sample {base}R Documentation

Random Samples and Permutations


sample takes a sample of the specified size from the elements of x using either with or without replacement.


sample(x, size, replace=FALSE, prob)


x Either a (numeric, complex, character or logical) vector of more than one elements from which to choose, or a positive integer.
size A positive integer giving the number of items to choose.
replace Should sampling be with replacement?
prob A vector of probabilities of obtaining the elements of the vector being sampled.


If x has length 1, sampling takes place from 1:x.

By default size is equal to length(x) so that sample(x) generates a random permutation of the elements of x (or 1:x).

The optional prob argument can be used to give a vector of probabilities of obtaining the elements of the vector being sampled. If replace is false, these probabilities are applied sequentially, that is the probability of choosing the next item is proportional to the probabilities amongst the remaining items.


x <- 1:12
# a random permutation
# bootstrap sampling

# 100 Bernoulli trials
sample(c(0,1), 100, replace = TRUE)

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