.Alias {base}R Documentation

Create Alias (Pointer) to R Object


.Alias creates an alias to another (part of) an R object which is more (memory-) efficient than usual assignment.


new <- .Alias(expr)


expr an R expression; typically a name.
new new name by which expr can be accessed.


an identical copy of expr.


This has a dangerous semantic, and consequences can be unexpected (it can be used to defeat the call-by-value illusion). Know what you are doing before using .Alias!

See Also

<- for usual assignments.


mop <- options()
mop$browser <- "a browser"   # not set on all platforms
Op <- .Alias(mop)
## A change to mop is reflected in Op and vice versa
## -- ONLY if no new slots are created ...
mop$digits <- "Wow!"
Op$browser <- "another one"
mop$browser; Op$digits
all(names(mop) == names(Op) &
    sapply(seq(mop), function(i) all(Op[[i]] == mop[[i]])))
##> TRUE -- Op and mop ARE the same thing !

mop$newslot <- pi #--->> 'newslot' ==> (shallow) COPY of 'mop'
Op$newslot # R: still the old one, i.e. NULL
all(names(mop) == names(Op))# no longer TRUE

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