My Teaching Page

Below are my previous notable teaching experiences:

  1. MATH 33A (Linear Algebra and Applications) at UCLA, 2023-24 Quarter 3

  2. MATH 33A (Linear Algebra and Applications) at UCLA, 2023-24 Quarter 2

  3. MATH 132 (Complex Analysis for Applications) at UCLA, 2023-24 Quarter 1

  4. MATH 551 (Elementary Topology) at UW-Madison, 2022-23 Term 2

  5. MATH 521 (Analysis I) at UW-Madison, 2022-23 Term 1

  6. MATH 105 (Integral Calculus with Applications to Commerce and Social Sciences) at UBC, 2018-19 Term 2

  7. I have also run some workshops and taught a few short courses.
    Lecture Notes on Fractals for Diversity in Mathematics, 2019
    Lecture1 Lecture2 Lecture3 Joint