Math 220C, Mathematical Logic and Set Theory.
Instructor: Itay Neeman.
Office: MS 6334.
Phone: 794-5317.
Office hours: MW 3:00 to 3:50pm and by appointment.
Time and Place: MW 4:00 to 5:40pm, in MS 5117.
Text: Lecture notes will be distributed in class.
Grading: The final grade will be based on homework (roughly 40%),
and a final exam (roughly 60%). Homework will be due every Friday by the end
of the day, preferably submitted as PDF by email.
Homework exercises (all due by the end of the day Friday):
Assignment 1, due Friday 4/13: Exercises 6.4, 6.5, 6.6, 6.7, 6.8, 6.9,
and 6.11 in the notes. (The exercises are at the end of the chapter,
starting page 301.)
Assignment 2, due Friday 4/20:
- Exercise 6.14. (The explanation of what it means to be a successor there is
wrong. Use the right one.)
- Exercise 6.15.
- Exercise 6.16, and prove in addition that if $x$ is an ordinal
and $y\in x$ then $y$ is an ordinal.
- Prove that any two ordinals are comparable, meaning that for any ordinals
$\alpha$ and $\beta$, either $\alpha\in\beta$, or $\alpha=\beta$, or
- Exercises 6.26. The uniqueness part you should prove only in
the case of wellorders. (For wellfounded relations in general it fails
with the definition of tightness in the notes.)
- Prove that for every wellorder $r$ there is a unique ordinal
$\gamma$ so that $r$ is isomorphic to $(\gamma;\in)$. This
ordinal is called the ordertype of $\gamma$ denoted $ot(\gamma)$.
- Exercise 6.20.
Assignment 3, due Friday 4/27: Exercises 6.19, 6.21, 6.22,
6.23, 6.24, 6.25.
Assignment 4, due Sunday 5/6: Exercises 6.33 and 6.36. In 6.33, ZF- stands
for the axioms of ZF except Foundation and Powerset. When answering the
question you should work in ZF-Foundation+"the union countably many countable
sets is countable". (This final statement is a weak consequence
of the axiom of choice.)
Assignment 5, due Friday 5/11: Exercises 6.43, 6.46, 6.52, and
Prove that for every ordinal $\alpha$, $\alpha\in V_{\alpha+1}$.
(Uses AC.)
For cardinals $\lambda\leq\kappa$ let ${\mathcal P}_\lambda(\kappa)$ denote
the set $\{x\subseteq\kappa | card(x)=\lambda\}$. Prove, for $\kappa$ infinite,
that ${\mathcal P}_\lambda(\kappa)$ is equinumerous with $\kappa^\lambda$.
(Uses AC.)
Let $a_n$, $n\in\omega$, be a sequence of sets. Suppose that for each $n$,
$a_n\subseteq a_{n+1}$ and $card(a_{n+1}) > card(a_n)$. Let
$a=\bigcup_{n\in\omega} a_n$. Prove that $card(a^\omega) > card(a)$.
Assignment 6, due Friday 5/18:
For a set $x$, let ${\mathcal P}_{WO}(x)$ be the set of all
$z\subseteq x$ so that $z$ can be wellordered. (Assuming the axiom of choice,
this is simply the powerset of $x$. Without the axiom of choice,
${\mathcal P}_{WO}(x)$ may be smaller than the full powerset of $x$.)
Prove, without using the axiom of choice, that ${\mathcal P}_{WO}(x)$ does
not inject into $x$.
(Uses AC.) The cofinality of a limit ordinal $\alpha$,
denoted $cof(\alpha)$, is the least
$\kappa$ so that there is $f\colon \kappa\rightarrow \alpha$ which is
unbounded in $\alpha$. (It is easy to check that $cof(\alpha)$ is a cardinal.)
Prove that for every infinite cardinal $\kappa$, $\kappa^{cof(\kappa)} > \kappa$.
It may be helpful to consider the case that $cof(\kappa)=\omega$ first, as
this case reduces to a previous homework assignment.
(Uses AC) A cardinal $\kappa$ is regular if $cof(\kappa)=\kappa$.
Prove that every infinite successor cardinal is regular.
Prove that for every infinite ordinal $\alpha$, the cardinality of $L_\alpha$
is equal to the cardinality of $\alpha$.
$C\subseteq\kappa$ is club in $\kappa$ if it is unbouned in $\kappa$,
and every $\alpha < \kappa$ which is a limit point of $C$ belongs to $C$.
Prove that if $cof(\kappa) > \omega$ then the intersection of any two clubs in
$\kappa$ is itself club in $\kappa$.
Suppose $\kappa$ is regular and
uncountable. Let $f\colon \kappa\rightarrow\kappa$. Prove that the set
$\{\alpha < \kappa | f''\alpha\subseteq\alpha\}$ is club in $\kappa$.
Question 2 in the Fall 2003 qualifying exam.
Assignment 7, due Friday 5/25:
Let $\kappa > \omega$ be regular. Prove that $L_\kappa$ satisfies ZF-Powerset.
(Uses AC.) Question 6 in the Winter 2004 qualifying exam.
Question 7 in the Winter 2004 qualifying exam. $\omega_1$ in the question
refers to $(\omega_1)^L$, the first ordinal which is uncountable in $L$.
Let $M\subseteq WF$ be transitive and satisfy (enough of) ZF-Powerset.
Prove that wellfoundedness is absolute for $M$. Precisely, prove that
the formula `$r$ is a wellfounded relation' is absolute for $M$.
Exercise 6.53.
Exercise 6.54.
Exercise 7.8.
Assignment 8, due Friday 6/1:
Question 3 in the Winter 2004 qualifying exam.
Let $\kappa > \omega$ be regular. Let $\delta < \kappa$ and let $C_\xi$
($\xi < \delta$) be a collection of $\delta$ clubs in $\kappa$. Prove
that $\bigcap_{\xi < \delta} C_\xi$ is club in $\kappa$.
Let $\kappa > \omega$ be regular. Let $C_\xi$ ($\xi < \kappa$) be clubs
in $\kappa$. Prove that the set $\{\alpha < \kappa | (\forall \xi < \alpha)
\alpha\in C_\xi\}$ is club in $\kappa$. This set is called the diagonal
intersection of the clubs $C_\xi$.
Let $\kappa > \omega$ be regular, and let $S\subseteq\kappa$ be stationary.
Let $f : S\rightarrow\kappa$ be a pressing down function, meaning
that for all $\alpha\in S$, $f(\alpha) < \alpha$. Prove that there is a
stationary set $\bar{S}\subseteq S$ so that $f$ is constant on $\bar{S}$.
Let $\kappa > \omega$ be regular. Prove that $\diamond_\kappa$ is equivalent
to the existence of $B_\alpha\subseteq \alpha\times\alpha$ ($\alpha < \kappa$)
so that for every $B\subseteq\kappa\times\kappa$, the set
$\{\alpha < \kappa | B\cap(\alpha\times\alpha)=B_\alpha\}$ is stationary.
(Uses AC.)
Let $\kappa > \omega$ be regular. Prove that $\diamond_\kappa$ is equivalent to
the following seemingly weaker statement: there is a sequence
$F_\alpha$ ($\alpha < \kappa$) so that each $F_\alpha$ is a family of
subsets of $\alpha$, $|F_\alpha|\leq\alpha$, and for each $A\subseteq\kappa$,
the set $\{\alpha < \kappa | A\cap\alpha\in F_\alpha\}$ is stationary. (If all
$F_\alpha$ had cardinality 1, this would be exactly $\diamond_\kappa$.)
HintHint (hide): First translate in the manner of Question 5, to families $G_\alpha$
of $\alpha$ subsets of $\alpha\times\alpha$. Say $G_\alpha=\{B_\alpha^\xi |
\xi < \alpha\}$, and consider for each $\xi$ the sequence $A_\alpha^\xi$
($\alpha < \kappa$) where $A_\alpha^\xi\subseteq\alpha$ is the $\xi$th fiber of
Assignment 9, due Friday 6/8:
Question 3 in the Fall 2003 qualifying exam. ($\alpha$ and $\beta$ in the question
should be taken to be $\geq\omega$ throughout.)
Question 5 in the Spring 2010 qualifying exam.
(Uses AC.)
Let $(L; < )$ be a c.c.c. linear order. Define an equivalence relation on
$L$ by $x\sim y$ iff the interval $(x,y)_L$ is countable. The
induced relation $[x] < [y]$ iff $x < y \land x\not\sim y$
on the set $L/\mathord{\sim}$
of equivalence classes is well-defined and continues to be a
linear order. Prove that it is dense, meaning that between any
two points there is a third. Prove in addition that it continues to be c.c.c.
(Uses AC.)
Continuing under the assumptions of question 3, prove that if $(L; < )$ is
not separable, then neither is $(L/\mathord{\sim}; < )$. In particular then
$(L/\mathord{\sim}; < )$ is not a single point, and indeed not countable.
(Uses AC.)
Let $(L; < )$ be a c.c.c. dense linear order with no end-points. Let $(L^*; < )$
be the countable sequence
completion of $(L; < )$, defined as follows: First let $L'$
be the set of bounded non-decreasing functions $f\colon \omega\rightarrow
L$. Set $f\leq g$ iff $(\forall n)(\forall x < f(n))(\exists m) x< g(m)$. Set $f\sim g$
iff $f\leq g \land g\leq f$. Let $L^*=L'/\mathord{\sim}$
and let $ < $ be the linear order
on $L^*$ given by $[f] < [g]$ iff $f\leq g \land g\not\leq f$. Abusing
notation slightly we identify $x\in L$ with the equivalence class
$[n\mapsto x]\in L^*$ of the constantly $x$ function.
This allows us to view $L$ as a subset of $L^*$.
Prove that $L$ is dense in $(L^*; < )$, that $(L^*; < )$
continues to be c.c.c., that $(L^*; < )$ has no end points,
and that if $(L, < )$ is not separable then
neither is $(L^*; < )$.
(Uses AC.)
Under the assumptions of question 5, prove that $(L^*; < )$ is connected
in the order topology.
(Uses AC.)
Prove that if there is a c.c.c. linear order which is not separable,
then there is a Suslin line.