winDialog {base}R Documentation

Dialog Boxes under Windows


Put up a Windows dialog box to communicate with the user. There are various types, either for the user to select from a set of buttons or to edit a string.


winDialog(type = c("ok", "okcancel", "yesno", "yesnocancel"), message)
winDialogString(message, default)


type The type of dialog box. It will have the buttons implied by its name.
message The information field of the dialog box.
default The default string.


For winDialog a character string giving the name of the button pressed (in capitals) or NULL (invisibly) if the user had no choice.

For winDialogString a string giving the contents of the text box when Ok was pressed, or NULL if code{Cancel} was pressed.

See Also

file.choose to select a file.


winDialog("yesno", "Is it OK to delete file blah")

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