Igor Pak Home Page

Here should be my picture.


I am a Professor at the Mathematics Department at UCLA. I am a member of the Combinatorics Group, one of the oldest Combinatorics group in the US (see the History of Combinatorics at UCLA).

Before coming here, I was at University of Minnesota and MIT. Prior to that, I was a Gibbs Instructor at Yale University and a Postdoctoral Fellow at MSRI. I got my Ph.D. from Harvard University. I did my undergraduate studies at Moscow State University. I went to Moscow High School 57.


I work in Discrete Mathematics. More specifically, my research spans the following topics:

My undergraduate advisor was Alexandre Kirillov (currently at UPenn). My graduate advisor was Persi Diaconis (currently at Stanford). As a postdoc at Yale, I was working with László Lovász (currently at Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, Hungary). As a NSF postdoc at MIT, I was working with Richard Stanley (still at MIT but also at University of Miami).

My book: Lectures on Discrete and Polyhedral Geometry.

Popular math writing links:


Selected courses:

For other past courses, see my Teaching Page.

Selected lectures:

For other (mostly older) lectures, see my Lectures Page.


I have a dated short (.pdf file, 1.5 pages) and an extended (.pdf file, 35 pages) versions of the resume.
I also have a dated list of my coauthors with their web pages (if available).

Former Ph.D. students:


Olga Pak Graphic Design

Contact information:

Igor Pak
Department of Mathematics, UCLA
Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA
Office: Math Sciences 6125
Phone: (310) 825-4701 (no message service)
Fax: (310) 206-6673
E-mail: my last name AT math DOT ucla.edu

Last updated: 7/29/2024