debug {base}R Documentation

Debug a function


Set or unset the debugging flag on a function.




fun any interpreted R function.


When a function flagged for debugging is entered, normal execution is suspended and the body of function is executed one statement at a time. A new browser context is initiated for each step (and the previous one destroyed). Currently you can only debug functions that have bodies enclosed in braces. This is a bug and will be fixed soon. You take the next step by typing carriage return, n or next. You can see the values of variables by typing their names. Typing c or cont causes the debugger to continue to the end of the function. You can debug new functions before you step in to them from inside the debugger. Typing Q quits the current execution and returns you to the top–level prompt. If you have variables with names that are identical to the controls (eg. c or n ) then you need to use print(c) and print(n) to evaluate them.

See Also

browser, traceback to see the stack after an Error: ... message.

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