Introduction to Discrete Structures (Math 61, Fall 2012)
Instructor: Igor Pak
pak@math.ucla (add .edu at the end, put Math 61 in the subject line, see more on the bottom of this page)
Class schedule: MWF 1:00 - 1:50, WGYOUNG CS24
Recitation: Tu or Th 1:00 - 1:50, various locations
Office Hours: M 2-4, MS 6125
Teaching Assistants: Jordan Greenblatt, Dániel Korándi, Kevin Ventullo (Emails: jsg66, kdano, ventullo at
TA Office Hours:TBD
Textbook: Richard Johnsonbaugh (RJ), Discrete mathematics, 7th Edition (multiple copies on reserve).
Additional reading will be posted on this page if necessary.
Grading: All scores and grades will be available on MyUCLA website.
The course grade will be determined by the cumulative percentage of scores at the end of the quarter.
This is calculated by taking the BETTER of the two schemes:
Homeworks: 15%, Two midterms: 15% each, Quizzes: 10%, Final: 45%.
Homeworks: 15%, Best midterm: 20%, Quizzes: 10%, Final: 55%.
Difficulty: This is an introductory course in Discrete Mathematics.
The students are expected to learn the theory and solve problems on the homeworks.
Content and Schedule
We will follow closely selected sections from the textbook.
An approximate schedule of lectures is given on the official department
course page.
Home Assignments
The weekly home assignments will be given on Wednesdays to be returned
also on Wednesday the following week right before class. Worst HA will be dropped
from the final score.
The assignments will be posted here (on the course web page) in .pdf format.
Unless announced otherwise, you need to return them in writing right before
the Wed class. No late assignments will be accepted.
- HA1, due Wed Oct 10, 2012. Solutions: HA1-Sol.
- HA2, due Wed Oct 17, 2012. Solutions: HA2-Sol.
- HA3, due Wed Oct 24, 2012. Solutions: HA3-Sol.
- HA4, due Wed Oct 31, 2012. Solutions: HA4 and HA5-Sol.
- HA5, due Wed Nov 7, 2012.
- HA6, due Wed Nov 14, 2012. Solutions: HA6-Sol (Warning: 11Mb).
- HA7, due Wed Nov 28, 2012. Solutions: HA7-Sol.
- HA8, due Fri Dec 7, 2012 (last day of classes). Solutions: HA8-Sol.
Warning: Only selected HA problems will be graded, chosen by the instructor.
Quizzes, Midterm and Final Exams
There will be weekly quizzes given on Mondays. These will be multiple choice
and take under 10 min. Worst quiz score will be dropped as well.
There will be two in-class midterms and one final.
Midterm dates: Oct 24, Nov 14 (both Wed).
Final: Thu, December 13, 2012, 8:00 - 11:00 am.
Warning: no calculators, books, notebooks, phones, or any other
equipments is allowed on the exams. The only items allowed are
pens/pencils and erasers. The paper will be provided.
- quiz1. Answers: 5, 7, 2, 12, 34.
- quiz2. Answers: -310, {an} and {bn}, eq., sym., by contradiction.
- quiz3. Answers: 11-choose-7, all of these, (10-choose-7)2, 7!/4!, (2+3+4)!/2!3!4!.
- quiz4. Answers: [Fn+1], [8,9,10], [212], [3,7,11,97,101], [by contradiction].
- quiz5. Answers: 16, 64, [A, B and C], [all except K3,3], (1).
- quiz6. Answers: 2, 9, A and C, [2,3,4,5,6], [1,2,4].
Discussion Sections
The discussion section will be a time for students to get help with homework and gain
additional mastery of the problems. While attendance is not required it is strongly
recommended that you go. You should go to the section which you are enrolled;
changing section is allowed only by permission of TA of the section you are switching to.
Collaboration Policy
For the homeworks, you can form discussion groups of up to 5 people each.
In fact, I would like to encourage you to do that.
You can discuss problems but have to write your own separate solutions.
You should write the list of people in you group on top of each HA.
Cheating is a serious violation of UCLA policies. Please read here
and here. Students caught cheating will be reported and suffer the
consequences. Do NOT cheat!! Don't even think about it!
Any issues about grading for homeworks or exams must be addressed to your TA
within two weeks of the turn-in date. After that time no score changes will be allowed.
Issues with Final and the final grade must be addressed to the instructor.
Click here
to return to Igor Pak Home Page.
To e-mail me, click
here and delete .zzz
Put Math 61 in the Subject line.
Please address me as "Dear Professor Pak".
At the end of your email, you must include your full name and your
official email address (for privacy purposes).
Last updated 10/20/2012