Post 2000 Publications

Thomas M. Liggett, Monotonicity of conditional distributions and growth models on trees. Ann. Probab. 28, (2000), 1645-1665.

Thomas M. Liggett, Tagged particle distributions, or How to choose a head at random. In and Out of Equilibrium: Probability with a Physics Flavor. Birkhauser Progress in Probability Series (2002), 133-162.

Alexander E. Holroyd and Thomas M. Liggett, How to find an extra head: optimal random shifts of Bernoulli and Poisson random fields. Ann. Probab. 29 (2001), 1405-1425.

Maury Bramson, Thomas M. Liggett and Thomas Mountford, Characterization of stationary measures for one dimensional exclusion processes. Ann. Probab. 30 (2002), 1529-1575.

Thomas M. Liggett, Interacting Particle Systems -- An Introduction. Lectures given at the School and Conference on Probability Theory at the International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, May 13-17, 2002.

Phillip Bonacich and Thomas M. Liggett, Asymptotics of a matrix valued Markov chain arising in sociology. Stoch. Proc. Appl. 104 (2003), 155-171.

Thomas M. Liggett, Negative correlations and particle systems. Markov Proc. Rel. Fields 8 (2002), 547-564.

Alexander E. Holroyd, Thomas M. Liggett and Dan Romik, Integrals, partitions and cellular automata. Trans. A. M. S. 356 (2004), 3349-3368

Richard Arratia and Thomas M. Liggett, How likely is an i.i.d. degree sequence to be graphical? Annals of Applied Probability 15 (2005), 652-670.

Thomas M. Liggett and Silke W. W. Rolles, An infinite stochastic model of social network formation. Stoch. Proc. Appl. 113 (2004), 65-80.

Maury Bramson and Thomas M. Liggett, Exclusion processes in higher dimensions: stationary measures and convergence. Ann. Probab. 33 (2005), 2255-2313.

Thomas M. Liggett and Jeffery E. Steif, Stochastic domination: The contact process, Ising models and FKG measures. Ann. Inst. H. Poincare Probab. Statist. 42 (2006), 223-243.

Thomas M. Liggett, Conditional association and spin systems. ALEA - Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics 1 (2006), 1-19.

Thomas M. Liggett, Jeffery E. Steif and Balint Toth, Statistical mechanical systems on complete graphs, infinite exchangeability, finite extensions and a discrete moment problem. Ann. Probab. 35 (2007), 867-914.

Thomas M. Liggett, Steven A. Lippman and Richard P. Rumelt, The asymptotic Shapley value for a simple market game. Economic Theory 40 (2009), 333-338.

Lincoln Chayes and Thomas M. Liggett, One dimensional nearest neighbor exclusion processes in inhomogeneous and random environments. J. Stat. Phys. 129 (2007), 193-203.

Thomas M. Liggett, Rinaldo B. Schinazi and Jason Schweinsberg, A contact process with mutations on a tree. Stoch. Proc. Appl. 118 (2008), 319-332.

Julius Borcea, Petter Branden and Thomas M. Liggett, Negative dependence and the geometry of polynomials. J. American Mathematical Society 22 (2009), 521-567.

Thomas M. Liggett, Distributional limits for the symmetric exclusion process. Stoch. Proc. Appl. 119 (2009), 1-15.

Geoffrey R. Grimmett, Thomas M. Liggett, and Thomas Richthammer, Percolation of arbitrary words in one dimension, Random Struct. Algor. 36 (2010), 85--99.

Thomas M. Liggett and Rinaldo B. Schinazi, A stochastic model for phylogenetic trees. J. Appl. Probab. 46 (2009), 601-607.

Thomas M. Liggett, Continuous Time Markov Processes, an Introduction. Graduate Studies in Mathematics, American Mathematical Society, 2010.

Thomas M. Liggett, T. E. Harris' contributions to Interacting Particle Systems and Percolation. Ann. Probab. 39 (2011), 407-416.

Pietro Caputo, Thomas M. Liggett, and Thomas Richthammer, Proof of Aldous' spectral gap conjecture. J. American Mathematical Society 23 (2010), 831-851.

Thomas M. Liggett, Stochastic models for large interacting systems and related correlation inequalities. PNAS inaugural article. PNAS 107 (2010), 16413-16419.

Thomas M. Liggett and Alexander Vandenberg-Rodes, Stability on {0,1,2,...}^S: birth-death chains and particle systems. Notions of Positivity and the Geometry of Polynomials, Trends in Mathematics, Springer (2011), 311-329.

Richard Durrett, Thomas M. Liggett and Yuan Zhang, The contact process with fast voting. Electronic Journal of Probability 19 (2014), 1-19.

Richard Arratia, Thomas M. Liggett and Malcolm J. Williamson, Scale-free and power law distributions via fixed points and convergence of (thinning and conditioning) transformations. Electronic Communications in Probability 19 (2014),1-10.

Thomas M. Liggett, Stationary distributions and correlation inequalities for asymmetric exclusion processes. Open Problems in Mathematics 1 (2013).

Alexander E. Holroyd and Thomas M. Liggett, Finitely dependent coloring. Forum of Mathematics, Pi 4 (2016).

Alexander E. Holroyd and Thomas M. Liggett, Symmetric 1-dependent colorings of the integers. Electronic Communications in Probability 20 (2015), 1-8.

Subhroshekhar Ghosh, Thomas M. Liggett and Robin Pemantle, Multivariate CLT follows from strong Rayleigh property. ANALCO (2017).

Thomas M. Liggett and Wenpin Tang, One-dependent hard-core processes and colorings of the star graph..