! | Logical Operators |
!= | Relational Operators |
$ | Extract or Replace Parts of an Object |
%% | Arithmetic Operators |
%*% | Matrix Multiplication |
%/% | Arithmetic Operators |
%in% | Value Matching |
%o% | Outer Product of Arrays |
%x% | Kronecker Product of Arrays |
& | Logical Operators |
&& | Logical Operators |
* | Arithmetic Operators |
+ | Arithmetic Operators |
- | Arithmetic Operators |
-> | Assign a Value to a Name |
->> | Assign a Value to a Name |
.Alias | Create Alias (Pointer) to R Object |
.Autoloaded | Loading and Listing of Packages |
.AutoloadEnv | On-demand Loading of Packages |
.C | Foreign Function Interface |
.Call | Foreign Function Interface |
.Class | Internal and Group Methods and Generic Functions |
.Defunct | Defunct Functions |
.Deprecated | Deprecated Functions |
.Device | Control Multiple Devices |
.Devices | Control Multiple Devices |
.Dyn.libs | Loading Shared Libraries |
.External | Foreign Function Interface |
.First | Initialization at Start of an R Session |
.First.lib | Loading and Listing of Packages |
.Fortran | Foreign Function Interface |
.Generic | Internal and Group Methods and Generic Functions |
.GlobalEnv | Environment Access |
.Group | Internal and Group Methods and Generic Functions |
.Internal | Call an Internal Function |
.Last | Terminate an R Session |
.Last.value | Value of Last Evaluated Expression |
.lib.loc | Loading and Listing of Packages |
.Library | Loading and Listing of Packages |
.Machine | Machine Characteristics |
.Method | Internal and Group Methods and Generic Functions |
.NotYetImplemented | Not Yet Implemented Functions and Unused Arguments |
.NotYetUsed | Not Yet Implemented Functions and Unused Arguments |
.Options | Options Settings |
.packages | Loading and Listing of Packages |
.Pars | Set or Query Graphical Parameters |
.path.package | Loading and Listing of Packages |
.Platform | Platform Specific Variables |
.PostScript.Options | PostScript Graphics |
.Primitive | Call a ``Primitive'' Internal Function |
.Provided | Loading and Listing of Packages |
.Random.seed | Random Number Generation |
.Rprofile | Initialization at Start of an R Session |
.Traceback | Print Call Stack of Last Error |
/ | Arithmetic Operators |
: | Sequence Generation |
< | Relational Operators |
<= | Relational Operators |
== | Relational Operators |
> | Relational Operators |
>= | Relational Operators |
? | Documentation |
abbreviate | Abbreviate Strings |
abline | Add a Straight Line to a Plot |
abs | Miscellaneous Mathematical Functions |
acos | Trigonometric Functions |
acosh | Hyperbolic Functions |
add.scope | Compute Allowed Changes in Adding to or Dropping from a Formula |
add1 | Add or Drop All Possible Single Terms to a Model |
aggregate | Compute Summary Statistics of Data Subsets |
airmiles | Commercial Airline Mileage |
airquality | New York Air Quality Measurements |
alias | Find Aliases (Dependencies) in a Model |
alist | Lists - Generic and Dotted Pairs |
all | Are All Values True? |
all.equal | Test if Two Objects are (Nearly) Equal |
all.names | Find All Names in an Expression |
all.vars | Find All Names in an Expression |
anova | Anova Tables |
anova.glm | Accessing Generalized Linear Model Fits |
anova.glmlist | Accessing Generalized Linear Model Fits |
anova.lm | Accessing Linear Model Fits |
anova.mlm | Anova Tables |
anovalist.lm | Accessing Linear Model Fits |
anscombe | Anscombe's Quartet of ``Identical'' Simple Linear Regressions |
any | Are Values True? |
aov | Fit an Analysis of Variance Model |
aperm | Array Transposition |
append | Vector Merging |
apply | Apply Functions Over Array Margins |
approx | Interpolation Functions |
approxfun | Interpolation Functions |
apropos | Find Objects by (Partial) Name |
Arg | Complex Vectors |
args | Argument List of a Function |
Arithmetic | Arithmetic Operators |
array | Multi-way Arrays |
arrows | Add Arrows to a Plot |
as.array | Multi-way Arrays |
as.call | Function Calls |
as.char.or.expr | Coerce to Character or Expression |
as.character | Character Vectors |
as.complex | Complex Vectors |
as.data.frame | Data Frames |
as.double | Double Precision Vectors |
as.expression | Unevaluated Expressions |
as.factor | Factors |
as.formula | Model Formulae |
as.function | Convert Object to Function |
as.integer | Integer Vectors |
as.list | Lists - Generic and Dotted Pairs |
as.logical | Logical Vectors |
as.matrix | Matrices |
as.matrix.noquote | Class for ``no quote'' Printing of Strings |
as.name | Variable Names |
as.null | The Null Object |
as.numeric | Numeric Vectors |
as.ordered | Factors |
as.pairlist | Lists - Generic and Dotted Pairs |
as.qr | The QR Decomposition of a Matrix |
as.real | Real Vectors |
as.single | Double Precision Vectors |
as.ts | Time-Series Objects |
as.vector | Vectors |
asin | Trigonometric Functions |
asinh | Hyperbolic Functions |
assign | Assign a Value to a Name |
atan | Trigonometric Functions |
atan2 | Trigonometric Functions |
atanh | Hyperbolic Functions |
attach | Attach Set of R Objects to Search Path |
attenu | The Joyner-Boore Attenuation Data |
attitude | Attitudes Toward Supervisors |
attr | Object Attributes |
attr.all.equal | Test if Two Objects are (Nearly) Equal |
attributes | Object Attribute Lists |
autoload | On-demand Loading of Packages |
autoloader | On-demand Loading of Packages |
ave | Group Averages Over Level Combinations of Factors |
axis | Add an Axis to a Plot |
backsolve | Solve an Upper or Lower Triangular System |
barplot | Bar Plots |
basename | File Manipulation |
Bessel | Bessel Functions |
bessel | Bessel Functions |
besselI | Bessel Functions |
besselJ | Bessel Functions |
besselK | Bessel Functions |
besselY | Bessel Functions |
Beta | The Beta Distribution |
beta | Special Functions of Mathematics |
Binomial | The Binomial Distribution |
binomial | Family Objects for Models |
bmp | BMP, JPEG and PNG graphics devices |
body | Access to and Manipulation of the Body of a Function |
box | Draw a Box around a Plot |
boxplot | Box Plots |
boxplot.stats | Box Plot Statistics |
break | Control Flow |
browser | Environment Browser |
bug.report | Send a Bug Report |
builtins | Returns the names of all built-in objects |
bxp | Box Plots from Summaries |
by | Apply a Function to a Data Frame split by Factors |
C | Sets Contrasts for a Factor |
c | Combine Values into a Vector or List |
call | Function Calls |
cars | Stopping Distances of Cars |
case.names | Case and Variable Names of Fitted Models |
case/variable.names | Case and Variable Names of Fitted Models |
cat | Concatenate and Print |
category | Defunct Functions |
Cauchy | The Cauchy Distribution |
cbind | Combine R Objects by Rows or Columns |
ceiling | Rounding of Numbers |
char.expand | Expand a String with Respect to a Target Table |
character | Character Vectors |
charmatch | Partial String Matching |
check.options | Set Options with Consistency Checks |
chickwts | Chicken Weights by Feed Type |
Chisquare | The (non-central) Chi-Square Distribution |
chol | The Choleski Decomposition |
chol2inv | Inverse from Choleski Decomposition |
choose | Special Functions of Mathematics |
chull | Compute Convex Hull of a Set of Points |
class | Object Classes |
close.screen | Creating and Controlling Multiple Screens on a Single Device |
close.socket | Close a Socket |
cm | Graphical Units |
cm.colors | Color Palettes |
co.intervals | Conditioning Plots |
co2 | Mauna Loa Atmospheric CO2 Concentration |
codes | Factor Codes |
coef | Extract Model Coefficients |
coefficients | Extract Model Coefficients |
coefficients.glm | Accessing Generalized Linear Model Fits |
coefficients.lm | Accessing Linear Model Fits |
col | Column Indexes |
colnames | Row and Columnn Names |
colors | Color Names |
colours | Color Names |
commandArgs | Extract Command Line Arguments |
comment | Query or Set a `Comment' Attribute |
Comparison | Relational Operators |
complete.cases | Find Complete Cases |
complex | Complex Vectors |
conflicts | Search for Masked Objects on the Search Path |
Conj | Complex Vectors |
Constants | Built-in Constants |
contour | Display Contours |
contr.helmert | Contrast Matrices |
contr.poly | Contrast Matrices |
contr.sum | Contrast Matrices |
contr.treatment | Contrast Matrices |
contrast | Contrast Matrices |
contrasts | Get and Set Contrast Matrices |
contrib.url | Download Packages from CRAN |
contributors | R Project Contributors |
Control | Control Flow |
convolve | Fast Convolution |
cooks.distance | Regression Diagnostics |
coplot | Conditioning Plots |
copyright | Copyrights of Files Used to Build R |
copyrights | Copyrights of Files Used to Build R |
cor | Correlation and Covariance Matrices |
cos | Trigonometric Functions |
cosh | Hyperbolic Functions |
count.fields | Count the Number of Fields per Line |
cov | Correlation and Covariance Matrices |
cov.wt | Weighted Covariance Matrices |
covratio | Regression Diagnostics |
CRAN.packages | Download Packages from CRAN |
crossprod | Matrix Crossproduct |
cummax | Cumulative Sums, Products, and Extremes |
cummin | Cumulative Sums, Products, and Extremes |
cumprod | Cumulative Sums, Products, and Extremes |
cumsum | Cumulative Sums, Products, and Extremes |
curve | Draw Function Plots |
cut | Convert Numeric to Factor |
cycle | Sampling Times of Time Series |
D | Symbolic and Algorithmic Derivatives of Simple Expressions |
data | Data Sets |
data.class | Object Classes |
data.entry | Spreadsheet Interface for Entering Data |
data.frame | Data Frames |
data.matrix | Data Frame to Numeric Matrix |
dataentry | Spreadsheet Interface for Entering Data |
date | System Date and Time |
dbeta | The Beta Distribution |
dbinom | The Binomial Distribution |
dcauchy | The Cauchy Distribution |
dchisq | The (non-central) Chi-Square Distribution |
de | Spreadsheet Interface for Entering Data |
debug | Debug a function |
debugger | Post-Mortem Debugging |
Defunct | Defunct Functions |
delay | Delay Evaluation |
delete.response | Modify Terms Objects |
deltat | Sampling Times of Time Series |
demo | Demonstrations of R functions |
density | Kernel Density Estimation |
deparse | Expression Deparsing |
Deprecated | Deprecated Functions |
deriv | Symbolic and Algorithmic Derivatives of Simple Expressions |
detach | Detach Objects from the Search Path |
dev.control | Copy Graphics Between Multiple Devices |
dev.copy | Copy Graphics Between Multiple Devices |
dev.cur | Control Multiple Devices |
dev.list | Control Multiple Devices |
dev.next | Control Multiple Devices |
dev.off | Control Multiple Devices |
dev.prev | Control Multiple Devices |
dev.print | Copy Graphics Between Multiple Devices |
dev.set | Control Multiple Devices |
dev.xxx | Control Multiple Devices |
dev2 | Copy Graphics Between Multiple Devices |
dev2bitmap | Copy Graphics Device to Bitmap File |
deviance | Model Deviance |
device | List of Graphical Devices |
Devices | List of Graphical Devices |
dexp | The Exponential Distribution |
df | The F Distribution |
df.residual | Residual Degrees-of-Freedom |
df.residual.glm | Accessing Generalized Linear Model Fits |
df.residual.lm | Accessing Linear Model Fits |
dfbetas | Regression Diagnostics |
dffits | Regression Diagnostics |
dgamma | The Gamma Distribution |
dgeom | The Geometric Distribution |
dget | Write an Internal Object to a File |
dhyper | The Hypergeometric Distribution |
diag | Matrix Diagonals |
diff | Lagged Differences |
digamma | Special Functions of Mathematics |
dim | Dimensions of an Object |
dimnames | Dimnames of an Object |
dir | List the Files in a Directory/Folder |
dir.create | File Manipulation |
dirname | File Manipulation |
discoveries | Numbers of Important Discoveries |
dlnorm | The Log Normal Distribution |
dlogis | The Logistic Distribution |
dnbinom | The Negative Binomial Distribution |
dnchisq | Defunct Functions |
dnorm | The Normal Distribution |
do.call | Execute a Function Call |
dotplot | Cleveland Dot Plots |
double | Double Precision Vectors |
download.file | Download File from the Internet |
download.packages | Download Packages from CRAN |
dpois | The Poisson Distribution |
dput | Write an Internal Object to a File |
drop | Drop Redundant Extent Information |
drop.scope | Compute Allowed Changes in Adding to or Dropping from a Formula |
drop.terms | Modify Terms Objects |
drop1 | Add or Drop All Possible Single Terms to a Model |
dsignrank | Distribution of the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Statistic |
dt | The Student t Distribution |
dummy.coef | Extract Coefficients in Original Coding |
dump | Text Representations of R Objects |
dump.frames | Post-Mortem Debugging |
dunif | The Uniform Distribution |
duplicated | Determine Duplicate Elements |
dweibull | The Weibull Distribution |
dwilcox | Distribution of the Wilcoxon Rank Sum Statistic |
dyn.load | Foreign Function Interface |
dyn.unload | Foreign Function Interface |
edit | Invoke a Text Editor |
edit.data.frame | Edit data frames |
edit.default | Invoke a Text Editor |
eff.aovlist | Compute Efficiencies of Multistratum Analysis of Variance |
effects | Effects from Fitted Model |
eigen | Spectral Decomposition of a Matrix |
else | Control Flow |
emacs | Invoke a Text Editor |
end | Encode the Terminal Times of Time Series |
environment | Environment Access |
erase.screen | Creating and Controlling Multiple Screens on a Single Device |
esoph | Smoking, Alcohol and (O)esophageal Cancer |
euro | Euro Conversion Rates |
eurodist | Distances Between Cities in Europe |
eval | Evaluate an (Unevaluated) Expression |
evalq | Evaluate an (Unevaluated) Expression |
example | Run an Examples Section from the Online Help |
exists | Is an Object Defined? |
exp | Logarithms and Exponentials |
expand.grid | Create a Data Frame from All Combinations of Factors |
Exponential | The Exponential Distribution |
expression | Unevaluated Expressions |
Extract | Extract or Replace Parts of an Object |
extractAIC | Extract AIC from a Fitted Model |
Extremes | Maxima and Minima |
F | Logical Vectors |
factor | Factors |
factor.scope | Compute Allowed Changes in Adding to or Dropping from a Formula |
faithful | Old Faithful Geyser Data |
FALSE | Logical Vectors |
family | Family Objects for Models |
family.glm | Accessing Generalized Linear Model Fits |
family.lm | Accessing Linear Model Fits |
FDist | The F Distribution |
fft | Fast Discrete Fourier Transform |
file | File Manipulation |
file.choose | Choose a File Interactively |
file.create | File Manipulation |
file.exists | File Manipulation |
file.path | Construct Path to File |
file.remove | File Manipulation |
file.show | Display One or More Files |
filled.contour | Level (Contour) Plots |
find | Find Objects by (Partial) Name |
fitted | Extract Model Fitted Values |
fitted.values.glm | Accessing Generalized Linear Model Fits |
fitted.values.lm | Accessing Linear Model Fits |
fivenum | Tukey Five-Number Summaries |
fix | Fix an Object |
floor | Rounding of Numbers |
flush.console | Auxiliary Functions for the Windows Port |
for | Control Flow |
Foreign | Foreign Function Interface |
Formaldehyde | Determination of Formaldehyde |
formals | Access to and Manipulation of the Formal Arguments |
format | Encode in a Common Format |
format.char | Formatting Using C-style Formats |
format.default | Encode in a Common Format |
format.info | format(.) Information |
format.pval | Encode in a Common Format |
formatC | Formatting Using C-style Formats |
formula | Model Formulae |
formula.lm | Accessing Linear Model Fits |
formula.terms | Model Formulae |
forwardsolve | Solve an Upper or Lower Triangular System |
frame | Create / Start a New Plot Frame |
freeny | Freeny's Revenue Data |
frequency | Sampling Times of Time Series |
ftable | Flat Contingency Tables |
ftable.formula | Formula Notation for Flat Contingency Tables |
ftable2table | Flat Contingency Tables |
function | Function Definition |
Gamma | Family Objects for Models |
gamma | Special Functions of Mathematics |
gammaCody | Bessel Functions |
GammaDist | The Gamma Distribution |
gaussian | Family Objects for Models |
gc | Garbage Collection |
gcinfo | Garbage Collection |
gctorture | Torture Garbage Collector |
Geometric | The Geometric Distribution |
get | Return a Variable's Value |
getenv | Get Environment Variables |
geterrmessage | Stop Function Execution |
getOption | Options Settings |
getwd | Get or Set Working Directory |
gl | Generate Factor Levels |
glm | Fitting Generalized Linear Models |
glm.fit.null | Fitting Generalized Linear Models |
glm.summaries | Accessing Generalized Linear Model Fits |
globalenv | Environment Access |
graphics.off | Control Multiple Devices |
gray | Gray Level Specification |
grep | Pattern Matching and Replacement |
grey | Gray Level Specification |
grid | Add Grid to a Plot |
gsub | Pattern Matching and Replacement |
HairEyeColor | Hair and Eye Color of Statistics Students |
hasTsp | Tsp Attribute of Time-Series-like Objects |
hat | Regression Diagnostics |
heat.colors | Color Palettes |
help | Documentation |
help.search | Search the Help System |
help.start | Hypertext Documentation |
Hershey | Hershey Vector Fonts in R |
hist | Histograms |
hsv | HSV Color Specification |
httpclient | Read text from an HTTP server |
Hyperbolic | Hyperbolic Functions |
Hypergeometric | The Hypergeometric Distribution |
I | Model Formulae |
identify | Identify Points in a Scatter Plot |
if | Control Flow |
ifelse | Conditional Element Selection |
Im | Complex Vectors |
image | Display a Color Image |
index.search | Search Indices for Help Files |
Inf | Finite, Infinite and NaN Numbers |
infert | Infertility after Spontaneous and Induced Abortion |
influence.measures | Regression Diagnostics |
inherits | Object Classes |
InsectSprays | Effectiveness of Insect Sprays |
install.packages | Download Packages from CRAN |
installed.packages | Download Packages from CRAN |
integer | Integer Vectors |
interaction | Compute Factor Interactions |
interactive | Is R Running Interactively? |
Internal | Call an Internal Function |
intersect | Set Operations |
inverse.gaussian | Family Objects for Models |
invisible | Change the Print Mode to Invisible |
IQR | The Interquartile Range |
iris | Edgar Anderson's Iris Data |
iris3 | Edgar Anderson's Iris Data |
is.array | Multi-way Arrays |
is.atomic | Is an Object Atomic or Recursive? |
is.call | Function Calls |
is.character | Character Vectors |
is.complex | Complex Vectors |
is.data.frame | Data Frames |
is.double | Double Precision Vectors |
is.element | Set Operations |
is.empty.model | Check if a Model is Empty |
is.environment | Environment Access |
is.expression | Unevaluated Expressions |
is.factor | Factors |
is.finite | Finite, Infinite and NaN Numbers |
is.function | Is an Object of Type Function? |
is.infinite | Finite, Infinite and NaN Numbers |
is.integer | Integer Vectors |
is.language | Is an Object a Language Object? |
is.list | Lists - Generic and Dotted Pairs |
is.loaded | Foreign Function Interface |
is.logical | Logical Vectors |
is.matrix | Matrices |
is.na | Not Available / ``Missing'' Values |
is.name | Variable Names |
is.nan | Finite, Infinite and NaN Numbers |
is.null | The Null Object |
is.numeric | Numeric Vectors |
is.object | Is an Object ``internally classed''? |
is.ordered | Factors |
is.pairlist | Lists - Generic and Dotted Pairs |
is.qr | The QR Decomposition of a Matrix |
is.R | Are we using R, rather than S? |
is.real | Real Vectors |
is.recursive | Is an Object Atomic or Recursive? |
is.single | Is an Object of Single Precision Type? |
is.symbol | Is an Object of Type Symbol? |
is.ts | Time-Series Objects |
is.vector | Vectors |
islands | Areas of the World's Major Landmasses |
Japanese | Japanese characters in R |
jitter | Add `Jitter' (Noise) to Numbers |
jpeg | BMP, JPEG and PNG graphics devices |
kappa | Estimate the Condition Number |
kronecker | Kronecker Product of Arrays |
labels | Find Labels from Object |
lapply | Apply a Function over a List or Vector |
Last.value | Value of Last Evaluated Expression |
layout | Specifying Complex Plot Arrangements |
lbeta | Special Functions of Mathematics |
lchoose | Special Functions of Mathematics |
lcm | Specifying Complex Plot Arrangements |
legend | Add Legends to Plots |
length | Length of a Vector or List |
LETTERS | Built-in Constants |
letters | Built-in Constants |
levels | Levels Attributes |
levels.factor | Factor Levels Assignment |
lgamma | Special Functions of Mathematics |
library | Loading and Listing of Packages |
library.dynam | Loading Shared Libraries |
licence | The R License Terms |
license | The R License Terms |
LifeCycleSavings | Intercountry Life-Cycle Savings Data |
lines | Add Connected Line Segments to a Plot |
lines.formula | Formula Notation for Scatterplots |
lines.ts | Time-Series Objects |
link.html.help | Update HTML documentation files |
list | Lists - Generic and Dotted Pairs |
list.files | List the Files in a Directory/Folder |
lm | Fitting Linear Models |
lm.fit.null | Fitting Linear Models |
lm.influence | Regression Diagnostics |
lm.summaries | Accessing Linear Model Fits |
lm.wfit | Fitting Linear Models |
load | Reload Saved Datasets |
local | Evaluate an (Unevaluated) Expression |
locator | Graphical Input |
log | Logarithms and Exponentials |
log10 | Logarithms and Exponentials |
log1p | Logarithms and Exponentials |
log2 | Logarithms and Exponentials |
Logic | Logical Operators |
logical | Logical Vectors |
Logistic | The Logistic Distribution |
loglin | Fitting Log-Linear Models |
Lognormal | The Log Normal Distribution |
longley | Longley's Regression Data |
lower.tri | Lower and Upper Triangular Part of a Matrix |
lowess | Scatter Plot Smoothing |
ls | List Objects |
ls.diag | Compute Diagnostics for `lsfit' Regression Results |
ls.print | Print `lsfit' Regression Results |
ls.str | Compactly Display the Structure of an Arbitrary R Object |
lsf.str | Compactly Display the Structure of an Arbitrary R Object |
lsfit | Find the Least Squares Fit |
Machine | Machine Characteristics |
machine | Determine the Machine R is Running On |
mad | Median Absolute Deviation |
mahalanobis | Mahalanobis Distance |
make.function.html | Update HTML documentation files |
make.link | Create a Link for GLM families |
make.names | Make Legal R Names Out of Strings |
make.packages.html | Update HTML documentation files |
make.search.html | Update HTML documentation files |
make.socket | Create a Socket Connection |
make.tables | Create model.tables |
margin.table | Compute table margin |
mat.or.vec | Create a Matrix or a Vector |
match | Value Matching |
match.arg | Argument Verification Using Partial Matching |
match.call | Argument Matching |
match.fun | Function Verification for ``Function Variables'' |
Math | Internal and Group Methods and Generic Functions |
matlines | Plot Columns of Matrices |
matmult | Matrix Multiplication |
matplot | Plot Columns of Matrices |
matpoints | Plot Columns of Matrices |
matrix | Matrices |
max | Maxima and Minima |
mean | Arithmetic Mean |
median | Median Value |
Memory | Memory Available for Data Storage |
memory.profile | Profile the Usage of Cons Cells |
menu | Menu Interaction Function |
merge | Merge Two Data Frames |
Methods | Internal and Group Methods and Generic Functions |
methods | Class Methods |
min | Maxima and Minima |
missing | Does a Formal Argument have a Value? |
Mod | Complex Vectors |
mode | The (Storage) Mode of an Object |
model.extract | Extract Components from a Model Frame |
model.frame | Extracting the ``Environment'' of a Model Formula |
model.matrix | Construct Design Matrices |
model.matrix.glm.null | Construct Design Matrices |
model.matrix.lm | Construct Design Matrices |
model.offset | Extract Components from a Model Frame |
model.response | Extract Components from a Model Frame |
model.tables | Compute Tables of Results from an Aov Model Fit. |
model.weights | Extract Components from a Model Frame |
month.abb | Built-in Constants |
month.name | Built-in Constants |
mosaicplot | Mosaic Plots |
mtcars | Motor Trend Road Tests |
mtext | Write Text into the Margins of a Plot |
mvfft | Fast Discrete Fourier Transform |
NA | Not Available / ``Missing'' Values |
na.action | NA Action |
na.fail | Handle Missing Values in Objects |
na.omit | Handle Missing Values in Objects |
name | Variable Names |
names | The Names Attribute of an Object |
NaN | Finite, Infinite and NaN Numbers |
nargs | The Number of Arguments to a Function |
nchar | Count the Number of Characters |
NCOL | The Number of Rows/Columns of an Array |
ncol | The Number of Rows/Columns of an Array |
NegBinomial | The Negative Binomial Distribution |
new.env | Environment Access |
next | Control Flow |
NextMethod | Class Methods |
nextn | Highly Composite Numbers |
nhtemp | Average Yearly Temperatures in New Haven |
nlevels | The Number of Levels of a Factor |
nlm | Non-Linear Minimization |
noquote | Class for ``no quote'' Printing of Strings |
Normal | The Normal Distribution |
NotYet | Not Yet Implemented Functions and Unused Arguments |
NotYetImplemented | Not Yet Implemented Functions and Unused Arguments |
NotYetUsed | Not Yet Implemented Functions and Unused Arguments |
NROW | The Number of Rows/Columns of an Array |
nrow | The Number of Rows/Columns of an Array |
NULL | The Null Object |
numeric | Numeric Vectors |
objects | List Objects |
offset | Include an Offset in a Model Formula |
old.packages | Download Packages from CRAN |
on.exit | Function Exit Code |
Ops | Internal and Group Methods and Generic Functions |
optim | General-purpose Optimization |
optimise | One Dimensional Optimization |
optimize | One Dimensional Optimization |
options | Options Settings |
OrchardSprays | Potency of Orchard Sprays |
order | Ordering Permutation |
ordered | Factors |
outer | Outer Product of Arrays |
p.adjust | Adjust p values for multiple comparisons |
package.contents | Package Contents and Description |
package.dependencies | Check Packahe Dependencies |
package.description | Package Contents and Description |
page | Invoke a Pager on an R Object |
pairlist | Lists - Generic and Dotted Pairs |
pairs | Scatterplot Matrices |
pairs.formula | Formula Notation for Scatterplot Matrices |
palette | Set or View the Graphics Palette |
Palettes | Color Palettes |
panel.smooth | Simple Panel Plot |
par | Set or Query Graphical Parameters |
Paren | Parentheses and Braces |
parent.frame | Functions to Access the Function Call Stack |
parse | Parse Expressions |
parse.dcf | Parse Debian Control File Format |
paste | Concatenate Strings |
pbeta | The Beta Distribution |
pbinom | The Binomial Distribution |
pcauchy | The Cauchy Distribution |
pchisq | The (non-central) Chi-Square Distribution |
pentagamma | Special Functions of Mathematics |
persp | Perspective Plots |
pexp | The Exponential Distribution |
pf | The F Distribution |
pgamma | The Gamma Distribution |
pgeom | The Geometric Distribution |
phones | The World's Telephones |
phyper | The Hypergeometric Distribution |
pi | Built-in Constants |
pico | Invoke a Text Editor |
pictex | A PicTeX Graphics Driver |
piechart | Pie Charts |
PlantGrowth | Results from an Experiment on Plant Growth |
Platform | Platform Specific Variables |
plnorm | The Log Normal Distribution |
plogis | The Logistic Distribution |
plot | Generic X-Y Plotting |
plot.data.frame | Data Frames |
plot.default | The Default Scatterplot Function |
plot.density | Kernel Density Estimation |
plot.factor | Plotting Factor Variables |
plot.formula | Formula Notation for Scatterplots |
plot.function | Draw Function Plots |
plot.lm | Plot Diagnostics for an lm Object |
plot.mlm | Accessing Linear Model Fits |
plot.mts | Time-Series Objects |
plot.new | Create / Start a New Plot Frame |
plot.ts | Time-Series Objects |
plot.window | Set up World Coordinates for Graphics Window |
plot.xy | Basic Internal Plot Function |
plotmath | Mathematical Annotation in R |
pmatch | Partial String Matching |
pmax | Maxima and Minima |
pmin | Maxima and Minima |
pnbinom | The Negative Binomial Distribution |
pnchisq | Defunct Functions |
png | BMP, JPEG and PNG graphics devices |
pnorm | The Normal Distribution |
points | Add Points to a Plot |
points.formula | Formula Notation for Scatterplots |
Poisson | The Poisson Distribution |
poisson | Family Objects for Models |
poly | Compute Orthogonal Polynomials |
polygon | Polygon Drawing |
polyroot | Find Zeros of a Real or Complex Polynomial |
pos.to.env | Convert Positions in the Search Path to Environments |
postscript | PostScript Graphics |
power | Create a Power Link Object |
ppoints | Ordinates for Probability Plotting |
ppois | The Poisson Distribution |
precip | Annual Precipitation in US Cities |
predict | Model Predictions |
predict.glm | Predict Method for GLM Fits |
predict.lm | Predict method for Linear Model Fits |
predict.mlm | Predict method for Linear Model Fits |
preplot | Pre-computations for a Plotting Objeect |
presidents | Approval Rating of US Presidents |
pressure | Vapor Pressure of Mercury as a Function of Temperature |
pretty | Pretty Breakpoints |
Primitive | Call a ``Primitive'' Internal Function |
Print Values | |
print.anova | Anova Tables |
print.anova.glm | Defunct Functions |
print.anova.lm | Defunct Functions |
print.aov | Fit an Analysis of Variance Model |
print.aovlist | Fit an Analysis of Variance Model |
print.atomic | Default Printing |
print.by | Apply a Function to a Data Frame split by Factors |
print.coefmat | Print Coefficient Matrices |
print.data.frame | Data Frames |
print.default | Default Printing |
print.density | Kernel Density Estimation |
print.dummy.coef | Extract Coefficients in Original Coding |
print.factor | Print Values |
print.family | Family Objects for Models |
print.formula | Model Formulae |
print.ftable | Flat Contingency Tables |
print.glm | Accessing Generalized Linear Model Fits |
print.htest | Print Values |
print.infl | Regression Diagnostics |
print.listof | Print Values |
print.lm | Accessing Linear Model Fits |
print.matrix | Print Matrices |
print.mtable | Find Aliases (Dependencies) in a Model |
print.noquote | Class for ``no quote'' Printing of Strings |
print.ordered | Print Values |
print.plot | Defunct Functions |
print.simple.list | Print Values |
print.socket | Create a Socket Connection |
print.summary.aov | Fit an Analysis of Variance Model |
print.summary.aovlist | Fit an Analysis of Variance Model |
print.summary.glm | Accessing Generalized Linear Model Fits |
print.summary.lm | Accessing Linear Model Fits |
print.table | Print Values |
print.tables.aov | Compute Tables of Results from an Aov Model Fit. |
print.tabular | Defunct Functions |
print.terms | Model Terms |
print.ts | Time-Series Objects |
prmatrix | Print Matrices |
proc.time | Running Time of R |
prod | Product of Vector Elements |
profile | Generic Function for Profiling Models |
proj | Projections of Models |
prompt | Produce Prototype of an R Documentation File |
prop.table | Express table entries as fraction of marginal table |
provide | Loading and Listing of Packages |
ps.options | PostScript Graphics |
psignrank | Distribution of the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Statistic |
pt | The Student t Distribution |
ptukey | The Studentized Range Distribution |
punif | The Uniform Distribution |
pweibull | The Weibull Distribution |
pwilcox | Distribution of the Wilcoxon Rank Sum Statistic |
q | Terminate an R Session |
qbeta | The Beta Distribution |
qbinom | The Binomial Distribution |
qcauchy | The Cauchy Distribution |
qchisq | The (non-central) Chi-Square Distribution |
qexp | The Exponential Distribution |
qf | The F Distribution |
qgamma | The Gamma Distribution |
qgeom | The Geometric Distribution |
qhyper | The Hypergeometric Distribution |
qlnorm | The Log Normal Distribution |
qlogis | The Logistic Distribution |
qnbinom | The Negative Binomial Distribution |
qnchisq | Defunct Functions |
qnorm | The Normal Distribution |
qpois | The Poisson Distribution |
qqline | Quantile-Quantile Plots |
qqnorm | Quantile-Quantile Plots |
qqplot | Quantile-Quantile Plots |
qr | The QR Decomposition of a Matrix |
QR.Auxiliaries | Reconstruct the Q, R, or X Matrices from a QR Object |
qr.coef | The QR Decomposition of a Matrix |
qr.fitted | The QR Decomposition of a Matrix |
qr.Q | Reconstruct the Q, R, or X Matrices from a QR Object |
qr.qty | The QR Decomposition of a Matrix |
qr.qy | The QR Decomposition of a Matrix |
qr.R | Reconstruct the Q, R, or X Matrices from a QR Object |
qr.resid | The QR Decomposition of a Matrix |
qr.solve | The QR Decomposition of a Matrix |
qr.X | Reconstruct the Q, R, or X Matrices from a QR Object |
qsignrank | Distribution of the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Statistic |
qt | The Student t Distribution |
qtukey | The Studentized Range Distribution |
quakes | Locations of Earthquakes off Fiji |
quantile | Sample Quantiles |
quasi | Family Objects for Models |
quit | Terminate an R Session |
qunif | The Uniform Distribution |
quote | Substituting and Quoting Expressions |
qweibull | The Weibull Distribution |
qwilcox | Distribution of the Wilcoxon Rank Sum Statistic |
R.home | Return the R Home Directory |
R.Version | Version Information |
R.version | Version Information |
rainbow | Color Palettes |
Random | Random Number Generation |
Random.user | User-supplied Random Number Generation |
randu | Random Numbers from Congruential Generator |
range | Range of Values |
rank | Sample Ranks |
rbeta | The Beta Distribution |
rbind | Combine R Objects by Rows or Columns |
rbinom | The Binomial Distribution |
rcauchy | The Cauchy Distribution |
rchisq | The (non-central) Chi-Square Distribution |
Rconsole | R for Windows Configuration |
Rdevga | R for Windows Configuration |
Re | Complex Vectors |
read.csv | Data Input |
read.csv2 | Data Input |
read.fwf | Read Fixed Width Format Files |
read.socket | Read from or Write to a Socket |
read.table | Data Input |
read.table.url | Read Data and Code from a URL |
readline | Read a Line from the Terminal |
real | Real Vectors |
Recall | Recursive Calling |
rect | Draw a Rectangle |
reformulate | Modify Terms Objects |
regexpr | Pattern Matching and Replacement |
relevel | Reorder Levels of Factor |
remove | Remove Objects from a Specified Environment |
rep | Replicate Elements |
repeat | Control Flow |
replace | Replace Values in a Vector |
replications | Number of Replications of Terms |
require | Loading and Listing of Packages |
resid | Extract Model Residuals |
residuals | Extract Model Residuals |
residuals.glm | Accessing Generalized Linear Model Fits |
residuals.lm | Accessing Linear Model Fits |
restart | Restart an Expression |
return | Function Definition |
rev | Reverse a Vector's Elements |
rexp | The Exponential Distribution |
rf | The F Distribution |
rgamma | The Gamma Distribution |
rgb | RGB Color Specification |
rgeom | The Geometric Distribution |
rhyper | The Hypergeometric Distribution |
rivers | Lengths of Major North American Rivers |
rle | Run Length Encoding |
rlnorm | The Log Normal Distribution |
rlogis | The Logistic Distribution |
rm | Remove Objects from a Specified Environment |
rnbinom | The Negative Binomial Distribution |
rnchisq | Defunct Functions |
RNG | Random Number Generation |
RNGkind | Random Number Generation |
rnorm | The Normal Distribution |
Round | Rounding of Numbers |
round | Rounding of Numbers |
row | Row Indexes |
row.names | Data Frames |
row/colnames | Row and Columnn Names |
rownames | Row and Columnn Names |
rowsum | Give Row Sums of a Matrix, Based on a Grouping Variable |
rpois | The Poisson Distribution |
Rprofile | Initialization at Start of an R Session |
rsignrank | Distribution of the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Statistic |
rstandard | Regression Diagnostics |
rstudent | Regression Diagnostics |
rt | The Student t Distribution |
rug | Add a Rug to a Plot |
runif | The Uniform Distribution |
rweibull | The Weibull Distribution |
rwilcox | Distribution of the Wilcoxon Rank Sum Statistic |
Rwin configuration | R for Windows Configuration |
R_LIBS | Loading and Listing of Packages |
sample | Random Samples and Permutations |
sapply | Apply a Function over a List or Vector |
save | Save R Objects |
save.plot | Defunct Functions |
savePlot | Save Windows Plot to a File |
scale | Scaling and Centering of Matrices |
scan | Read Data Values |
scan.url | Read Data and Code from a URL |
screen | Creating and Controlling Multiple Screens on a Single Device |
sd | Standard Deviation |
se.aov | Internal Functions Used by model.tables |
se.aovlist | Internal Functions Used by model.tables |
se.contrast | Standard Errors for Contrasts in Model Terms |
search | Give Search Path for R Objects |
searchpaths | Give Search Path for R Objects |
segments | Add Line Segments to a Plot |
seq | Sequence Generation |
sequence | Create A Vector of Sequences |
set.seed | Random Number Generation |
setdiff | Set Operations |
setequal | Set Operations |
sets | Set Operations |
setwd | Get or Set Working Directory |
shell | Invoke a System Command, using a Shell |
shell.exec | Open a File using Windows File Associations |
show.data | Data Sets |
sign | Sign Function |
signif | Rounding of Numbers |
SignRank | Distribution of the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Statistic |
sin | Trigonometric Functions |
single | Double Precision Vectors |
sinh | Hyperbolic Functions |
sink | Send R Output to a File |
sleep | Students' Sleep Data |
solve | Solve a System of Equations |
sort | Sort a Vector |
sort.list | Ordering Permutation |
source | Redirect Input |
source.url | Read Data and Code from a URL |
Special | Special Functions of Mathematics |
spline | Interpolating Splines |
splinefun | Interpolating Splines |
split | Divide into Groups |
split.screen | Creating and Controlling Multiple Screens on a Single Device |
sqrt | Miscellaneous Mathematical Functions |
stack.loss | Brownlee's Stack Loss Plant Data |
stack.x | Brownlee's Stack Loss Plant Data |
stackloss | Brownlee's Stack Loss Plant Data |
stars | Star Plots and Segment Diagrams of Multivariate Data |
start | Encode the Terminal Times of Time Series |
Startup | Initialization at Start of an R Session |
stat.anova | GLM Anova Statistics |
state | States of the U.S.A. |
stem | Stem-and-Leaf Plots |
step | Choose a model by AIC in a Stepwise Algorithm |
stop | Stop Function Execution |
storage.mode | The (Storage) Mode of an Object |
str | Compactly Display the Structure of an Arbitrary R Object |
strheight | Plotting Dimensions of Character Strings and Math Expressions |
stripplot | 1-D Scatter Plots |
strsplit | Split the Strings in a Vector |
structure | Attribute Specification |
strwidth | Plotting Dimensions of Character Strings and Math Expressions |
sub | Pattern Matching and Replacement |
Subscript | Extract or Replace Parts of an Object |
subset | Subsetting Vectors and Data Frames |
substitute | Substituting and Quoting Expressions |
substr | Extract Substrings from a Character Vector |
substring | Extract Substrings from a Character Vector |
sum | Sum of Vector Elements |
Summary | Internal and Group Methods and Generic Functions |
summary | Object Summaries |
summary.aov | Fit an Analysis of Variance Model |
summary.aovlist | Fit an Analysis of Variance Model |
Summary.data.frame | Internal and Group Methods and Generic Functions |
summary.data.frame | Object Summaries |
summary.default | Object Summaries |
Summary.factor | Internal and Group Methods and Generic Functions |
summary.factor | Object Summaries |
summary.glm | Accessing Generalized Linear Model Fits |
summary.infl | Regression Diagnostics |
summary.lm | Accessing Linear Model Fits |
summary.matrix | Object Summaries |
summary.mlm | Accessing Linear Model Fits |
sunflowerplot | Produce a Sunflower Scatter Plot |
sunspots | Monthly Mean Relative Sunspot Numbers |
svd | Singular Value Decomposition of a Matrix |
sweep | Sweep out Array Summaries |
swiss | Swiss Fertility and Socioeconomic Indicators (1888) Data |
switch | Select One of a List of Alternatives |
symbol.C | Foreign Function Interface |
symbol.For | Foreign Function Interface |
symbols | Not Yet Implemented Functions and Unused Arguments |
symnum | Symbolic Number Coding |
sys.call | Functions to Access the Function Call Stack |
sys.calls | Functions to Access the Function Call Stack |
sys.frame | Functions to Access the Function Call Stack |
sys.frames | Functions to Access the Function Call Stack |
sys.function | Functions to Access the Function Call Stack |
sys.nframe | Functions to Access the Function Call Stack |
sys.on.exit | Functions to Access the Function Call Stack |
sys.parent | Functions to Access the Function Call Stack |
sys.parents | Functions to Access the Function Call Stack |
sys.source | Parse and Evaluate Expressions from a File |
sys.status | Functions to Access the Function Call Stack |
system | Invoke a System Command |
system.file | Find Names of R System Files |
system.test | Defunct Functions |
system.time | CPU Time Used |
T | Logical Vectors |
t | Matrix Transpose |
table | Cross Tabulation |
tabulate | Tabulation for Vectors |
tan | Trigonometric Functions |
tanh | Hyperbolic Functions |
tapply | Apply a Function Over a ``Ragged'' Array |
TDist | The Student t Distribution |
tempfile | Create Names for Temporary Files |
terms | Model Terms |
terrain.colors | Color Palettes |
tetragamma | Special Functions of Mathematics |
text | Add Text to a Plot |
time | Sampling Times of Time Series |
Titanic | Survival of passengers on the Titanic |
title | Plot Annotation |
ToothGrowth | The Effect of Vitamin C on Tooth Growth in Guinea Pigs |
topo.colors | Color Palettes |
trace | Trace All Calls to a Function. |
traceback | Print Call Stack of Last Error |
transform | Transform an Object, e.g. a Data Frame |
trees | Girth, Height and Volume for Black Cherry Trees |
Trig | Trigonometric Functions |
trigamma | Special Functions of Mathematics |
TRUE | Logical Vectors |
trunc | Rounding of Numbers |
try | Restart an Expression |
ts | Time-Series Objects |
tsp | Tsp Attribute of Time-Series-like Objects |
Tukey | The Studentized Range Distribution |
typeof | The Type of an Object |
UCBAdmissions | Student Admissions at UC Berkeley |
unclass | Object Classes |
undebug | Debug a function |
Uniform | The Uniform Distribution |
union | Set Operations |
unique | Extract Unique Elements |
uniroot | One Dimensional Root Finding |
units | Graphical Units |
unix | Invoke a System Command |
unix.time | CPU Time Used |
unlink | Delete Files and Directories |
unlist | Flatten Lists |
unname | Remove `names' or `dimnames' |
untrace | Trace All Calls to a Function. |
update | Update and Re-fit a Model Call |
update.formula | Model Updating |
update.packages | Download Packages from CRAN |
upper.tri | Lower and Upper Triangular Part of a Matrix |
url.show | Read Data and Code from a URL |
USArrests | Violent Crime Rates by US State |
UseMethod | Class Methods |
USJudgeRatings | Lawyers' Ratings of State Judges in the US Superior Court |
USPersonalExpenditure | Personal Expenditure Data |
uspop | The Population of the United States |
VADeaths | Death Rate Data |
var | Covariance Matrices |
variable.names | Case and Variable Names of Fitted Models |
vector | Vectors |
Version | Defunct Functions |
version | Version Information |
vi | Invoke a Text Editor |
volcano | Topographic Information for the Maunga Whau Volcano |
warning | Warning Messages |
warnings | Print Warning Messages |
warpbreaks | The Number of Breaks in Yarn during Weaving |
Weibull | The Weibull Distribution |
weighted.mean | Weighted Arithmetic Mean |
weighted.residuals | Compute Weighted Residuals |
weights | Accessing Linear Model Fits |
which | Which indices are TRUE ? |
while | Control Flow |
Wilcoxon | Distribution of the Wilcoxon Rank Sum Statistic |
win.graph | Windows graphics devices |
win.metafile | Windows graphics devices |
win.print | Windows graphics devices |
win.version | Auxiliary Functions for the Windows Port |
winDialog | Dialog Boxes under Windows |
winDialogString | Dialog Boxes under Windows |
window | Time Windows |
windows | Windows graphics devices |
winextras | Auxiliary Functions for the Windows Port |
winMenuAdd | User Menus under Windows |
winMenuAddItem | User Menus under Windows |
winMenuDel | User Menus under Windows |
winMenuDelItem | User Menus under Windows |
winMenus | User Menus under Windows |
women | Average Heights and Weights for American Women |
write | Write Data to a File |
write.socket | Read from or Write to a Socket |
write.table | Data Output |
X11 | Windows graphics devices |
x11 | Windows graphics devices |
xedit | Invoke a Text Editor |
xemacs | Invoke a Text Editor |
xinch | Graphical Units |
xor | Logical Operators |
xpdrows.data.frame | Data Frames |
xy.coords | Extracting Plotting Structures |
xyinch | Graphical Units |
yinch | Graphical Units |
zapsmall | Rounding of Numbers |
zip.file.extract | Extract File from a Zip Archive |
zip.unpack | Auxiliary Functions for the Windows Port |
[ | Extract or Replace Parts of an Object |
[[ | Extract or Replace Parts of an Object |
^ | Arithmetic Operators |
| | Logical Operators |
|| | Logical Operators |
~ | Model Formulae |