oxford,
Robustness in
Interdependent Networks. [Fall 2013--Winter 2014. Jen now works at
Metaswitch Networks.]
Klingner, Physics, University of Oxford, Opinion Models on Networks with
Community Structure. (Joint with Nick Jones and David Smith.)
[Winter 2009. Franziska subsequently became a student at Max Planck
Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, and I believe that she
now works for McKinsey & Company.]
Christian Klinteberg, visiting student, Engineering Physics,
University of Lund, Opinion Dynamics and Structural Balance on
Networks [Summer 2018]
Yi Ming Lai, Mathematics, University of Oxford, Nonlinear Waves in Randomised
Granular Chains. [Summer 2008--Summer 2009. Yi Ming subsequently
earned a D.Phil. in the Mathematical Institute at University of
Oxford. He then became a postdoctoral scholar in the Department of
Mathematics & Statistics at University of Strathclyde and is now a
Research Fellow in the School of Computing at University of
Li, Mathematics, Caltech, The Dynamics of Plankton Under the Effect
of Resource Fluctuations. [Summer 2005. Sean earned a Ph.D. in
Mathematics from New York University (Courant Institute) in 2013 and
was then an L. E. Dickson Instructore (i.e., postdoctoral scholar) in
Mathematics at University of Chicago (with an NSF Postdoctoral
Fellowship) He is now an Assistant Professor in the Department of
Mathematics at University of Connecticut.]
Wenda Li, Mathematics, UCLA, Synchronization on Networks
[Winter 2018--Summer 2018]
Haebin ("Zelda") Lim, Caltech (visiting student), Neural
Networks and Category Theory [Spring 2017--Spring 2018]
Hanfei Lin, Applied Mathematics (with a specialization in
computing), UCLA, A Model for the Spread of West Nile Fever
[Spring 2022]
Andy Liu, Mathematics, UCLA, Growth Mechanisms for Geometric
Networks [Summer 2018--Summer 2019. Andy is now a Ph.D. student in
mathematics at University of Utah]
Qingze ("Tony") Liu, Mathematics of Computation, UCLA,
Ranking Systems and Networks [Summer 2018--Summer 2020]
Gabrielle Lorenzi, Mathematics, UCLA, Networks, Bias, and
Self-Segregation of Women and Minorities in Academia (Joint with
Heather Brooks) [Spring 2019--present]
Matt Lowe, Mathematics, University of Oxford, Attachment Mechanisms in Catalogue
Networks. (Joint with Nick Jones.) [Summer 2009. Matt is now
working for Metaswitch Networks.]
Olya Mandelshtam, Mathematics and Computer Science, Caltech, Growth Models for Online Social
Networks. [Summer 2007. Olya graduated from Caltech in 2009. She
earned a Ph.D. in Mathematics from UC Berkeley in 2016, was then a
postdoc in Mathematics at UCLA, and is currently a postdoc in
Mathematics at Brown University.]
Nino Migineishvili, Computing and Mathematical Sciences, UCLA,
Using "Big Data" to Improve Social Problems [Winter
2018--Spring 2018]
Julianne Miller, Astrophysics, UCLA, Hyperuniform Networks
and Granular Materials [Summer 2021--Spring 2022. Now a
Ph.D. student in Astronomy at Washington State University.]
Behram Mistree, Mathematics, MIT, A Continuum Coupled Map Approach to Modeling
Pattern Formation in Periodically Forced Granular Media. (Joint
with Shui-Nee Chow.) [Summer 2003. Behram subsequently earned a
B.S. in electrical engineering and computer science (EECS) from MIT in
2007 and then got an M.Eng. in EECS from MIT in 2008. He is currently
enrolled in the Ph.D. program in Electrical Engineering at Stanford
Nick Monozon, Applied Mathematics, UCLA, Preferential
Attachment of Hypergraphs [Winter 2023--Spring 2024]
Siqiao Mu, Applied and Computational Mathematics, Caltech,
Spreading of COVID-19 on Networks (Joint with Franca Hoffmann
and Heather Brooks) [Spring 2020--Summer 2020. Siqiao is now a
Ph.D. student in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics at
Northwestern University.]
Yulian Ng, Mathematics, University of Oxford, Community Structure in
Epidemics. [Fall 2010--Winter 2011. Yulian then became a
Ph.D. student in Computing at Imperial College.]
Arie Ogranovich, Rice University, Opinion Dynamics on
Networks [Summer 2023. Joint with Sarah Tymochko]
Alex Pan, Mathematics, Caltech, Opinion Formation on
Networks (Joint with Franca Hoffmann, Caltech and Heather Brooks,
UCLA) [Summer 2019]
Annie Rak, visiting student, Multi-Particle Billiards
and Data Analysis of Bicycle Usage in Cities (two separate
projects) [Fall 2017--Winter 2018]
James Ramsay, University of Oxford, Cascades on
Networks. (Joint with Sergey Melnik.) [Fall 2011. James
technically had just finished his undergraduate Mathematics degree at
Oxford when he worked with me. He is now a petroleum engineer at ERC
Stephen Reid, Physics, University of Oxford, Legislatures as Spin Glasses.
(Joint with Nick Jones and JP Onnela.) [Winter 2008. Stephen
subsequently got a Masters degree in Complex Systems from University
of Bristol, then worked at New Economics Foundatio, and is now founder
and director of The Psychadelic Society.]
Xiaojing ("Lily") Ren, visiting student, To Be Determined on
contagions on networks [Spring 2019--Summer 2019]
Teresa Rexin, Mathematics, UCLA, Mobility and Short
Paths [Summer 2020--Spring 2021. Teresa is now a Masters student
in statistics at UC San Diego]
Jennifer Rieser, Physics, Georgia Tech, Transient Amplification and Contact Line
Instability in the Spreading of a Thin Liquid Film. (Joint with
Slaven Peles.) [Fall 2004--Spring 2005. Jennifer obtained a Masters in
Physics from Cornell University subsequently earned her Ph.D. in
Physics from University of Pennsylvania. She is now a postdoc in
Physics at Georgia Tech.]
Edward Rolls, Mathematics, University of Oxford, Stability
of Complex Ecosystems [Summer 2012] and subsequently Sports Coaching Networks: Using
Community Detection to Analyse Coaching Strategies. [Fall
2013--Winter 2014]. [Starting in Fall 2014, Eddie will be a D.Phil.
student in the Systems Biology Doctoral Training Centre at University
of Oxford.]
Tachin ("Bank") Ruangkriengsin, Mathematics, UCLA, Kuramoto
Models with Inertia and Human Mobility Models [Spring
2020--Spring 2022. Now a Ph.D. student in Applied and Computational
Mathematics at Princeton University.]
Steffen Schaper, Physics, University of Oxford, Network Discovery. (Joint with
Nick Jones and Eduardo Lopez.) [Winter 2009. Steffen is now a
D.Phil. student in Theoretical Physics at University of Oxford.]
Caroline Seabrook, Applied Math, Georgia Tech, A Singular Value Decomposition Analysis of
Grade Distributions. (Joint with Shui-Nee Chow.) [Summer
2004--Spring 2005. Caroline is now a Ph.D. student in statistics at
North Carolina State University. (She earned her Masters in that
program in Spring 2007.) She is concurrently working as a graduate
assistant at SAS Institute Inc.]
James Service, Physics, University of Oxford, Discrete
Vortices in Bose-Einstein Condensates. (Joint with Dieter Jaksch.)
[Winter 2010]
Sarah Sotoudeh, Data Theory, UCLA, Data Analysis of
Influence in Congress (joint with Sanjukta Krishnagopal) [Winter
2023--Winter 2024]
Joe Staines, Physics, University of Oxford, The Impact of the Credit Crisis on
Correlation in Foreign Exchange Markets. (Joint with Sam Howison,
although my D.Phil. student Martin Gould is the one who actually
advised Joe in practice.) [Winter 2010. Joe is now a Ph.D. student at
the Centre in Financial Computing at University College London.]
Adrianne Stroup, Aeronautics, Caltech, Dynamics of Multi-Component Pendula. [Summer
2004. Adrianne is now working as a Systems Engineer at Amonix
Robert Sworder, Mathematics, University of Oxford,
Matter-Wave Solitons in Dynamical Superlattices. [Summer
2008. Robert is now working as a software developer for Metaswitch
Jessica Tran, Mathematics of Computation, UCLA, Data-Driven
Forecasting of Retention Within the UCLA Mathematics Major". [Fall
2016--Spring 2017]
Anna Tsai, Physics, UCLA, Magnetic Billiards [Fall 2020--Winter
Jessica (Snyder) Troyer, Applied Math, Georgia Tech,
Mathematical Models of Bipolar Disorder. [Summer 2003. After
graduation, Jessica worked at L-3 Communications Corporation in
Huntsville, Alabama. She is now working on raising two young
Varchasvi Vedula, Statistics, UCLA, Multilayer
Transportation Networks [Fall 2020--Spring 2021. Varchasvi is now
a Masters student in statistics at Columbia University]
Ruixiao Wang, Mathematics of Computation, UCLA, Dynamics of
the Glass Ceiling on Networks (joint with Heather Zinn Brooks)
[Winter 2021--Spring 2022. Now a Ph.D. student in Statistics and Data
Science at Yale University.]
William ("Austin") Webb, Computer Science, Caltech, Spectral Statistics in Quantum Mushroom
Billiards. [Summer 2006. Austin earned a Ph.D. in the Computer
Science and Engineering program at University of Washington. He was
then a software engineer at Algorithmia Inc and is now the
algorithmist at Enigma Technologies.]
Tatjana Wiese, Mathematics, Caltech, Faraday Patterns in Bose-Einstein
Condensates. [Summer 2006. Tatjana completed the one-year
post-baccalaureate IRTA program at the National Institutes of Health
and is now a Ph.D. student in Naural Computation at Carnegie Mellon
Nicholas White, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Opinion
Dynamics on Networks [Summer 2023. Joint with Sarah Tymochko]
Ruiyao Xu, Mathematics, UCLA, Community Structure in
Networks of Reddit Discussions of COVID-19 [Fall 2022--Spring
2023. Ruiyao is now a PhD student in Statistics at Northwestern
Xiangyun ("Ella") Xu, Mathematics and Statistics, University of
Oxford, An Analysis of Voting
Gerrymandering with Matrices. (Joint with Nick Jones.) [Summer
2008. Ella subsequently earned a Masters degree in Financial
Engineering from Columbia University.]
Fabian Ying, Mathematics, University of Oxford, Dynamical Processes on Random
Geometric Graphs. (Joint with Sang Hoon Lee.) [Summer 2013. Since
Fall 2015, Fabian has been a D.Phil. student in the Mathematical
Institute at University of Oxford. He is in the Industrially Focused
Mathematical Modelling Centre for Doctoral Training, and I am one of
his supervisors.]
Ethan Young, Data Theory, UCLA, Dynamical Importance and
Network Perturbations [Spring 2022--winter 2024]
Xiaohe ("Haley") Zhang, Mathematics and Neuroscience, UCLA,
Bounded-Confidence Models with Repulsion (joint with Jerry Luo)
[Winter 2022--Spring 2022]
Yan Zhang, Mathematics, Caltech, Legislation Cosponsorship Networks in
Congress. [Summer 2006. Yan earned a Ph.D. student in Mathematics
from University of Chicago and was the recipient of an NSF graduate
fellowship. He then got a job as a quantitative analyst at Deutsche
Bank and subsequently at the Citi group.]
Pei Zhou, Mathematics of Computation, UCLA, Sentiment
Analysis in Online Political Discussions (Joint with Yizhou Sun)
[Fall 2017--Summer 2019. Pei is now a Ph.D. student in computer
science at University of Southern California]
Keyu ("Kurt") Zhu, Mathematics, Shanghai Jaio Tong University
(visiting student from Cross-disciplinary Scholars in Science and
Technology (CSST) program), Games on Networks [Summer
2017. Starting in Fall 2018, Keyu will be a Ph.D. student in
Industrial & Systems Engineering at Georgia Tech.]
Joseph Zicaro, Computational & Systems Biology, UCLA,
Analysis of a Social Network in Rural Korea [Fall 2018--Spring
Xinzhe Zuo, Mathematics and Physics (double major), UCLA,
Nonlinear Lattices with Long-Range Interactions and
Continuous-Time Networks with Tie Decay and Growth [Winter
2018--Summer 2019. Xinzhe is now a Ph.D. student in biomathematics at
Past Visitors
Prof. Alex
Arenas, Enginyeria Informática i Matemátiques,
Universitat Rovira i Virgili. [7/12]
Prof. Erik
M. Bollt, Mathematics & Computer Science, Clarkson
University. [8/09--10/09]
Alessandro Cavalleri, Masters Student, Economics, Sapienza
University of Rome, Risk Sharing in Multilayer Networks [May
2023--June 2023]
Dr. Davide Cellai,
Mathematics & Statistics, University of Limerick. (Visiting
postdoctoral scholar) [2/11]
Dr. Alina Dubovskaya, Postdoctoral Scholar, Mathematics and
Statistics, University of Limerick, Effects of Different Opinion
Distributions on Bounded-Confidence Models of Opinion Dynamics
[May 2023--July 2023]
Pau Erola,
Enginyeria Informática i Matemátiques, Universitat
Rovira i Virgili, Routing Dynamics on Internet
Networks. (Visiting Ph.D. student. Sang Hoon Lee was the main
advisor, and I was the secondary advisor.) [9/12--6/13]
Søgaard Juul, Niels Bohr Institute, University of
Copenhagen, Social Influence on Networks with Synergy and
Hipsters (Visiting Masters student [4/15--7/15] and Visiting
Ph.D. student [11/17, 5/19])[Jonas is now a Ph.D. student at the Niels
Bohr Institute at University of Copenhagen.]
Florian Klimm, Physics, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin,
Filtrations and Contagion Dynamics on Networks. (Visiting
Masters student) [8/13--10/13. Flow is now a D.Phil. student at
University of Oxford in the Centre for Doctoral Training on Systems
Approaches to Biomedical Sciences (SABS).]
Dr. Lucas Lacasa,
Mathematical Sciences, Queen Mary University of London, Fidelity
and Loschmidt Echoes on Networks [7/17--8/17]
Dr. Yi Ming
Lai, School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Nottingham
[1/18--2/18; 10/18--11/18]
Dr. Sergey Melnik,
Mathematics & Statistics, University of Limerick, Cascades on
Networks. (Visiting postdoctoral scholar) [1/10--3/10]
Camilo Palazuelos Calderón, Universidad de Cantabria,
Time-Dependent Community Structure in Networks. (Visiting
Ph.D. student) [9/13--11/13]
Yohei Sakamoto, Physics, Kyoto University, Exploring the
Adjacent Possible with Random Walks on Networks [10/15--1/16;
visiting Ph.D. student]
Prof. Jesús San Martín Moreno, Matemática
Aplicada, ETSIDI, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Time Towards
Convergence to Periodic Orbits in Discrete Dynamical
Systems. [9/12--12/12]
Prof. Jesús San Martín Moreno, Matemática
Aplicada, ETSIDI, Universidad Polit?cnica de Madrid, An Agent-Based
Model for Foliage Growth. [8/17--9/17]
Prof. Madabushi Srinivasan Santhanam, Indian Institute of
Science Education and Research (IISER) [7/15--8/15]