model.frame {base}R Documentation

Extracting the ``Environment'' of a Model Formula


model.frame (generic function) and its methods return a data.frame with the variables from formula.


model.frame(formula, data, na.action, ...)
model.frame.default(formula, data = sys.frame(sys.parent()), na.action,
                    drop.unused.levels = FALSE, xlev = NULL, ...)

Methods for
        lm      glm     aovlist


formula a model formula
data data.frame, list, environment or object coercible to data.frame containing the variables in formula.
na.action how NAs are treated. The default is first, any na.action attribute of data, second a na.action setting of options, and third if that is unset. The ``factory-fresh'' default is na.omit.
drop.unused.levels should factors have unused levels dropped? Defaults to FALSE.
xlev a named list of character vectors giving the full set of levels to be assumed for each factor.
... further arguments such as subset, offset and weights. NULL arguments are treated as missing.


A data.frame containing the variables used in formula.

See Also

model.matrix for the ``design matrix''.


data.class(model.frame(dist ~ speed, data = cars))

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