Ed Effros: Biography
Ed Effros was born in Queens and grew up in Great Neck, NY. One of his earliest memories was in the 5th grade, when the teacher taught an old trick for checking a long column of addition called “casting out nines”. Ed was mesmerized by this apparent “magic” and from that moment on, his ambition was to become a mathematician.
Ed managed to finish MIT in 3 years, and then earned his PhD at Harvard in 1962 under the direction of George Mackey. After a post-doc at Columbia, he moved to the University of Pennsylvania. In May, 1967, he met Rita on a blind date, and they married 4 months later. It was in Philadelphia that their children, Rachel and Steve, were born and where Ed encouraged Rita to pursue a graduate degree in Immunology at Penn. In 1979, the family relocated to LA, where Ed had been recruited by the UCLA mathematics department, and Rita eventually joined the faculty of the Geffen School of Medicine. Ed retired in 2013 becoming a Distinguished Research Professor Emeritus. In June 2019, Ed and Rita moved to Portland, OR to be closer to their children and grandchildren.
Over the years, Ed and his family have done an amazing amount of travel, both for pleasure and also relating to the fields of math and immunology. They have visited/lived in places all over the world, including Berkeley, Paris, Oslo, Istanbul, Beijing, Hong Kong, Copenhagen, Stockholm, New Zealand, Warwick, Japan, Sicily, Montenegro, Croatia, Italy, Wales, and Israel.
Ed is survived by his wife of 52 years, Rita; daughter, Dr. Rachel Effros; son, Stephen Effros; daughter-in-law, Suzanne Effros; granddaughters, Lila and Eva; brothers, Dr. Richard Effros (wife, Gail) and Robert Effros; numerous nieces, nephews and cousins; and many dear friends.
Ed Effros served as a PhD supervisor for 16 students, and has authored or co-authored over 80 publications, which are listed below.
- Effros, Edward George ON THE REPRESENTATIONS OF C*-ALGEBRAS ProQuest LLC, Ann Arbor, MI. p. (no paging), 1962
- Effros, Edward G. A decomposition theory for representations of $C^{\ast $}-algebras Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. p. 83--106, 1963
- Effros, Edward G. Order ideals in a $C^{\ast $}-algebra and its dual Duke Math. J. p. 391--411, 1963
- Effros, Edward G. Transformation groups and $C^{\ast $}-algebras Ann. of Math. (2) p. 38--55, 1965
- Effros, Edward G. Convergence of closed subsets in a topological space Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. p. 929--931, 1965
- Effros, Edward G. The Borel space of von Neumann algebras on a separable Hilbert space Pacific J. Math. p. 1153--1164, 1965
- Effros, Edward G. Global structure in von Neumann algebras Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. p. 434--454, 1966
- Effros, Edward G. Structure in simplexes Acta Math. p. 103--121, 1967
- Effros, Edward G. and St\o rmer, Erling Jordan algebras of self-adjoint operators Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. p. 313--316, 1967
- Effros, Edward G. Structure in simplexes. II J. Functional Analysis p. 379--391, 1967
- Effros, Edward G. and Hahn, Frank Locally compact transformation groups and $C^{\ast $}- algebras American Mathematical Society, Providence, R.I.. p. 92, 1967
- Effros, Edward G. and Hahn, Frank Locally compact transformation groups and $C\sp*$-algebras Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. p. 222--226, 1967
- Effros, Edward G. and Gleit, Alan Structure in simplexes. III. Composition series Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. p. 355--379, 1969
- Effros, Edward G. and Kazdan, Jerry L. Applications of Choquet simplexes to elliptic and parabolic boundary value problems J. Differential Equations p. 95--134, 1970
- Effros, Edward G. The canonical measures for a separable $C^{\ast $}-algebra Amer. J. Math. p. 56--60, 1970
- Effros, Edward G. and Kazdan, Jerry L. On the Dirichlet problem for the heat equation Indiana Univ. Math. J. p. 683--693, 1970/71
- Aarnes, Johan F. and Effros, Edward G. and Nielsen, Ole A. Locally compact spaces and two classes of $C^{\ast $}-algebras Pacific J. Math. p. 1--16, 1970
- Effros, Edward G. On a class of real Banach spaces Israel J. Math. p. 430--458, 1971
- Alfsen, Erik M. and Effros, Edward G. Structure in real Banach spaces. I, II Ann. of Math. (2) p. 98--128; ibid. (2) 96 (1972), 129--173, 1972
- Cunningham, Jr., F. and Effros, Edward G. and Roy, Nina M. $M$-structure in dual Banach spaces Israel J. Math. p. 304--308, 1973
- Effros, Edward G. On a class of complex Banach spaces Illinois J. Math. p. 48--59, 1974
- Effros, Edward G. Property $\Gamma $ and inner amenability Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. p. 483--486, 1975
- Choi, Man Duen and Effros, Edward G. Separable nuclear $C\sp*$-algebras and injectivity Duke Math. J. p. 309--322, 1976
- Choi, Man Duen and Effros, Edward G. The completely positive lifting problem for $C\sp*$-algebras Ann. of Math. (2) p. 585--609, 1976
- Choi, Man Duen and Effros, Edward G. Nuclear $C\sp*$-algebras and injectivity: the general case Indiana Univ. Math. J. p. 443--446, 1977
- Choi, Man Duen and Effros, Edward G. Injectivity and operator spaces J. Functional Analysis p. 156--209, 1977
- Effros, Edward G. and Lance, E. Christopher Tensor products of operator algebras Adv. Math. p. 1--34, 1977
- Choi, Man Duen and Effros, Edward G. Lifting problems and the cohomology of $C\sp*$-algebras Canadian J. Math. p. 1092--1111, 1977
- Choi, Man Duen and Effros, Edward G. Nuclear $C\sp*$-algebras and the approximation property Amer. J. Math. p. 61--79, 1978
- Effros, Edward G. Aspects of noncommutative order ${\rm C^\ast$}-algebras and applications to physics (Proc. Second Japan-USA Sem., Los Angeles, Calif., 1977) Springer, Berlin. p. 1--40, 1978
- Effros, Edward G. and Rosenberg, Jonathan $C^{\ast $}-algebras with approximately inner flip Pacific J. Math. p. 417--443, 1978
- Effros, Edward G. Nuclearity and the $C^{\ast $}-algebraic flip Mathematical problems in theoretical physics (Proc. Internat. Conf., Univ. Rome, Rome, 1977) Springer, Berlin-New York. p. 152--160, 1978
- Effros, Edward G. and Shen, Chao Liang Dimension groups and finite difference equations J. Operator Theory p. 215--231, 1979
- Effros, Edward G. Aspects of noncommutative geometry Alg\`ebres d'opérateurs et leurs applications en physique mathématique (Proc. Colloq., Marseille, 1977) CNRS, Paris. p. 135--156, 1979
- Effros, Edward G. and St\o rmer, Erling Positive projections and Jordan structure in operator algebras Math. Scand. p. 127--138, 1979
- Effros, Edward G. and Shen, Chao Liang Approximately finite $C^{\ast $}-algebras and continued fractions Indiana Univ. Math. J. p. 191--204, 1980
- Effros, Edward G. and Handelman, David E. and Chao Liang Shen Dimension groups and their affine representations Amer. J. Math. p. 385--407, 1980
- Effros, Edward G. and Shen, Chao Liang The geometry of finite rank dimension groups Illinois J. Math. p. 27--38, 1981
- Effros, Edward G. Polish transformation groups and classification problems General topology and modern analysis (Proc. Conf., Univ. California, Riverside, Calif., 1980) Academic Press, New York-London. p. 217--227, 1981
- Effros, Edward G. Dimensions and $C^{\ast $}-algebras Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences, Washington, D.C.. p. v+74, 1981
- Effros, Edward G. On the structure theory of $C^{\ast $}-algebras: some old and new problems Operator algebras and applications, Part I (Kingston, Ont., 1980) Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, R.I.. p. 19--34, 1982
- Effros, Edward G. and Haagerup, Uffe Lifting problems and local reflexivity for $C^\ast$-algebras Duke Math. J. p. 103--128, 1985
- Effros, E. G. and Kaminker, J. Homotopy continuity and shape theory for $C^\ast$-algebras Geometric methods in operator algebras (Kyoto, 1983) Longman Sci. Tech., Harlow. p. 152--180, 1986
- Effros, Edward G. On multilinear completely bounded module maps Operator algebras and mathematical physics (Iowa City, Iowa, 1985) Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI. p. 479--501, 1987
- Effros, Edward G. and Kaminker, Jerome Some homotopy and shape calculations for $C^\ast$-algebras Group representations, ergodic theory, operator algebras, and mathematical physics (Berkeley, Calif., 1984) Springer, New York. p. 69--120, 1987
- Effros, Edward G. and Kishimoto, Akitaka Module maps and Hochschild-Johnson cohomology Indiana Univ. Math. J. p. 257--276, 1987
- Christensen, Erik and Effros, Edward G. and Sinclair, Allan Completely bounded multilinear maps and $C^\ast$-algebraic cohomology Invent. Math. p. 279--296, 1987
- Effros, Edward G. Advances in quantized functional analysis Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, Vol. 1, 2 (Berkeley, Calif., 1986) Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI. p. 906--916, 1987
- Effros, Edward G. and Ruan, Zhong-Jin On matricially normed spaces Pacific J. Math. p. 243--264, 1988
- Effros, Edward G. Amenability and virtual diagonals for von Neumann algebras J. Funct. Anal. p. 137--153, 1988
- Effros, Edward G. and Ruan, Zhong-Jin Representations of operator bimodules and their applications J. Operator Theory p. 137--158, 1988
- Effros, Edward G. and Exel, Ruy On multilinear double commutant theorems Operator algebras and applications, Vol. 1 Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge. p. 81--94, 1988
- Effros, Edward G. Why the circle is connected: an introduction to quantized topology Math. Intelligencer p. 27--34, 1989
- Effros, Edward G. and Ruan, Zhong-Jin On nonselfadjoint operator algebras Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. p. 915--922, 1990
- Effros, Edward G. and Ruan, Zhong-Jin On approximation properties for operator spaces Internat. J. Math. p. 163--187, 1990
- Effros, Edward G. and Ruan, Zhong-Jin Multivariable multipliers for groups and their operator algebras Operator theory: operator algebras and applications, Part 1 (Durham, NH, 1988) Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI. p. 197--218, 1990
- Effros, Edward G. and Ruan, Zhong-Jin Self-duality for the Haagerup tensor product and Hilbert space factorizations J. Funct. Anal. p. 257--284, 1991
- Effros, Edward G. and Ruan, Zhong-Jin A new approach to operator spaces Canad. Math. Bull. p. 329--337, 1991
- Effros, Edward G. and Ruan, Zhong-Jin Recent developments in operator spaces Current topics in operator algebras (Nara, 1990) World Sci. Publ., River Edge, NJ. p. 146--164, 1991
- Effros, Edward G. and Ruan, Zhong-Jin On the abstract characterization of operator spaces Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. p. 579--584, 1993
- Effros, Edward G. and Kraus, Jon and Ruan, Zhong-Jin On two quantized tensor products Operator algebras, mathematical physics, and low-dimensional topology (Istanbul, 1991) A K Peters, Wellesley, MA. p. 125--145, 1993
- Effros, Edward G. and Ruan, Zhong-Jin Mapping spaces and liftings for operator spaces Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) p. 171--197, 1994
- Effros, E. and Ruan, Z.-J. The Grothendieck-Pietsch and Dvoretzky-Rogers theorems for operator spaces J. Funct. Anal. p. 428--450, 1994
- Effros, Edward G. Some quantizations and reflections inspired by the Gel\cprime fand-Na\u\imark theorem $C^\ast$-algebras: 1943--1993 (San Antonio, TX, 1993) Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI. p. 98--113, 1994
- Effros, Edward G. and Ruan, Zhong-Jin Discrete quantum groups. I. The Haar measure Internat. J. Math. p. 681--723, 1994
- Effros, Edward G. and Winkler, Soren Matrix convexity: operator analogues of the bipolar and Hahn-Banach theorems J. Funct. Anal. p. 117--152, 1997
- Effros, Edward G. and Webster, Corran Operator analogues of locally convex spaces Operator algebras and applications (Samos, 1996) Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht. p. 163--207, 1997
- Effros, Edward G. and Ruan, Zhong-Jin On the analogues of integral mappings and local reflexivity for operator spaces Indiana Univ. Math. J. p. 1289--1310, 1997
- Effros, Edward G. and Ruan, Zhong-Jin $\scr O\scr L_p$ spaces Operator algebras and operator theory (Shanghai, 1997) Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI. p. 51--77, 1998
- Effros, Edward G. Mathematics as language Truth in mathematics (Mussomeli, 1995) Oxford Univ. Press, New York. p. 131--145, 1998
- Effros, Edward G. and Junge, Marius and Ruan, Zhong-Jin Integral mappings and the principle of local reflexivity for noncommutative $L^1$-spaces Ann. of Math. (2) p. 59--92, 2000
- Effros, Edward G. and Ruan, Zhong-Jin Operator spaces The Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, New York. p. xvi+363, 2000
- Effros, Edward G. and Ozawa, Narutaka and Ruan, Zhong-Jin On injectivity and nuclearity for operator spaces Duke Math. J. p. 489--521, 2001
- Blecher, David P. and Effros, Edward G. and Zarikian, Vrej One-sided $M$-ideals and multipliers in operator spaces. I Pacific J. Math. p. 287--319, 2002
- Effros, Edward G. and Popa, Mihai Feynman diagrams and Wick products associated with $q$-Fock space Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA p. 8629--8633, 2003
- Effros, Edward G. and Ruan, Zhong-Jin Operator space tensor products and Hopf convolution algebras J. Operator Theory p. 131--156, 2003
- Effros, Edward G. Matrix revolutions: an introduction to quantum variables for young mathematicians Math. Intelligencer p. 53--60, 2004
- Anshelevich, Michael and Effros, Edward G. and Popa, Mihai Zimmermann type cancellation in the free Fa\`a di Bruno algebra J. Funct. Anal. p. 76--104, 2006
- Effros, Edward G. Classifying the unclassifiables Group representations, ergodic theory, and mathematical physics: a tribute to George W. Mackey Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI. p. 137--147, 2008
- Effros, Edward G. A matrix convexity approach to some celebrated quantum inequalities Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA p. 1006--1008, 2009
- Effros, Edward and Hansen, Frank Non-commutative perspectives Ann. Funct. Anal. p. 74--79, 2014