Workshops and Conferences
(a partial list of workshops/conferences that I co-organized)
- Workshop on Operator Algebras and Applications: Free Probability (November 2023, Fields Institute)
- Modern Trends in Operator Algebras (March 2023, UCLA)
- C*-Algebras (Aug 2022, Oberwolfach)
- Quantitative Linear Algebra (Reunion II) (Dec 2021,
IPAM/UCLA Lake Arrowhead conference center)
- Quantitative Linear Algebra (Reunion I) (Dec 2019,
IPAM/UCLA Lake Arrowhead conference center)
- C*-Algebras (Aug 2019, Oberwolfach)
- Quantitative Linear Algebra (March-June 2018, Long Program at IPAM)
- Von Neumann Algebras (May-Aug 2016, Trimester Program at the Hausdorff Research Institute for Mathematics in Bonn)
- Free Probability and the Large N Limit, V (March 2016, UC Berkeley)
- Extended Probabilistic Operator Algebras Seminar (May 2015, UC Berkeley)
- Free Probability and the Large N Limit, IV (March 2014, UC Berkeley)
- von Neumann algebras and Ergodic Theory (May 2012, UCLA)
- Free Probability and the Large N Limit, III (March 2012, UC Berkeley)
- West Coast Operator Algebras Seminar (October 2011, Univ. New Mexico)
- L2 invariants and their relatives for finitely generated groups (September 2011, Amer. Inst. Mathematics)
- Special Session on Free probability and Subfactors at the AMS Sectional Meeting (October 2010, UCLA)
- Free Probability and Large N Limit, II (February 2010, UCLA)
- von Neumann algebras and Ergodic Theory (March 2009, UCLA)
- Workshop on von Neumann Algebras (Oct-Nov 2007, Fields Institute)
- von Neumann algebras and Ergodic Theory (March 2007, UCLA)
- Free Probability and Large N Limit (UC Berkeley, March 2007)
- Beyond Amenability: Groups, Actions and Operator Algebras (May 2006, UCLA)
- Free Analysis (June 2006, Amer. Inst. Mathematics)
- Follow-up workshop: Recent progress in von Neumann algebras (Nov 2003, UCLA)
- Recent Advances in von Neumann Algebras (May 2003, UCLA)
- Extended Probabilistic Operator Algebra Seminar (UC Berkeley Aug 2003)
- Entropy in Operator Algebras (UCLA, July 2002)