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Dec 6, 2005
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Sample chapters for the second edition of my book “Solving
mathematical problems: a personal perspective”. Due to “popular demand”,
this book is now being reprinted by Oxford University Press, and should be
available roughly at the time of the 2006 ICM in August.
Dec 5, 2005
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“The dichotomy
between structure and randomness, arithmetic progressions, and the primes”. This is a full-length version of a paper
submitted for the 2006 ICM proceedings; due to length considerations, the
actual ICM paper will be a substantially abridged version of this
paper. Here I survey a class of
structure theorems – that roughly speaking obtain a decomposition of
an arbitrary object into a “structured” (low-complexity,
self-correlated, measurable) component and a “pseudorandom”
(high-complexity, discorrelated, anti-measurable) component – and
how they can be used to prove results such as Szemeredi’s theorem
and the Green-Tao theorem on arithmetic progressions (in dense subsets of
integers, and dense subsets of primes, respectively). The structure theorems exist in many
contexts (ergodic theory, Fourier analysis, graph theory, hypergraph
theory, probability theory, information theory) but the point of this
paper is to emphasize the common themes between these theorems even though
their settings vary widely.
Nov 8, 2005
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Littlewood-Offord theorems and the condition number of random discrete
matrices”, joint with Van
Vu. Here we return to random
Bernoulli matrices, but instead of trying to control the determinant or
the singularity probability of these matrices, we now consider the
condition number, which is basically the ratio between the largest and
smallest singular value. The
largest value is quite stable and is known to be comparable to n^{1/2}
with very high probability, so it is only a matter of understanding the
lowest singular value. This is conjectured
to be of size roughly n^{-1/2} (in analogy with random Gaussian matrices),
and there is a result of Rudelson showing that this value is at least
n^{-3/2} with reasonable probability.
The main result of this paper is a tail estimate, namely for any A
there exists a B such that the lowest singular value is at least n^{-B}
with probability 1 – O(n^{-A}).
Equivalently, the condition number is O(n^{-B}) with probability 1
– O(n^{-A}). There are three
major ingredients in the proof, which may have some independent
interest. The first ingredient is a
new inverse Littlewood-Offord theorem which almost completely
characterizes which hyperplanes intersect the discrete unit cube {-1,1}^n
with polynomial density (the coefficients of the normal vector have to lie
almost completely in a generalized arithmetic progression of bounded
size). This theorem, which is
somewhat similar in spirit to Freiman’s inverse sumset theorem, is
proven mostly by elementary methods (with a touch of Fourier analysis),
the main difficulty being a technical issue of “clearing
denominators” with only polynomial losses. The second ingredient, which is also
new, is a discretization of progressions, which allows one to split any
progression as the sum of a sparse progression (wide separation between
elements) and a small progression.
This is a discrete analogue of the fact that a linear map can be
written as the direct sum of an injective map and a zero map. Combining these ingredients allows us to
convert the smallest singular value problem to the singularity problem,
which we handle by a generalization of the Kahn-Komlos-Szemeredi theorem
on random Bernoulli matrices, allowing a small number of the rows to be
replaced by deterministic vectors.
Nov 3, 2005
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“The nonlinear
Schr\”odinger equation with combined power-type nonlinearities”,
joint with Monica Visan
and Xiaoyi Zhang. Here we
systematically study the global well-posedness and scattering theory for
an NLS with two power nonlinearites, either of which can be focusing or
defocusing, in three and higher dimensions, in the energy space H^1 and
also in the pseudoconformal space Sigma, without any symmetry assumptions
on the data. If the larger power
was defocusing, it was already known that as long as both powers were
H^1-subcritical, then one had global well-posedness, and it was also known
that the single power defocusing H^1-critical equation had global
well-posedness. We combine these
results by extending the former to the endpoint case when the larger power
is H^1-critical; this is by a perturbation argument using the H^1-critical
pure power equation as the approximating equation. Next, we consider the scattering theory
in H^1, and show that one has scattering in the doubly defocusing case as
long as both powers lie between the L^2-critical and H^1-critical
exponents inclusive. In the case
that the lower power is L^2-critical, we need an additional hypothesis,
namely that the pure power L^2-critical equation enjoys scattering and
spacetime estimates (an “L^2-critical gopher”, if you
will). This is especially delicate
for the “doubly critical” case involving both the L^2-critical
power and the H^1-critical power; here we need to approximate the
low-frequency evolution by the L^2-critical equation and then the
high-frequency evolution by the H^1-critical equation, keeping the medium
frequencies under control via a Morawetz inequality. We also exploit the virial identity to
force blowup in some negative-energy, inward-momentum cases, and the
pseudoconformal identity to obtain scattering in Sigma in other cases.
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“Entropy sum set
estimates”, a deleted chapter from my upcoming book with Van
Vu. Here we take the
Plunnecke-Ruzsa theory of sumset estimates, but replace finite sets by
random variables, and cardinality by entropy. The graph-theoretical Plunnecke
inequalities no longer seem to hold in this setting, but almost all the
remaining theory works, and is in fact somewhat cleaner (all constant
factors in the estimates automatically get replaced by 1, thanks to an
elegant “tensor power trick” of Ruzsa). In fact the theory falls out neatly from
standard Shannon entropy inequalities,
most notably the submodularity inequality.
The same techniques also give some of the sharpest known results
(due to Katz and Tardos) on the Kakeya conjecture and the Erdos distance
problem, which we also discuss here.
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“Compressions, convex
geometry, and the Freiman-Bilu theorem”, joint with Ben Green. This short paper more or less fell out
of a day’s worth of discussion at MIT, much to the surprise of both
of us. Here what we do is we
observe that the Brunn-Minkowski theorem, combined with the standard
technique of compressions (as used for instance by Bollobas and Leader) show
that any suitably large subset of a d-dimensional discrete box must have
doubling constant at least 2^d (minus epsilon). This, when combined with Chang’s
version of Freiman’s theorem, gives a reasonable quantitative
version of the Freiman-Bilu theorem.
To oversimplify a little, we show that any set |A| of integers of
doubling constant K can be covered by exp( C K^3 log^3 K ) translates of a
progression of dimension at most log K and size at most |A|. For comparison, the original arguments
of Freiman and Bilu require more like exp(exp(K^C)) translates, while
Chang’s theorem uses only one translate but the progression has
dimension K and size exp( C K^2 log^3 K ) |A|. We also observe a variant, that any
subset of R^d which contains a d-dimensional nondegenerate parallelepiped
must have doubling constant at least 2^{d/2} (which is pretty sharp, as
one cannot do better than (3/2)^d).
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“Velocity Averaging,
Kinetic Formulations and Regularizing Effects in Quasilinear PDEs”,
joint with Eitan
Tadmor. In this project (which
we started six years ago!) we revisit the averaging lemma which provides a
smoothing effect for the velocity averages of (entropy) solutions to
kinetic formulations of quasilinear equations. The main novelty here is an abstract
approach which allows us for the first time to obtain the smoothing effect
for second order (convection-diffusion or convection-elliptic) systems,
going beyond the first order conservation law smoothing effects in
existing versions of the lemma. The
key is that for each fixed “velocity” v, the multiplier
associated to v, being a combination of a real elliptic quadratic and an
imaginary linear term obeys a certain “truncation property”
uniformly in v which allows one to obtain a good Littlewood-Paley theory
relative to that multiplier. Combined with the standard non-degeneracy
condition (namely, that for any fixed frequency, the multiplier associated
to v is large for most velocities v) we obtain the regularizing
effect. In the case of higher order
vanishing of the symbol we obtain slightly better exponents than in
preceding results even for the first-order case (pure transport).
Oct 26, 2005
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“Maximal multilinear
operators”, joint with Ciprian Demeter and Christoph Thiele. In this paper we generalize a result of
Michael Lacey concerning the bilinear maximal operator, to now obtain
similar L^p bounds for arbitrary multilinear maximal operators, both in
the context of functions on R and (via a simple transference principle)
functions on a measure-preserving system, though the strength of the
estimates depends greatly on the rank of the multilinear averaging (the
main results are in the rank one case, the remaining ones being obtained
by interpolation). We follow
Lacey’s approach with some additional simplifications. Firstly we use now-standard multilinear
interpolation techniques and time-frequency discretization techniques to
reduce to a certain restricted weak type estimate for a model
operator. Using standard tree
selection algorithms, the problem reduces to that of establishing a
maximal Bessel inequality for a forest of wave packets, with a certain
logarithmic loss. By using a
certain “good lambda” type argument one can make this
logarithmic loss depend only on the tree multiplicity. By spatial localization arguments (and a
nonmaximal Bessel inequality, which has some independent interest) and the
Radamacher-Menshov inequality we can normalize the trees to have common
spatial interval, at which point the claim follows from an inequality of
Sep 23, 2005
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“New bounds for
Szemeredi's Theorem, I: Progressions of length 4 in finite field
geometries”, joint with Ben Green. This paper was in fact my first joint
project with Ben, and our first approach to this problem eventually
revolved around finding versions of Szemeredi’s theorem relative to
certain quadratic varieties, which we treated as being rather pseudorandom
objects (at least from a linear perspective). Then Ben observed that having a version
of Szemeredi’s theorem relative to pseudorandom sets would be very
useful for obtaining progressions in the primes, and so we dropped this
project to study
primes. Two years later, we
finally returned to the problem.
Actually things turned out rather well, because in the meantime Ben
came up with a better proof of the main result (being a hybrid of energy
incrementation and density increment arguments, rather than a pure density
increment argument, inspired by some arguments of Heath-Brown and
Szemeredi, and avoiding the need to relativize to quadratic
varieties). Ultimately, the goal is
to show that given any finite abelian group G, any subset of density at
least 1/(log |G|)^c for some small absolute constant c > 0 contains
nontrivial progressions of length 4 (the result for 3 is already known,
for instance by Bourgain’s proof of Roth’s theorem). Note that c=1 would essentially yield
the Erdos-Turan conjecture for length 4 progressions (this is unknown even
for length 3 progressions, where one essentially only has c=1/2, except in
the finite field geometry case where one does have c=1). In a previous paper we
established 1/(log log |G|)^c by developing an inverse U^3 theorem. In this paper we establish the 1/(log
|G|)^c bound in the special case of a finite field geometry, i.e. G is a
vector space over a small finite field (e.g. F_5). The idea is to first combine the inverse
U^3 theorem with the energy incrementation argument from our primes paper to
obtain a Koopman-von Neumann structure theorem that decomposes any
function into a structured component of low quadratic complexity, and an
error which is quadratically uniform.
Discarding the error, the task is thus to count progressions of
length 4 in the structured component, which is a function depending only
on a bounded number of linear and quadratic phase functions. This can be done by linear Fourier
analysis (and Gauss sum computations), and eventually leads to a
substantial density increment on the function if it has an anomalous
number of progressions of length 4.
This is then fed back into the density increment argument to obtain
the 1/(log |G|)^c bound. The final
computation (which is reminiscent of Fourier analysis on 2-step nilmanifolds)
is a little messy, but by being more low-tech one can obtain a “cheap”
bound of the form exp( - c sqrt(log log |G|) ) without much difficulty, by
ignoring almost all of the quadratic structure (slicing the quadratic
variety right away into linear spaces).
- Updated
again: “Sharp
well-posedness and ill-posedness results for a quadratic non-linear
Schr\"odinger equation”, joint with Ioan Bejenaru. A rather confusing typo (the weight w
was reported as min(1, -tau)^10 instead of max(1,-tau)^10) has been
fixed. Thanks to Hideo Takaoka for
pointing out the error.
Sep 14, 2005
Sep 12, 2005
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“On the Multilinear
Restriction and Kakeya conjectures”, joint with Jon Bennett and Tony
Carbery. This marks my return
to restriction and Kakeya problems after an absence of several years. Here we investigate the n-linear
analogues of the restriction and Kakeya conjectures in n dimensions, where
there is a surprising amount of self-similarity in the problem, and where
the role of curvature completely vanishes, being replaced instead by the
concept of transversality. Here,
the induction on scale machinery of Bourgain and Wolff can be used to show
that the multilinear Kakeya and restriction conjectures are equivalent up to epsilons, and that
the Kakeya conjecture implies itself in a certain scale-inductive
sense. This latter observation can
be refined using the heat flow monotonicity methods that were already
known to work for the Brascamp-Lieb problem, thus yielding a heat-flow
proof of the multilinear Kakeya conjecture and thence the multilinear
restriction conjecture, up to epsilons.
Sadly, this does not resolve the linear versions of these
conjectures, though it does eliminate a certain “non-plany”
scenario and also has an application to a combinatorial analogue of the
Kakeya problem, namely the joints problem of Sharir. We also discuss some variable
coefficient and k-plane analogues that can be treated by the method. One unusual feature of the approach is
the reliance of identities involving a general exponent p which are
difficult to prove directly, but which we establish by first proving the
identities when p is a positive integer and then extrapolating (via
analytic continuation and approximation theory) to general p (in fact, we
need these identities for p < 1, usually).
Aug 20, 2005
Aug 18, 2005
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“Progress on nonlinear wave
equations”. These are
some rather informal slides on progress on critical geometric nonlinear
wave equations for the upcoming Cambridge
- Updated:
“A quantitative proof of
Wiener’s theorem”.
As pointed out by Brian Davies, there is a very short quantitative
proof of Wiener’s theorem due to Newman which is somewhat along the
lines of the arguments in this note.
Aug 11, 2005
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“Sharp well-posedness
and ill-posedness results for a quadratic non-linear Schr\"odinger
equation”, joint with Ioan Bejenaru. Here we revisit a simple nonlinear
Schrodinger equation, namely the 1D quadratic NLS i u_t + u_xx = u^2. This equation was shown to be locally
well-posed in H^s(R) for s > -3/4 by Kenig, Ponce and Vega using the X^{s,b} spaces,
and it was later shown by Nakanishi, Takaoka, and Tsutsumi that this was the
limit of the method (except for a Besov endpoint obtained by Muramutu and
Taoka). However, an inspection of
iterates suggested that it was possible to attain and even go below -3/4
by using other spaces than the X^{s,b} ones. After some trial and error, Ioan and I
found a suitable (though somewhat complicated) choice of spaces which
enabled us to obtain local well-posedness down to s > -1. Here, the iterates suggested that this
was the sharp limit, and in fact there is an abstract argument (which works
for any nonlinear equation containing a suitable “high-to-low
cascade”, and may be of independent interest) that shows that
illposedness occurs at s=-1 or below.
- Updated:
“Error Correction
via Linear Programming”.
Due to a merge, this article is now somewhat longer and is joint
with Mark Rudelson
and Roman Vershynin
as well as Emmanuel
- Uploaded:
The short story “Quadratic
reciprocity and the theta function”. This is a completely classical
derivation of Gauss’s reciprocity formula via the functional
equation for the Jacobi theta function.
It is hardly new, and was written mostly for my own benefit, but
this cute little proof seems to be not as widely known (except to number
theorists) as it should be, so I’m putting it on-line anyway.
June 30, 2005
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“Stability of
energy-critical nonlinear Schr\"odinger equations in high dimensions”,
joint with Monica Visan. This paper arose from Monica’s
investigation of the global well-posedness theory for defocusing energy
critical NLS for large energy data in high dimensions. It turns out in order to complete the
global theory successfully, one had to go back and revisit the local
well-posedness theory, and in particular obtain a stability result (that
near-solutions to NLS can always be approximated by genuine solutions
provided a certain spacetime norm is small) for the equation. This is a fairly routine application of
Strichartz estimates in six and fewer dimensions, but in seven and higher
dimensions the nonlinearity becomes subquadratic, and so the derivative of
the nonlinearity becomes non-Lipschitz; this causes a severe difficulty in
iterating in the usual H^1 Strichartz spaces (and it is likely that the
solution map is not even Lipschitz in these spaces for sufficiently high
dimension). However, it is possible
to recover Holder continuity of the solution map, as well as a stability
result with similar Holder continuous dependence on the perturbation. The trick is to iterate not in the usual
Strichartz spaces (which cost a full derivative and thus sacrifice the
Lipschitz nature of the nonlinearity), but instead to iterate in exotic
(non-admissible) Strichartz spaces, which have the same scaling as the
usual spaces but require only a fraction of a derivative to be applied to
the nonlinearity. One in fact
obtains Lipschitz bounds in the exotic spaces, which after further
iteration then recovers estimates of Holder continuity type in the
original Strichartz spaces. In
particular, we obtain for the first time uniform local well-posedness for the energy-critical NLS in
higher dimensions (previously, the continuous dependence on the data was
either not known to be uniform, or was only known to be uniform in rougher
topologies than the energy topology).
As a (rather standard) consequence we also obtain scattering
results (with bicontinuous wave operators) provided that an a priori spacetime bound is established
on finite energy solutions. (In the
defocusing energy-critical NLS, this bound, which also establishes global
well-posedness and regularity for this equation, will be forthcoming in
Monica’s thesis.)
June 8, 2005
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The expository note “A
trilinear maximal inequality via arithmetic combinatorics”,
joint with Christoph Thiele
and Ciprian Demeter. Here we use (of all things) arithmetic
combinatorics in order to obtain a non-trivial estimate on a trilinear
maximal estimate (reminiscent of the bilinear maximal function estimate of
Michael Lacey). It only gains an
epsilon over the trivial estimate, however it has the unusual feature of
being completely combinatorial in nature, using no Fourier analysis. There is perhaps a hope that this type
of technique can help give an estimate on the trilinear Hilbert transform,
which appears to be inaccessible to a purely time-frequency approach,
though we emphasize that the maximal operator here is somewhat simpler
than that transform.
June 6, 2005
- Created:
A book page, showing the status of my various
book projects. Most of it is
links to other things already on my web page, but the one new thing is
some sample chapters from my upcoming
CBMS lecture notes on nonlinear dispersive and wave equations.
June 4, 2005
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“The Dantzig
selector: statistical estimation when $p$ is much larger than $n$”,
joint with Emmanuel Candes. This continues my sequence of papers
with Emmanuel exploring the applications of the l^1 minimization method,
in this case to linear regression models in multivariant statistics. The setup is that there are p unknowns
(represented as a vector x in R^p), and a (known) linear measurement n x p
matrix A. We observe n measurements
y = Ax + z, where z (in R^n) is a noise term with a known power (in
particular, one has a bound on A^t z).
The objective is then to obtain an estimator for x from y which has
as small error (as measured in the mean square sense) as possible. The novelty here is that we treat the
case p >> n, when there are many more unknowns than
measurements. Of course, this
problem is in general unsolvable, but with the additional assumptions that
x is sparse (supported on
somewhat fewer than n values) or compressible
(concentrated in the span of fewer than n vectors in a fixed basis) and
that A is suitably generic
– or more precisely, that it obeys the “uniform uncertainty
principle” introduced in our earlier papers – then we do have
a very efficient estimator, which we dub the “Dantzig
selector” in honour of the late George Dantzig, as it is a linear
programming method. In fact the
selector is very simple: we choose the estimator x^ to minimize the l^1
norm of y-Ax^ subject to the constraint that the residual A^t z is less
than the expected noise level in l^infty.
This estimator turns out to be a sort of nonlinear soft
thresholding for x, and we obtain mean square error estimates that are
with an absolute constant (256, to be precise) of the ideal mean square
error. (In numerical simulations,
the ratio between actual and ideal MSE is more like 20). Our arguments are deterministic and
elementary, based on the deterministic geometry of UUP matrices. We also have a refined version of the
Dantzig selector, which we call the “Gauss-Dantzig selector”,
which compensates for the underestimation bias of the Dantzig selector and
can be thought of as a nonlinear hard thresholding for x rather than a
soft thresholding for x. In
numerical experiments, this refined selector gives an MSE which attains
the ideal MSE almost exactly; basically, it uses the ordinary Dantzig
selector to locate the significant unknowns (usually it locates the exact
support of the true unknowns x with near-perfect accuracy) and then uses a
standard Gauss least-squares method to obtain the ideal selector based on
those unknowns. The method seems to
be quite robust and general; the only catch is that it requires the noise
to be uniformly distributed with respect to the measurement matrix, in the
sense that good l^infty control is assumed on A^t z; this is generically
true up to a logarithmic loss in the number of unknowns p. (Our previous paper,
with Justin Romberg, explored
the case of adversarial noise, in which the only assumption on the noise
is l^2 bounds. There, the ideal MSE
is of course significantly worse, but a slight variant of the Dantzig
selector still attains this MSE up to an absolute constant.) We also give a number of demonstrates
of the method to recovery of compressible signals (images, spike trains,
piecewise polynomial signals) from noisy and incomplete measurements.
May 31, 2005
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“Finiteness bounds
for Holder-Brascamp-Lieb multilinear inequalities”, joint with
Jon Bennett, Tony
Carbery, and Michael
Christ, submitted, Math. Res.
Letters. Here, we give an
elementary proof of one of the results in our larger paper, namely a
necessary and sufficient condition for a multilinear inequality of
Holder-Brascamp-Lieb type (possibly with localization or discretization)
to hold with a finite constant. As
it turns out, such an inequality can be deduced purely from an iterative
argument using nothing more than Holder’s inequality (as the base
case), and either the Fubini-Tonelli theorem, Minkowski’s inequality
or the multilinear interpolation theorem (depending on whether a critical
space exists or not, and whether one of the exponents is equal to 1). This generalizes the familiar proof of
Young’s inequality (or the Loomis-Whitney inequality, including its
generalizations to arbitrary measure spaces and co-ordinate planes by
Finner) using exactly the same tools.
May 18, 2005
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“Obstructions to
uniformity, and arithmetic patterns in the primes”, submitted, Quarterly J. Pure Appl. Math.
(special issue in honour of John Coates).
In this survey I discuss the approach Ben Green and I have to
finding arithmetic progressions (and hopefully other patterns too) in the
prime numbers and similar such sets.
In particular, I discuss how we use enveloping sieves, such as those
constructed from truncated divisor sums by Goldston and Yildirim, to view
the primes as a set of positive relative density, as opposed to one of
zero absolute density, and then how one can hope to count patterns in the
primes by first quantifying the obstructions there are to uniformity (in
the sense of Gowers), and then averaging out the effect of those
obstructions. There is a
distinction between the “hard” obstructions to uniformity
coming from Fourier analysis, and more recently from the quadratic Fourier
analytic techniques of Gowers (as well as the closely related work from
ergodic theory from Bergelson, Host, Kra, Ziegler, and others), and the
“soft” obstructions coming from the earlier work of
Furstenberg, Katznelson, Weiss, and others; the situation is still not
completely clarified yet but there are many intriguing interconnections
between harmonic analysis, combinatorics, ergodic theory, group theory,
and number theory being unearthed.
May 14, 2005
- Updated:
the short story “An
ergodic transference theorem”.
I have completely rewritten and expanded this article, using a more
abstract viewpoint and also going into greater detail into the Furstenberg
correspondence principle. In fact
we manage to derive this principle without any appeal to the axiom of
May 9, 2005
- Uploaded:
“Random symmetric
matrices are almost surely non-singular”, joint with Kevin
Costello and Van Vu,
submitted, Duke Math. J.. Here we adapt an argument of Komlos to
show that a random symmetric n x
n matrix with entries +-1, distributed independently on the upper
triangular half of the matrix (and then fixed by symmetry on the strict
lower triangular component), is invertible with probability 1 – O(
n^{-1/8+eps} ) for any eps > 0.
The main difficulty here is that the symmetry couples different
entries together, making the standard incremental approach of exposing one
row of the matrix at a time rather intractable. However if one adopts Komlos’
original approach of exposing a row and column simultaneously then one can proceed. The main difficulty that needs to be
overcome is that the exposing of both a row and a column changes the
determinant by a random quadratic form, and one needs a quadratic
Littlewood-Offord inequality to show that this form is usually
non-zero. We establish such an
inequality using a general Cauchy-Schwarz approach (reminiscent of
Weyl’s approach to exponential sums), which may be of interest for
other applications.
- Uploaded:
The expository note “Santalo’s
inequality”. This is another
“deleted scene” from my additive combinatorics book with Van
Vu, which we are still in the process of editing (in particular, removing
a certain amount of tangential material).
Here we give the proof of Santalo’s inequality giving an
upper bound for the product of a volume of a symmetric convex body and its
polar. We also discuss the known
lower bounds, giving in particular Kuperberg’s simple (though
non-optimal) result.
May 2, 2005
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“The Brascamp--Lieb
Inequalities: Finiteness, Structure and Extremals”, joint with
Jon Bennett, Tony
Carbery, and Michael
Christ, submitted, Inventiones Math.. In this paper we revisit the
general-rank, higher-dimensional Brascamp-Lieb inequalities, which
generalize several useful inequalities in analysis such as Young’s
inequality, the Loomis-Whitney inequality, and Holder’s
inequality. We present a new,
elementary, and completely self-contained proof of these inequalities with
the sharp constant using a multilinear heat flow approach (which we
discovered while working on the Kakeya problem, but that’s another
story, to be told in a subsequent paper), and also give necessary and
sufficient conditions for the constant to be finite, and for the constant
to be attainable. It turns out that
there is a lot of geometric structure in these inequalities, involving
quiver representations, of all things, and a factorization of
Brascamp-Lieb “data” into indecomposable or simple components,
as well as a normal form, turns out to be essential to understanding them.
We also obtain some curious monotonicity formulae for the heat equation
(as well as some other convolution operators) as a by-product. This is also my first paper which
involves commutative diagrams (five of them, to be exact). Correction
May 19: As pointed out to me by a co-author who shall remain
anonymous, this is in fact my second paper involving commutative
diagrams. The first one can be
found here.
Apr 23, 2005
Apr 8, 2005
- Uploaded:
Gaussian primes contain arbitrarily shaped constellations”,
submitted, J. d’Analyse Mathematique. This is a totally reworked version of my
preceding paper (the one with the impossibly long title). Here we take the argument of Ben Green
and myself that establishes long arithmetic
progressions in the primes, and extends it to the Gaussian integers,
thus showing that the Gaussian primes contain constellations of any given
shape and orientation. The main new
difficulty is that Szemeredi’s theorem, which was a major input in
my paper with Ben, must now be replaced by another result. The obvious candidate here is the
Furstenberg-Katznelson multidimensional Szemeredi theorem. However, I do not know how to run the
rest of the argument with this input, mainly because I do not understand
the characteristic factor for multidimensional Szemeredi recurrence (this
is in fact an active area of research in ergodic theory at present). Instead, I use the hypergraph removal
lemma of Gowers and Nagle-Rodl-Schacht-Skokan (or more precisely the
variant introduced in my
preceding paper) as the tool used to control the “Gowers
anti-uniform” component of the Gaussian primes. The remaining parts of the proof closely
follow the paper with Ben, thus we develop a generalized von Neumann
theorem to deal with the “Gowers uniform” component of the
primes, and a “Furstenberg structure theorem” to split the
primes into the Gowers anti-uniform and Gowers uniform components. A large portion of the paper is devoted
to establishing a pseudorandom majorant for the Gaussian primes, which
requires a Goldston-Yildirim type analysis of Gaussian truncated divisor
sums. Here we encounter some new
technical difficulties, arising from some correlations in the Gaussian
primes that are not present in the rational setting.
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“Error Correction via Linear
Programming”, joint with Emmanuel Candes,
submitted, FOCS ’05 proceedings.
This is a condensed version of our linear coding paper,
giving an elementary proof of the main result, namely that a system of
random overdetermined measurements can correct a fixed fraction of errors
perfectly using the basis pursuit method.
Mar 28, 2005
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the short story “An
ergodic transference theorem”.
This is an attempt to redo the transference theorem of Ben Green
and myself, which can be used (among other things), to derive long
arithmetic progressions in the primes, by “soft” ergodic
methods, and in particular by reworking the Furstenberg correspondence
principle. Interestingly, the
ergodic methods can partially achieve this, but the catch is that one
requires arbitrarily many linear forms conditions, instead of finitely
many. As such, one does not recover
our result about long arithmetic progressions in the primes, although one
does get some weaker results, such as a Szemeredi theorem for subsets of
positive _relative_ density of a random set of {1,…,N} of density
1/log N. I do not know whether this
need for infinitely many linear forms condition is an inherent feature of
the soft ergodic method, or if it can be somehow overcome.
Mar 24, 2005
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“A variant of the
hypergraph removal lemma”, submitted, J.
Combin. Thy.. This is the first
half of the new version of my Gaussian constellations paper, which will
now appear in two separate papers; the second paper will appear
shortly. Here we reprove the
hypergraph removal lemma of Gowers and Nagle-Rodl-Schacht-Skokan, with a
slight extra twist (which is needed in order for a transference result in
the second paper to work properly).
We take an “ergodic” perspective to this lemma, viewing
the problem as one of taking an arbitrary set and decomposing it into a
“compact” part which is of “bounded complexity”,
and a “weakly mixing part” which is pseudorandom (epsilon
regular). The version of the
Szemeredi regularity lemma that we need is thus similar in spirit to the
Furstenberg structure theorem. As
usual we need a counting lemma, which is the usual careful application of
Cauchy-Schwarz. One feature of the
regularity lemma (which is shared in common with a recent paper of Rodl
and Schacht on the same issue) is that we do not obtain regularity on the
original hypergraph directly, but instead work with another hypergraph
which is a small modification of the original graph (in Rodl-Schacht, they
add or remove a small number of edges; here we allow the weight function
of the hypergraph to be perturbed in L^2).
This allows us to obtain excellent regularity control on the new
hypergraph, which greatly facilitates the counting lemma. At 23 pages, this paper is then one of
the shortest elementary proofs available of the hypergraph regularity
lemma and its consequences such as Szemeredi’s theorem and the
Furstenberg-Katznelson theorem.
Mar 17, 2005
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“Some analysis at UCLA”. This is a very short (10 min)
presentation to incoming UCLA grad students. I try to sketch out the proof of long
arithmetic progressions in the primes, but clearly with the time
constraints it is only the briefest of sketches.
Mar 3, 2005
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“Stable Signal Recovery
from Incomplete and Inaccurate Measurements”, with Emmanuel Candes and Justin Romberg. This is the latest in our sequence of
papers exploring the basis pursuit method (l^1 minimization) to
reconstruct sparse or compressible data from a sufficiently
“skew” measurement ensemble.
Here we address an issue not treated in the earlier papers, namely
that of robustness – what happens to the reconstruction method when
non-sparse noise is introduced into the measurements (e.g. roundoff
error). As it turns out, the most
naïve relaxation method in the basis pursuit method – allowing the
minimizer to approximate the measurements rather than match it exactly
– gives a surprisingly robust algorithm, indeed the error incurred
at the end is at most a constant times the best possible error one could
achieve with any algorithm, assuming that the measurement matrix obeys an
restricted orthonormality property which we have called the uniform
uncertainty principle. Our
arguments are simple and in fact give some slight improvements over our
earlier results in the error-free case, for instance increasing the
corruption rate we can tolerate in linear coding by a modest amount.
Mar 1, 2005
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“An inverse
theorem for the Gowers $U^3(G)$ norm”, joint with Ben Green, submitted, Proc.
Edin. Math. Soc.. This paper
systematically studies the quadratic (d=3) case of the Gowers uniformity
norm U^d(G), which can be defined for any finite abelian group G but was
introduced by Gowers for the cyclic groups G = Z/NZ. (A closely related norm U^d(X) for
measure-preserving systems X was studied by Host and Kra). This norm is given by an explicit
formula (an average over d-dimensional cubes), and informally measures the
extent to which the phase of a function on G behaves like a polynomial of
degree d-1 or less (or in other words the d’th
“derivative” of the phase behaves like zero). Thus for instance the U^3(G) norm of f
is large when the phase of f behaves quadratically. These norms are of fundamental
importance in Gowers’ approach to obtaining arithmetic progressions
in dense sets, and also in my paper with Ben
establishing long arithmetic progressions in the primes. When the U^d norm are small, one can
accurately compute the number of progressions of length d+1 in an
associated set; thus a small U^3(G) norm is useful for counting
progressions of length 4. However,
it is not always easy to determine when a set has small U^d norm. In a paper of Gowers it was shown that
in order for the U^3(Z_N) norm of a bounded function to be small, it
suffices for that function to have no “local quadratic bias”
– that on most short progressions the function does not correlate
strongly with a quadratic phase function; this is the essential step in
Gowers’ proof of Szemeredi’s theorem for progressions of
length 4. Here we extend and
globalize this analysis, showing that in order for the U^3(G) norm of a
bounded function to be small, it is necessary and sufficient that the
function have no “global quadratic bias” – that it does
not correlate with a globally quadratic phase function. (Actually, this is an oversimplification;
one also has to check a certain class of “almost global quadratic
phase functions”, which are quadratic on a large Bohr set). This gives a new proof of
Szemeredi’s theorem for progressions of length 4 and arbitrary
groups G of order coprime to 2 and 3, with a reasonably good bound (any
subset of G with density 1 / (log log |G|)^c will have a progression of
length 4). In a future paper we
shall also apply this inverse theorem (or more precisely a generalization
of it to pseudorandom measures) to establish that the primes contain the
expected number of progressions of length 4. Our main result can be viewed as
presenting a complete list of obstructions in order for a bounded function
to be quadratically uniform (i.e. have small U^3(G)) norm. There are some other lists of
obstructions known – namely generalized quadratic phase functions,
as well as 2-step nilsequences; in the second half of the paper we show
how all of these lists of obstructions are related, and give some new
quantitative estimates on the amount of obstruction presented by these
Feb 15, 2005
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“Decoding by Linear
Programming”, joint with Emmanuel Candes,
submitted. This is an application of
the uniform uncertainty principle (URP) developed in our previous paper. Here we show that any ensemble of linear
measurements (i.e. a matrix) which obeys the UUP (which basically asserts
that any sparse set of rows in this matrix behaves like an almost
orthonormal system), is a good matrix for linear coding and decoding. In particular we can use such a matrix
as a linear code (but over the reals or integers, not over a finite
field), and can reconstruct the plaintext from the ciphertext even if a
constant fraction of entries of the ciphertext are deleted. Also this shows that the UUP implies the
exact reconstruction property (ERP) also discussed in our previous papers,
and in fact implies a deterministic and uniform version of this property,
in that all sparse signals are
reconstructed exactly. In our
previous paper we showed that various standard measurement ensembles
(Gaussian, Bernoulli, randomly selected Fourier) obeyed the UUP with high
probability, and thus for instance Gaussian linear codes can now be
decoded via a simple linear programming algorithm even if a constant
fraction (we obtain 0.3% in theory, but it seems closer to 30% in
practice) of the ciphertext is corrupted.
Jan 27, 2005
- Temporarily withdrawn: The paper
theory, relative versions of the hypergraph regularity and removal lemmas,
the Szemer\'edi-Furstenberg-Katznelson theorem, and prime constellations
in number fields”. There
are a number of minor problems with this paper, and one moderately serious
one, which I need to address.
Normally I would simply correct these errors and post an updated
version, but these issues will require a bit of time on my part, and the
current version contains a number of steps which are phrased in an
awkward, misleading, slightly wrong, or (in two places) extremely wrong
manner. I anticipate to replace the
paper with a cleaner, corrected version in a few weeks.
Jan 19, 2005
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“On the
singularity probability of random Bernoulli matrices”, with Van Vu, submitted to J. Amer.
Math. Soc.. In this paper we
consider the probability that a random n x n matrix whose entries are +-1
is singular (has determinant zero).
This probability is conjectured to be (1/2 + o(1))^n; a famous
paper of Kahn, Komlos, and Szemeredi showed 0.999^n, which we refined in an earlier paper
to 0.939^n. Here we push things a
bit further, to (3/4 + o(1))^n, which seems to be the limit of the
method. Basically the point is to
replace the discrete unit cube (where the original problem is set) with a
weighted variant on which there is some further concentration on
hyperplanes; this weighted variant stops being better than the original
cube at ¾, which is why the method stops.
A new innovation is to use some additive combinatorics (Fourier
analysis and Freiman’s theorem) to identify which hyperplanes are
exceptional with respect to this concentration, and count these
hyperplanes directly.
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theory, relative versions of the hypergraph regularity and removal lemmas,
the Szemer\'edi-Furstenberg-Katznelson theorem, and prime constellations
in number fields”, submitted to Journal d'Analyse
Mathématique. As the title
suggests, this paper may take a little time to explain. In my paper with Ben
Green establishing arbitrarily long progressions in the primes, we
started with Szemeredi’s theorem on arithmetic progressions, and
used quantitative ergodic methods to then deduce a relative version of
that theorem, working on a pseudorandom set. This then implied progressions in the
primes. In this paper we take a
somewhat stronger theorem than the Szemeredi theorem, namely the
Szemeredi-Furstenberg-Katznelson theorem on constellations in
multidimensional sets (or equivalently, multiple recurrence for commuting
shifts on a measure-preserving system).
This in turn is implied by an even stronger theorem, namely the
hypergraph removal lemma of Gowers and Rodl-Skokan. This theorem in turn is deduced
primarily by means of a hypergraph regularity lemma (also due to Gowers and
Rodl-Skokan). What we do here is give
an information-theoretic proof of the hypergraph regularity lemma, by
means of the Shannon entropy
inequalities. This then leads to a
new proof of the hypergraph removal lemma, hence the
Szemeredi-Furstenberg-Katznelson theorem, and hence of the Szemeredi
theorem. Furthermore, in this
setting it is almost trivial to perturb the setup from a non-relative
theorem to a relative theorem, in fact this amounts to making certain
random variables “almost independent” instead of genuinely
independent. Because of this, we
can establish a relative Szemeredi-Furstenberg-Katznelson theorem on a
pseudorandom measure (and also reprove the relative Szemeredi theorem of
Green and myself). By invoking the
Goldston-Yildirim analysis from our previous paper (with some simplifications
introduced in my short story on
this topic), we can then obtain multidimensional constellations in the
primes (with one annoying caveat, which is too technical to describe
here). We also obtain a similar
result for the Gaussian primes (the primes in the Gaussian integers); this
time we do not have this technical caveat because the Gaussian almost
primes are more pseudorandom than the Cartesian product of the rational
almost primes. We also speculate on
whether there is some ergodic theoretic or measure theoretic
interpretation of these results; they seem to suggest that the presence of
the shift operator is in fact not necessary for recurrence theorems!
- Updated:
The short story “An
information-theoretic proof of Szemeredi’s regularity lemma”. We now give two information-theoretic proofs of the regularity lemma, one
based on an “energy increment argument” (and closer in spirit
to Szemeredi’s original proof) and one based on an “entropy
increment argument” which is broadly similar but fits much better
into the framework of Shannon’s
entropy inequalities. This second
proof served as a simplified model to the hypergraph version in the paper
above, so it may well be worth reading this shorter and simpler paper
first to motivate the more complicated paper above.