mosaicplot {base}R Documentation

Mosaic Plots


Plots a mosaic on the current graphics device.


mosaicplot(x, ...)
mosaicplot.default(X, main = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
                   sort = NULL, off = NULL, dir = NULL,
                   color = FALSE)
mosaicplot.formula(formula, data = NULL, subset, na.action, ...)


x an R object.
X a contingency table, with optional category labels specified in the dimnames(x) attribute. The table is best created by the table() command, which produces an object of type array.
main character string for the mosaic title.
xlab,ylab x- and y-axis labels; by default, names(dimnames(X)).
sort vector ordering of the variables, containing a permutation of the integers 1:length(dim(x)) (the default).
off vector of offsets to determine percentage spacing at each level of the mosaic (appropriate values are between 0 and 20, and the default is 10 at each level). There should be one offset for each dimension of the contingency table.
dir vector of split directions ("v" for vertical and "h" for horizontal) for each level of the mosaic, one direction for each dimension of the contingency table. The default consists of alternating directions, beginning with a vertical split.
color (TRUE or vector of integer colors) for color shading or (FALSE, the default) for empty boxes with no shading.
formula a formula, such as y ~ x.
data a data.frame (or list) from which the variables in formula should be taken.
subset an optional vector specifying a subset of observations to be used in the fitting process.
na.action a function which indicates what should happen when the data contain NAs.
... further arguments to the default mosaicplot method.


This is a generic function. It currently has a default method (mosaicplot.default) and a formula interface (mosaicplot.formula).

See Emerson (1998) for more information and a case study with television viewer data from Nielsen Media Research.


S-PLUS original by John Emerson Slightly modified for R by KH.


Hartigan, J.A., and Kleiner, B. (1984) A mosaic of television ratings. The American Statistician, 38, 32–35.

Emerson, J. W. (1998) Mosaic displays in S-PLUS: a general implementation and a case study. Statistical Computing and Graphics Newsletter (ASA), 9, 1, 17–23.

Friendly, M. (1994) Mosaic displays for multi-way contingency tables. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 89, 190–200.

The home page of Michael Friendly ( provides information on various aspects of graphical methods for analyzing categorical data, including mosaic plots.


mosaicplot(Titanic, main = "Survival on the Titanic", color = TRUE)

## Formula interface: visualize crosstabulation of numbers of gears and
## carburettors in Motor Trend car data.
mosaicplot(~ gear + carb, data = mtcars, color = TRUE)

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