example {base}R Documentation

Run an Examples Section from the Online Help


Run all the R code from the EXAMPLES part of R's online help topic topic.


example(topic, package = .packages(), lib,
        echo = TRUE, verbose = getOption("verbose"),
        prompt.echo = paste(abbreviate(topic, 6),"> ", sep=""))


topic name or character: The online help topic the examples of which should be run.
package a character vector with package names.
lib a character vector with path names of R package libraries.
echo logical; if TRUE, show the R input when sourcing.
verbose logical; if TRUE, show even more when running example code.
prompt.echo character; gives the prompt to be used if echo = TRUE.


If lib.loc is not specified, the packages are searched for amongst those already loaded. If lib.loc is specified, they are searched for in the specified libraries, even if they are already loaded from another library. An attempt is made to load the package before running the examples, but this will not replace a pacakge loaded from another location.


(the value of the last evaluated expression).


The examples can be many small files. On some file systems it is desirable to save space, and the files in the `R-ex' directory of an installed package can be zipped up as a zip archive `Rex.zip'.


Martin Maechler and others

See Also



example("smooth", package="eda", lib.loc=.lib.loc)

[Package Contents]