The R base package

[Package List] [Top]


! Logical Operators
!= Relational Operators
$ Extract or Replace Parts of an Object
%% Arithmetic Operators
%*% Matrix Multiplication
%/% Arithmetic Operators
%in% Value Matching
%o% Outer Product of Arrays
%x% Kronecker Product of Arrays
& Logical Operators
&& Logical Operators
* Arithmetic Operators
+ Arithmetic Operators
- Arithmetic Operators
-> Assign a Value to a Name
->> Assign a Value to a Name
.Alias Create Alias (Pointer) to R Object
.Autoloaded Loading and Listing of Packages
.AutoloadEnv On-demand Loading of Packages
.C Foreign Function Interface
.Call Foreign Function Interface
.Class Internal and Group Methods and Generic Functions
.Defunct Defunct Functions
.Deprecated Deprecated Functions
.Device Control Multiple Devices
.Devices Control Multiple Devices
.Dyn.libs Loading Shared Libraries
.External Foreign Function Interface
.First Initialization at Start of an R Session
.First.lib Loading and Listing of Packages
.Fortran Foreign Function Interface
.Generic Internal and Group Methods and Generic Functions
.GlobalEnv Environment Access
.Group Internal and Group Methods and Generic Functions
.Internal Call an Internal Function
.Last Terminate an R Session
.Last.value Value of Last Evaluated Expression
.lib.loc Loading and Listing of Packages
.Library Loading and Listing of Packages
.Machine Machine Characteristics
.Method Internal and Group Methods and Generic Functions
.NotYetImplemented Not Yet Implemented Functions and Unused Arguments
.NotYetUsed Not Yet Implemented Functions and Unused Arguments
.Options Options Settings
.packages Loading and Listing of Packages
.Pars Set or Query Graphical Parameters
.path.package Loading and Listing of Packages
.Platform Platform Specific Variables
.PostScript.Options PostScript Graphics
.Primitive Call a ``Primitive'' Internal Function
.Provided Loading and Listing of Packages
.Random.seed Random Number Generation
.Rprofile Initialization at Start of an R Session
.Traceback Print Call Stack of Last Error
/ Arithmetic Operators
: Sequence Generation
< Relational Operators
<= Relational Operators
== Relational Operators
> Relational Operators
>= Relational Operators
? Documentation

-- A --

abbreviate Abbreviate Strings
abline Add a Straight Line to a Plot
abs Miscellaneous Mathematical Functions
acos Trigonometric Functions
acosh Hyperbolic Functions
add.scope Compute Allowed Changes in Adding to or Dropping from a Formula
add1 Add or Drop All Possible Single Terms to a Model
aggregate Compute Summary Statistics of Data Subsets
airmiles Commercial Airline Mileage
airquality New York Air Quality Measurements
alias Find Aliases (Dependencies) in a Model
alist Lists - Generic and Dotted Pairs
all Are All Values True?
all.equal Test if Two Objects are (Nearly) Equal
all.names Find All Names in an Expression
all.vars Find All Names in an Expression
anova Anova Tables
anova.glm Accessing Generalized Linear Model Fits
anova.glmlist Accessing Generalized Linear Model Fits
anova.lm Accessing Linear Model Fits
anova.mlm Anova Tables
anovalist.lm Accessing Linear Model Fits
anscombe Anscombe's Quartet of ``Identical'' Simple Linear Regressions
any Are Values True?
aov Fit an Analysis of Variance Model
aperm Array Transposition
append Vector Merging
apply Apply Functions Over Array Margins
approx Interpolation Functions
approxfun Interpolation Functions
apropos Find Objects by (Partial) Name
Arg Complex Vectors
args Argument List of a Function
Arithmetic Arithmetic Operators
array Multi-way Arrays
arrows Add Arrows to a Plot
as.array Multi-way Arrays Function Calls
as.char.or.expr Coerce to Character or Expression
as.character Character Vectors
as.complex Complex Vectors Data Frames
as.double Double Precision Vectors
as.expression Unevaluated Expressions
as.factor Factors
as.formula Model Formulae
as.function Convert Object to Function
as.integer Integer Vectors
as.list Lists - Generic and Dotted Pairs
as.logical Logical Vectors
as.matrix Matrices
as.matrix.noquote Class for ``no quote'' Printing of Strings Variable Names
as.null The Null Object
as.numeric Numeric Vectors
as.ordered Factors
as.pairlist Lists - Generic and Dotted Pairs
as.qr The QR Decomposition of a Matrix
as.real Real Vectors
as.single Double Precision Vectors
as.ts Time-Series Objects
as.vector Vectors
asin Trigonometric Functions
asinh Hyperbolic Functions
assign Assign a Value to a Name
atan Trigonometric Functions
atan2 Trigonometric Functions
atanh Hyperbolic Functions
attach Attach Set of R Objects to Search Path
attenu The Joyner-Boore Attenuation Data
attitude Attitudes Toward Supervisors
attr Object Attributes
attr.all.equal Test if Two Objects are (Nearly) Equal
attributes Object Attribute Lists
autoload On-demand Loading of Packages
autoloader On-demand Loading of Packages
ave Group Averages Over Level Combinations of Factors
axis Add an Axis to a Plot

-- B --

backsolve Solve an Upper or Lower Triangular System
barplot Bar Plots
basename File Manipulation
Bessel Bessel Functions
bessel Bessel Functions
besselI Bessel Functions
besselJ Bessel Functions
besselK Bessel Functions
besselY Bessel Functions
Beta The Beta Distribution
beta Special Functions of Mathematics
Binomial The Binomial Distribution
binomial Family Objects for Models
bmp BMP, JPEG and PNG graphics devices
body Access to and Manipulation of the Body of a Function
box Draw a Box around a Plot
boxplot Box Plots
boxplot.stats Box Plot Statistics
break Control Flow
browser Environment Browser Send a Bug Report
builtins Returns the names of all built-in objects
bxp Box Plots from Summaries
by Apply a Function to a Data Frame split by Factors

-- C --

C Sets Contrasts for a Factor
c Combine Values into a Vector or List
call Function Calls
cars Stopping Distances of Cars
case.names Case and Variable Names of Fitted Models
case/variable.names Case and Variable Names of Fitted Models
cat Concatenate and Print
category Defunct Functions
Cauchy The Cauchy Distribution
cbind Combine R Objects by Rows or Columns
ceiling Rounding of Numbers
char.expand Expand a String with Respect to a Target Table
character Character Vectors
charmatch Partial String Matching
check.options Set Options with Consistency Checks
chickwts Chicken Weights by Feed Type
Chisquare The (non-central) Chi-Square Distribution
chol The Choleski Decomposition
chol2inv Inverse from Choleski Decomposition
choose Special Functions of Mathematics
chull Compute Convex Hull of a Set of Points
class Object Classes
close.screen Creating and Controlling Multiple Screens on a Single Device
close.socket Close a Socket
cm Graphical Units
cm.colors Color Palettes
co.intervals Conditioning Plots
co2 Mauna Loa Atmospheric CO2 Concentration
codes Factor Codes
coef Extract Model Coefficients
coefficients Extract Model Coefficients
coefficients.glm Accessing Generalized Linear Model Fits
coefficients.lm Accessing Linear Model Fits
col Column Indexes
colnames Row and Columnn Names
colors Color Names
colours Color Names
commandArgs Extract Command Line Arguments
comment Query or Set a `Comment' Attribute
Comparison Relational Operators
complete.cases Find Complete Cases
complex Complex Vectors
conflicts Search for Masked Objects on the Search Path
Conj Complex Vectors
Constants Built-in Constants
contour Display Contours
contr.helmert Contrast Matrices
contr.poly Contrast Matrices
contr.sum Contrast Matrices
contr.treatment Contrast Matrices
contrast Contrast Matrices
contrasts Get and Set Contrast Matrices
contrib.url Download Packages from CRAN
contributors R Project Contributors
Control Control Flow
convolve Fast Convolution
cooks.distance Regression Diagnostics
coplot Conditioning Plots
copyright Copyrights of Files Used to Build R
copyrights Copyrights of Files Used to Build R
cor Correlation and Covariance Matrices
cos Trigonometric Functions
cosh Hyperbolic Functions
count.fields Count the Number of Fields per Line
cov Correlation and Covariance Matrices
cov.wt Weighted Covariance Matrices
covratio Regression Diagnostics
CRAN.packages Download Packages from CRAN
crossprod Matrix Crossproduct
cummax Cumulative Sums, Products, and Extremes
cummin Cumulative Sums, Products, and Extremes
cumprod Cumulative Sums, Products, and Extremes
cumsum Cumulative Sums, Products, and Extremes
curve Draw Function Plots
cut Convert Numeric to Factor
cycle Sampling Times of Time Series

-- D --

D Symbolic and Algorithmic Derivatives of Simple Expressions
data Data Sets
data.class Object Classes
data.entry Spreadsheet Interface for Entering Data
data.frame Data Frames
data.matrix Data Frame to Numeric Matrix
dataentry Spreadsheet Interface for Entering Data
date System Date and Time
dbeta The Beta Distribution
dbinom The Binomial Distribution
dcauchy The Cauchy Distribution
dchisq The (non-central) Chi-Square Distribution
de Spreadsheet Interface for Entering Data
debug Debug a function
debugger Post-Mortem Debugging
Defunct Defunct Functions
delay Delay Evaluation
delete.response Modify Terms Objects
deltat Sampling Times of Time Series
demo Demonstrations of R functions
density Kernel Density Estimation
deparse Expression Deparsing
Deprecated Deprecated Functions
deriv Symbolic and Algorithmic Derivatives of Simple Expressions
detach Detach Objects from the Search Path
dev.control Copy Graphics Between Multiple Devices
dev.copy Copy Graphics Between Multiple Devices
dev.cur Control Multiple Devices
dev.list Control Multiple Devices Control Multiple Devices Control Multiple Devices
dev.prev Control Multiple Devices
dev.print Copy Graphics Between Multiple Devices
dev.set Control Multiple Devices Control Multiple Devices
dev2 Copy Graphics Between Multiple Devices
dev2bitmap Copy Graphics Device to Bitmap File
deviance Model Deviance
device List of Graphical Devices
Devices List of Graphical Devices
dexp The Exponential Distribution
df The F Distribution
df.residual Residual Degrees-of-Freedom
df.residual.glm Accessing Generalized Linear Model Fits
df.residual.lm Accessing Linear Model Fits
dfbetas Regression Diagnostics
dffits Regression Diagnostics
dgamma The Gamma Distribution
dgeom The Geometric Distribution
dget Write an Internal Object to a File
dhyper The Hypergeometric Distribution
diag Matrix Diagonals
diff Lagged Differences
digamma Special Functions of Mathematics
dim Dimensions of an Object
dimnames Dimnames of an Object
dir List the Files in a Directory/Folder
dir.create File Manipulation
dirname File Manipulation
discoveries Numbers of Important Discoveries
dlnorm The Log Normal Distribution
dlogis The Logistic Distribution
dnbinom The Negative Binomial Distribution
dnchisq Defunct Functions
dnorm The Normal Distribution Execute a Function Call
dotplot Cleveland Dot Plots
double Double Precision Vectors
download.file Download File from the Internet
download.packages Download Packages from CRAN
dpois The Poisson Distribution
dput Write an Internal Object to a File
drop Drop Redundant Extent Information
drop.scope Compute Allowed Changes in Adding to or Dropping from a Formula
drop.terms Modify Terms Objects
drop1 Add or Drop All Possible Single Terms to a Model
dsignrank Distribution of the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Statistic
dt The Student t Distribution
dummy.coef Extract Coefficients in Original Coding
dump Text Representations of R Objects
dump.frames Post-Mortem Debugging
dunif The Uniform Distribution
duplicated Determine Duplicate Elements
dweibull The Weibull Distribution
dwilcox Distribution of the Wilcoxon Rank Sum Statistic
dyn.load Foreign Function Interface
dyn.unload Foreign Function Interface

-- E --

edit Invoke a Text Editor Edit data frames
edit.default Invoke a Text Editor
eff.aovlist Compute Efficiencies of Multistratum Analysis of Variance
effects Effects from Fitted Model
eigen Spectral Decomposition of a Matrix
else Control Flow
emacs Invoke a Text Editor
end Encode the Terminal Times of Time Series
environment Environment Access
erase.screen Creating and Controlling Multiple Screens on a Single Device
esoph Smoking, Alcohol and (O)esophageal Cancer
euro Euro Conversion Rates
eurodist Distances Between Cities in Europe
eval Evaluate an (Unevaluated) Expression
evalq Evaluate an (Unevaluated) Expression
example Run an Examples Section from the Online Help
exists Is an Object Defined?
exp Logarithms and Exponentials
expand.grid Create a Data Frame from All Combinations of Factors
Exponential The Exponential Distribution
expression Unevaluated Expressions
Extract Extract or Replace Parts of an Object
extractAIC Extract AIC from a Fitted Model
Extremes Maxima and Minima

-- F --

F Logical Vectors
factor Factors
factor.scope Compute Allowed Changes in Adding to or Dropping from a Formula
faithful Old Faithful Geyser Data
FALSE Logical Vectors
family Family Objects for Models
family.glm Accessing Generalized Linear Model Fits
family.lm Accessing Linear Model Fits
FDist The F Distribution
fft Fast Discrete Fourier Transform
file File Manipulation
file.choose Choose a File Interactively
file.create File Manipulation
file.exists File Manipulation
file.path Construct Path to File
file.remove File Manipulation Display One or More Files
filled.contour Level (Contour) Plots
find Find Objects by (Partial) Name
fitted Extract Model Fitted Values
fitted.values.glm Accessing Generalized Linear Model Fits
fitted.values.lm Accessing Linear Model Fits
fivenum Tukey Five-Number Summaries
fix Fix an Object
floor Rounding of Numbers
flush.console Auxiliary Functions for the Windows Port
for Control Flow
Foreign Foreign Function Interface
Formaldehyde Determination of Formaldehyde
formals Access to and Manipulation of the Formal Arguments
format Encode in a Common Format
format.char Formatting Using C-style Formats
format.default Encode in a Common Format format(.) Information
format.pval Encode in a Common Format
formatC Formatting Using C-style Formats
formula Model Formulae
formula.lm Accessing Linear Model Fits
formula.terms Model Formulae
forwardsolve Solve an Upper or Lower Triangular System
frame Create / Start a New Plot Frame
freeny Freeny's Revenue Data
frequency Sampling Times of Time Series
ftable Flat Contingency Tables
ftable.formula Formula Notation for Flat Contingency Tables
ftable2table Flat Contingency Tables
function Function Definition

-- G --

Gamma Family Objects for Models
gamma Special Functions of Mathematics
gammaCody Bessel Functions
GammaDist The Gamma Distribution
gaussian Family Objects for Models
gc Garbage Collection
gcinfo Garbage Collection
gctorture Torture Garbage Collector
Geometric The Geometric Distribution
get Return a Variable's Value
getenv Get Environment Variables
geterrmessage Stop Function Execution
getOption Options Settings
getwd Get or Set Working Directory
gl Generate Factor Levels
glm Fitting Generalized Linear Models Fitting Generalized Linear Models
glm.summaries Accessing Generalized Linear Model Fits
globalenv Environment Access Control Multiple Devices
gray Gray Level Specification
grep Pattern Matching and Replacement
grey Gray Level Specification
grid Add Grid to a Plot
gsub Pattern Matching and Replacement

-- H --

HairEyeColor Hair and Eye Color of Statistics Students
hasTsp Tsp Attribute of Time-Series-like Objects
hat Regression Diagnostics
heat.colors Color Palettes
help Documentation Search the Help System
help.start Hypertext Documentation
Hershey Hershey Vector Fonts in R
hist Histograms
hsv HSV Color Specification
httpclient Read text from an HTTP server
Hyperbolic Hyperbolic Functions
Hypergeometric The Hypergeometric Distribution

-- I --

I Model Formulae
identify Identify Points in a Scatter Plot
if Control Flow
ifelse Conditional Element Selection
Im Complex Vectors
image Display a Color Image Search Indices for Help Files
Inf Finite, Infinite and NaN Numbers
infert Infertility after Spontaneous and Induced Abortion
influence.measures Regression Diagnostics
inherits Object Classes
InsectSprays Effectiveness of Insect Sprays
install.packages Download Packages from CRAN
installed.packages Download Packages from CRAN
integer Integer Vectors
interaction Compute Factor Interactions
interactive Is R Running Interactively?
Internal Call an Internal Function
intersect Set Operations
inverse.gaussian Family Objects for Models
invisible Change the Print Mode to Invisible
IQR The Interquartile Range
iris Edgar Anderson's Iris Data
iris3 Edgar Anderson's Iris Data
is.array Multi-way Arrays
is.atomic Is an Object Atomic or Recursive? Function Calls
is.character Character Vectors
is.complex Complex Vectors Data Frames
is.double Double Precision Vectors
is.element Set Operations
is.empty.model Check if a Model is Empty
is.environment Environment Access
is.expression Unevaluated Expressions
is.factor Factors
is.finite Finite, Infinite and NaN Numbers
is.function Is an Object of Type Function?
is.infinite Finite, Infinite and NaN Numbers
is.integer Integer Vectors
is.language Is an Object a Language Object?
is.list Lists - Generic and Dotted Pairs
is.loaded Foreign Function Interface
is.logical Logical Vectors
is.matrix Matrices Not Available / ``Missing'' Values Variable Names
is.nan Finite, Infinite and NaN Numbers
is.null The Null Object
is.numeric Numeric Vectors
is.object Is an Object ``internally classed''?
is.ordered Factors
is.pairlist Lists - Generic and Dotted Pairs
is.qr The QR Decomposition of a Matrix
is.R Are we using R, rather than S?
is.real Real Vectors
is.recursive Is an Object Atomic or Recursive?
is.single Is an Object of Single Precision Type?
is.symbol Is an Object of Type Symbol?
is.ts Time-Series Objects
is.vector Vectors
islands Areas of the World's Major Landmasses

-- J --

Japanese Japanese characters in R
jitter Add `Jitter' (Noise) to Numbers
jpeg BMP, JPEG and PNG graphics devices

-- K --

kappa Estimate the Condition Number
kronecker Kronecker Product of Arrays

-- L --

labels Find Labels from Object
lapply Apply a Function over a List or Vector
Last.value Value of Last Evaluated Expression
layout Specifying Complex Plot Arrangements
lbeta Special Functions of Mathematics
lchoose Special Functions of Mathematics
lcm Specifying Complex Plot Arrangements
legend Add Legends to Plots
length Length of a Vector or List
LETTERS Built-in Constants
letters Built-in Constants
levels Levels Attributes
levels.factor Factor Levels Assignment
lgamma Special Functions of Mathematics
library Loading and Listing of Packages
library.dynam Loading Shared Libraries
licence The R License Terms
license The R License Terms
LifeCycleSavings Intercountry Life-Cycle Savings Data
lines Add Connected Line Segments to a Plot
lines.formula Formula Notation for Scatterplots
lines.ts Time-Series Objects Update HTML documentation files
list Lists - Generic and Dotted Pairs
list.files List the Files in a Directory/Folder
lm Fitting Linear Models Fitting Linear Models
lm.influence Regression Diagnostics
lm.summaries Accessing Linear Model Fits
lm.wfit Fitting Linear Models
load Reload Saved Datasets
local Evaluate an (Unevaluated) Expression
locator Graphical Input
log Logarithms and Exponentials
log10 Logarithms and Exponentials
log1p Logarithms and Exponentials
log2 Logarithms and Exponentials
Logic Logical Operators
logical Logical Vectors
Logistic The Logistic Distribution
loglin Fitting Log-Linear Models
Lognormal The Log Normal Distribution
longley Longley's Regression Data
lower.tri Lower and Upper Triangular Part of a Matrix
lowess Scatter Plot Smoothing
ls List Objects
ls.diag Compute Diagnostics for `lsfit' Regression Results
ls.print Print `lsfit' Regression Results
ls.str Compactly Display the Structure of an Arbitrary R Object
lsf.str Compactly Display the Structure of an Arbitrary R Object
lsfit Find the Least Squares Fit

-- M --

Machine Machine Characteristics
machine Determine the Machine R is Running On
mad Median Absolute Deviation
mahalanobis Mahalanobis Distance
make.function.html Update HTML documentation files Create a Link for GLM families
make.names Make Legal R Names Out of Strings
make.packages.html Update HTML documentation files Update HTML documentation files
make.socket Create a Socket Connection
make.tables Create model.tables
margin.table Compute table margin
mat.or.vec Create a Matrix or a Vector
match Value Matching
match.arg Argument Verification Using Partial Matching Argument Matching Function Verification for ``Function Variables''
Math Internal and Group Methods and Generic Functions
matlines Plot Columns of Matrices
matmult Matrix Multiplication
matplot Plot Columns of Matrices
matpoints Plot Columns of Matrices
matrix Matrices
max Maxima and Minima
mean Arithmetic Mean
median Median Value
Memory Memory Available for Data Storage
memory.profile Profile the Usage of Cons Cells
menu Menu Interaction Function
merge Merge Two Data Frames
Methods Internal and Group Methods and Generic Functions
methods Class Methods
min Maxima and Minima
missing Does a Formal Argument have a Value?
Mod Complex Vectors
mode The (Storage) Mode of an Object
model.extract Extract Components from a Model Frame
model.frame Extracting the ``Environment'' of a Model Formula
model.matrix Construct Design Matrices
model.matrix.glm.null Construct Design Matrices
model.matrix.lm Construct Design Matrices
model.offset Extract Components from a Model Frame
model.response Extract Components from a Model Frame
model.tables Compute Tables of Results from an Aov Model Fit.
model.weights Extract Components from a Model Frame Built-in Constants Built-in Constants
mosaicplot Mosaic Plots
mtcars Motor Trend Road Tests
mtext Write Text into the Margins of a Plot
mvfft Fast Discrete Fourier Transform

-- N --

NA Not Available / ``Missing'' Values
na.action NA Action Handle Missing Values in Objects
na.omit Handle Missing Values in Objects
name Variable Names
names The Names Attribute of an Object
NaN Finite, Infinite and NaN Numbers
nargs The Number of Arguments to a Function
nchar Count the Number of Characters
NCOL The Number of Rows/Columns of an Array
ncol The Number of Rows/Columns of an Array
NegBinomial The Negative Binomial Distribution
new.env Environment Access
next Control Flow
NextMethod Class Methods
nextn Highly Composite Numbers
nhtemp Average Yearly Temperatures in New Haven
nlevels The Number of Levels of a Factor
nlm Non-Linear Minimization
noquote Class for ``no quote'' Printing of Strings
Normal The Normal Distribution
NotYet Not Yet Implemented Functions and Unused Arguments
NotYetImplemented Not Yet Implemented Functions and Unused Arguments
NotYetUsed Not Yet Implemented Functions and Unused Arguments
NROW The Number of Rows/Columns of an Array
nrow The Number of Rows/Columns of an Array
NULL The Null Object
numeric Numeric Vectors

-- O --

objects List Objects
offset Include an Offset in a Model Formula
old.packages Download Packages from CRAN
on.exit Function Exit Code
Ops Internal and Group Methods and Generic Functions
optim General-purpose Optimization
optimise One Dimensional Optimization
optimize One Dimensional Optimization
options Options Settings
OrchardSprays Potency of Orchard Sprays
order Ordering Permutation
ordered Factors
outer Outer Product of Arrays

-- P --

p.adjust Adjust p values for multiple comparisons
package.contents Package Contents and Description
package.dependencies Check Packahe Dependencies
package.description Package Contents and Description
page Invoke a Pager on an R Object
pairlist Lists - Generic and Dotted Pairs
pairs Scatterplot Matrices
pairs.formula Formula Notation for Scatterplot Matrices
palette Set or View the Graphics Palette
Palettes Color Palettes
panel.smooth Simple Panel Plot
par Set or Query Graphical Parameters
Paren Parentheses and Braces
parent.frame Functions to Access the Function Call Stack
parse Parse Expressions
parse.dcf Parse Debian Control File Format
paste Concatenate Strings
pbeta The Beta Distribution
pbinom The Binomial Distribution
pcauchy The Cauchy Distribution
pchisq The (non-central) Chi-Square Distribution
pentagamma Special Functions of Mathematics
persp Perspective Plots
pexp The Exponential Distribution
pf The F Distribution
pgamma The Gamma Distribution
pgeom The Geometric Distribution
phones The World's Telephones
phyper The Hypergeometric Distribution
pi Built-in Constants
pico Invoke a Text Editor
pictex A PicTeX Graphics Driver
piechart Pie Charts
PlantGrowth Results from an Experiment on Plant Growth
Platform Platform Specific Variables
plnorm The Log Normal Distribution
plogis The Logistic Distribution
plot Generic X-Y Plotting Data Frames
plot.default The Default Scatterplot Function
plot.density Kernel Density Estimation
plot.factor Plotting Factor Variables
plot.formula Formula Notation for Scatterplots
plot.function Draw Function Plots
plot.lm Plot Diagnostics for an lm Object
plot.mlm Accessing Linear Model Fits
plot.mts Time-Series Objects Create / Start a New Plot Frame
plot.ts Time-Series Objects
plot.window Set up World Coordinates for Graphics Window
plot.xy Basic Internal Plot Function
plotmath Mathematical Annotation in R
pmatch Partial String Matching
pmax Maxima and Minima
pmin Maxima and Minima
pnbinom The Negative Binomial Distribution
pnchisq Defunct Functions
png BMP, JPEG and PNG graphics devices
pnorm The Normal Distribution
points Add Points to a Plot
points.formula Formula Notation for Scatterplots
Poisson The Poisson Distribution
poisson Family Objects for Models
poly Compute Orthogonal Polynomials
polygon Polygon Drawing
polyroot Find Zeros of a Real or Complex Polynomial Convert Positions in the Search Path to Environments
postscript PostScript Graphics
power Create a Power Link Object
ppoints Ordinates for Probability Plotting
ppois The Poisson Distribution
precip Annual Precipitation in US Cities
predict Model Predictions
predict.glm Predict Method for GLM Fits
predict.lm Predict method for Linear Model Fits
predict.mlm Predict method for Linear Model Fits
preplot Pre-computations for a Plotting Objeect
presidents Approval Rating of US Presidents
pressure Vapor Pressure of Mercury as a Function of Temperature
pretty Pretty Breakpoints
Primitive Call a ``Primitive'' Internal Function
print Print Values
print.anova Anova Tables
print.anova.glm Defunct Functions
print.anova.lm Defunct Functions
print.aov Fit an Analysis of Variance Model
print.aovlist Fit an Analysis of Variance Model
print.atomic Default Printing Apply a Function to a Data Frame split by Factors
print.coefmat Print Coefficient Matrices Data Frames
print.default Default Printing
print.density Kernel Density Estimation
print.dummy.coef Extract Coefficients in Original Coding
print.factor Print Values Family Objects for Models
print.formula Model Formulae
print.ftable Flat Contingency Tables
print.glm Accessing Generalized Linear Model Fits
print.htest Print Values
print.infl Regression Diagnostics
print.listof Print Values
print.lm Accessing Linear Model Fits
print.matrix Print Matrices
print.mtable Find Aliases (Dependencies) in a Model
print.noquote Class for ``no quote'' Printing of Strings
print.ordered Print Values
print.plot Defunct Functions
print.simple.list Print Values
print.socket Create a Socket Connection
print.summary.aov Fit an Analysis of Variance Model
print.summary.aovlist Fit an Analysis of Variance Model
print.summary.glm Accessing Generalized Linear Model Fits
print.summary.lm Accessing Linear Model Fits
print.table Print Values
print.tables.aov Compute Tables of Results from an Aov Model Fit.
print.tabular Defunct Functions
print.terms Model Terms
print.ts Time-Series Objects
prmatrix Print Matrices
proc.time Running Time of R
prod Product of Vector Elements
profile Generic Function for Profiling Models
proj Projections of Models
prompt Produce Prototype of an R Documentation File
prop.table Express table entries as fraction of marginal table
provide Loading and Listing of Packages
ps.options PostScript Graphics
psignrank Distribution of the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Statistic
pt The Student t Distribution
ptukey The Studentized Range Distribution
punif The Uniform Distribution
pweibull The Weibull Distribution
pwilcox Distribution of the Wilcoxon Rank Sum Statistic

-- Q --

q Terminate an R Session
qbeta The Beta Distribution
qbinom The Binomial Distribution
qcauchy The Cauchy Distribution
qchisq The (non-central) Chi-Square Distribution
qexp The Exponential Distribution
qf The F Distribution
qgamma The Gamma Distribution
qgeom The Geometric Distribution
qhyper The Hypergeometric Distribution
qlnorm The Log Normal Distribution
qlogis The Logistic Distribution
qnbinom The Negative Binomial Distribution
qnchisq Defunct Functions
qnorm The Normal Distribution
qpois The Poisson Distribution
qqline Quantile-Quantile Plots
qqnorm Quantile-Quantile Plots
qqplot Quantile-Quantile Plots
qr The QR Decomposition of a Matrix
QR.Auxiliaries Reconstruct the Q, R, or X Matrices from a QR Object
qr.coef The QR Decomposition of a Matrix
qr.fitted The QR Decomposition of a Matrix
qr.Q Reconstruct the Q, R, or X Matrices from a QR Object
qr.qty The QR Decomposition of a Matrix
qr.qy The QR Decomposition of a Matrix
qr.R Reconstruct the Q, R, or X Matrices from a QR Object
qr.resid The QR Decomposition of a Matrix
qr.solve The QR Decomposition of a Matrix
qr.X Reconstruct the Q, R, or X Matrices from a QR Object
qsignrank Distribution of the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Statistic
qt The Student t Distribution
qtukey The Studentized Range Distribution
quakes Locations of Earthquakes off Fiji
quantile Sample Quantiles
quasi Family Objects for Models
quit Terminate an R Session
qunif The Uniform Distribution
quote Substituting and Quoting Expressions
qweibull The Weibull Distribution
qwilcox Distribution of the Wilcoxon Rank Sum Statistic

-- R --

R.home Return the R Home Directory
R.Version Version Information
R.version Version Information
rainbow Color Palettes
Random Random Number Generation
Random.user User-supplied Random Number Generation
randu Random Numbers from Congruential Generator
range Range of Values
rank Sample Ranks
rbeta The Beta Distribution
rbind Combine R Objects by Rows or Columns
rbinom The Binomial Distribution
rcauchy The Cauchy Distribution
rchisq The (non-central) Chi-Square Distribution
Rconsole R for Windows Configuration
Rdevga R for Windows Configuration
Re Complex Vectors
read.csv Data Input
read.csv2 Data Input
read.fwf Read Fixed Width Format Files
read.socket Read from or Write to a Socket
read.table Data Input
read.table.url Read Data and Code from a URL
readline Read a Line from the Terminal
real Real Vectors
Recall Recursive Calling
rect Draw a Rectangle
reformulate Modify Terms Objects
regexpr Pattern Matching and Replacement
relevel Reorder Levels of Factor
remove Remove Objects from a Specified Environment
rep Replicate Elements
repeat Control Flow
replace Replace Values in a Vector
replications Number of Replications of Terms
require Loading and Listing of Packages
resid Extract Model Residuals
residuals Extract Model Residuals
residuals.glm Accessing Generalized Linear Model Fits
residuals.lm Accessing Linear Model Fits
restart Restart an Expression
return Function Definition
rev Reverse a Vector's Elements
rexp The Exponential Distribution
rf The F Distribution
rgamma The Gamma Distribution
rgb RGB Color Specification
rgeom The Geometric Distribution
rhyper The Hypergeometric Distribution
rivers Lengths of Major North American Rivers
rle Run Length Encoding
rlnorm The Log Normal Distribution
rlogis The Logistic Distribution
rm Remove Objects from a Specified Environment
rnbinom The Negative Binomial Distribution
rnchisq Defunct Functions
RNG Random Number Generation
RNGkind Random Number Generation
rnorm The Normal Distribution
Round Rounding of Numbers
round Rounding of Numbers
row Row Indexes
row.names Data Frames
row/colnames Row and Columnn Names
rownames Row and Columnn Names
rowsum Give Row Sums of a Matrix, Based on a Grouping Variable
rpois The Poisson Distribution
Rprofile Initialization at Start of an R Session
rsignrank Distribution of the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Statistic
rstandard Regression Diagnostics
rstudent Regression Diagnostics
rt The Student t Distribution
rug Add a Rug to a Plot
runif The Uniform Distribution
rweibull The Weibull Distribution
rwilcox Distribution of the Wilcoxon Rank Sum Statistic
Rwin configuration R for Windows Configuration
R_LIBS Loading and Listing of Packages

-- S --

sample Random Samples and Permutations
sapply Apply a Function over a List or Vector
save Save R Objects
save.plot Defunct Functions
savePlot Save Windows Plot to a File
scale Scaling and Centering of Matrices
scan Read Data Values
scan.url Read Data and Code from a URL
screen Creating and Controlling Multiple Screens on a Single Device
sd Standard Deviation
se.aov Internal Functions Used by model.tables
se.aovlist Internal Functions Used by model.tables
se.contrast Standard Errors for Contrasts in Model Terms
search Give Search Path for R Objects
searchpaths Give Search Path for R Objects
segments Add Line Segments to a Plot
seq Sequence Generation
sequence Create A Vector of Sequences
set.seed Random Number Generation
setdiff Set Operations
setequal Set Operations
sets Set Operations
setwd Get or Set Working Directory
shell Invoke a System Command, using a Shell
shell.exec Open a File using Windows File Associations Data Sets
sign Sign Function
signif Rounding of Numbers
SignRank Distribution of the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Statistic
sin Trigonometric Functions
single Double Precision Vectors
sinh Hyperbolic Functions
sink Send R Output to a File
sleep Students' Sleep Data
solve Solve a System of Equations
sort Sort a Vector
sort.list Ordering Permutation
source Redirect Input
source.url Read Data and Code from a URL
Special Special Functions of Mathematics
spline Interpolating Splines
splinefun Interpolating Splines
split Divide into Groups
split.screen Creating and Controlling Multiple Screens on a Single Device
sqrt Miscellaneous Mathematical Functions
stack.loss Brownlee's Stack Loss Plant Data
stack.x Brownlee's Stack Loss Plant Data
stackloss Brownlee's Stack Loss Plant Data
stars Star Plots and Segment Diagrams of Multivariate Data
start Encode the Terminal Times of Time Series
Startup Initialization at Start of an R Session
stat.anova GLM Anova Statistics
state States of the U.S.A.
stem Stem-and-Leaf Plots
step Choose a model by AIC in a Stepwise Algorithm
stop Stop Function Execution
storage.mode The (Storage) Mode of an Object
str Compactly Display the Structure of an Arbitrary R Object
strheight Plotting Dimensions of Character Strings and Math Expressions
stripplot 1-D Scatter Plots
strsplit Split the Strings in a Vector
structure Attribute Specification
strwidth Plotting Dimensions of Character Strings and Math Expressions
sub Pattern Matching and Replacement
Subscript Extract or Replace Parts of an Object
subset Subsetting Vectors and Data Frames
substitute Substituting and Quoting Expressions
substr Extract Substrings from a Character Vector
substring Extract Substrings from a Character Vector
sum Sum of Vector Elements
Summary Internal and Group Methods and Generic Functions
summary Object Summaries
summary.aov Fit an Analysis of Variance Model
summary.aovlist Fit an Analysis of Variance Model Internal and Group Methods and Generic Functions Object Summaries
summary.default Object Summaries
Summary.factor Internal and Group Methods and Generic Functions
summary.factor Object Summaries
summary.glm Accessing Generalized Linear Model Fits
summary.infl Regression Diagnostics
summary.lm Accessing Linear Model Fits
summary.matrix Object Summaries
summary.mlm Accessing Linear Model Fits
sunflowerplot Produce a Sunflower Scatter Plot
sunspots Monthly Mean Relative Sunspot Numbers
svd Singular Value Decomposition of a Matrix
sweep Sweep out Array Summaries
swiss Swiss Fertility and Socioeconomic Indicators (1888) Data
switch Select One of a List of Alternatives
symbol.C Foreign Function Interface
symbol.For Foreign Function Interface
symbols Not Yet Implemented Functions and Unused Arguments
symnum Symbolic Number Coding Functions to Access the Function Call Stack
sys.calls Functions to Access the Function Call Stack
sys.frame Functions to Access the Function Call Stack
sys.frames Functions to Access the Function Call Stack
sys.function Functions to Access the Function Call Stack
sys.nframe Functions to Access the Function Call Stack
sys.on.exit Functions to Access the Function Call Stack
sys.parent Functions to Access the Function Call Stack
sys.parents Functions to Access the Function Call Stack
sys.source Parse and Evaluate Expressions from a File
sys.status Functions to Access the Function Call Stack
system Invoke a System Command
system.file Find Names of R System Files
system.test Defunct Functions
system.time CPU Time Used

-- T --

T Logical Vectors
t Matrix Transpose
table Cross Tabulation
tabulate Tabulation for Vectors
tan Trigonometric Functions
tanh Hyperbolic Functions
tapply Apply a Function Over a ``Ragged'' Array
TDist The Student t Distribution
tempfile Create Names for Temporary Files
terms Model Terms
terrain.colors Color Palettes
tetragamma Special Functions of Mathematics
text Add Text to a Plot
time Sampling Times of Time Series
Titanic Survival of passengers on the Titanic
title Plot Annotation
ToothGrowth The Effect of Vitamin C on Tooth Growth in Guinea Pigs
topo.colors Color Palettes
trace Trace All Calls to a Function.
traceback Print Call Stack of Last Error
transform Transform an Object, e.g. a Data Frame
trees Girth, Height and Volume for Black Cherry Trees
Trig Trigonometric Functions
trigamma Special Functions of Mathematics
TRUE Logical Vectors
trunc Rounding of Numbers
try Restart an Expression
ts Time-Series Objects
tsp Tsp Attribute of Time-Series-like Objects
Tukey The Studentized Range Distribution
typeof The Type of an Object

-- U --

UCBAdmissions Student Admissions at UC Berkeley
unclass Object Classes
undebug Debug a function
Uniform The Uniform Distribution
union Set Operations
unique Extract Unique Elements
uniroot One Dimensional Root Finding
units Graphical Units
unix Invoke a System Command
unix.time CPU Time Used
unlink Delete Files and Directories
unlist Flatten Lists
unname Remove `names' or `dimnames'
untrace Trace All Calls to a Function.
update Update and Re-fit a Model Call
update.formula Model Updating
update.packages Download Packages from CRAN
upper.tri Lower and Upper Triangular Part of a Matrix Read Data and Code from a URL
USArrests Violent Crime Rates by US State
UseMethod Class Methods
USJudgeRatings Lawyers' Ratings of State Judges in the US Superior Court
USPersonalExpenditure Personal Expenditure Data
uspop The Population of the United States

-- V --

VADeaths Death Rate Data
var Covariance Matrices
variable.names Case and Variable Names of Fitted Models
vector Vectors
Version Defunct Functions
version Version Information
vi Invoke a Text Editor
volcano Topographic Information for the Maunga Whau Volcano

-- W --

warning Warning Messages
warnings Print Warning Messages
warpbreaks The Number of Breaks in Yarn during Weaving
Weibull The Weibull Distribution
weighted.mean Weighted Arithmetic Mean
weighted.residuals Compute Weighted Residuals
weights Accessing Linear Model Fits
which Which indices are TRUE ?
while Control Flow
Wilcoxon Distribution of the Wilcoxon Rank Sum Statistic
win.graph Windows graphics devices
win.metafile Windows graphics devices
win.print Windows graphics devices
win.version Auxiliary Functions for the Windows Port
winDialog Dialog Boxes under Windows
winDialogString Dialog Boxes under Windows
window Time Windows
windows Windows graphics devices
winextras Auxiliary Functions for the Windows Port
winMenuAdd User Menus under Windows
winMenuAddItem User Menus under Windows
winMenuDel User Menus under Windows
winMenuDelItem User Menus under Windows
winMenus User Menus under Windows
women Average Heights and Weights for American Women
write Write Data to a File
write.socket Read from or Write to a Socket
write.table Data Output

-- X --

X11 Windows graphics devices
x11 Windows graphics devices
xedit Invoke a Text Editor
xemacs Invoke a Text Editor
xinch Graphical Units
xor Logical Operators Data Frames
xy.coords Extracting Plotting Structures
xyinch Graphical Units

-- Y --

yinch Graphical Units

-- Z --

zapsmall Rounding of Numbers
zip.file.extract Extract File from a Zip Archive
zip.unpack Auxiliary Functions for the Windows Port

-- misc --

[ Extract or Replace Parts of an Object
[[ Extract or Replace Parts of an Object
^ Arithmetic Operators
| Logical Operators
|| Logical Operators
~ Model Formulae