Platform {base}R Documentation

Platform Specific Variables


.Platform is a list with functions and variables as components. This provides a possibility to write OS portable R code. However, this interface is still somewhat experimental.

Currently, .Platform <- Platform() when R starts up. This is even more experimental.




.Platform is list with at least the following components:
OS.type character, giving the Operating System (family) of the computer. One of the following values is returned: "unix", "mac", or "windows" (in historical order).
file.sep character, giving the file separator, used on your platform, e.g., "/" on Unix alikes.
dynlib.ext character, giving the file name extension of dynamically loadable libraries, e.g., ".dll" on Windows.

See Also

system for invoking platform specific system commands.


if(.Platform$ OS.type == "unix") {
   system.test <- function(...) { system(paste("test", ...)) == 0 }
   dir.exists <- function(dir) sapply(dir, function(d)system.test("-d", d))
   dir.exists(c(R.home(), "/tmp", "~", "/NO"))# > T T T F

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