Caleb Partin

I'm a second year math PhD student at UCLA. I graduated in December of 2021 from Georgia Tech, majoring in Mathematics.

My email is ctpartin [at] math [dot] ucla [dot] edu


Current Quarter:

Winter 2025: PIC 10A, Office Hours 1-2pm Tues, MS 2963
Math 33A, Office Hours 1-2pm Thurs, MS 2963
This quarter you can find me in the SMC (Student Math Center, MS 3974) during Weeks 2-9, Mondays 2-3pm
Zoom Office Hour, Mondays 5-6pm

Previous Quarters:

Fall 2024, Math 31AL, Math 1
Summer 2024, Math 33A
Spring 2024, Math 33A
Winter 2024, Math 106
Fall 2023, Math 32A
Fall 2021, Linear Algebra (Georgia Tech)
Spring 2021, Multivariable Calculus (Georgia Tech)
Fall 2020, Linear Algebra (Georgia Tech)


Finite quotients of braid groups, with Alice Chudnovsky, Kevin Kordek, and Lily Li, Geometriae Dedicata (2020)

Upper bounds for totally symmetric sets, with Kevin Kordek and Lily Li, Involve (2021)

Pseudo-Anosov homeomorphisms of punctured non-orientable surfaces with small stretch factor, with Sayantan Khan and Becca Winarski, Algebraic & Geometric Topology (2023)