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RTG Graduate Students in Algebra and Number Theory at UCLA, 2009-2014

Department of Mathematics, UCLA

The group at UCLA in algebra, algebraic geometry, number theory, and related fields is one of the strongest in the country. If you are a prospective graduate student, please see the graduate studies page for more information about graduate studies at UCLA.

Congratulations to UCLA Math students who were awarded RTG Algebra and Number Theory fellowships during 2009-2014:

2013-14: Ian Coley, Robert Denomme, Sudesh Kalyanswamy, Jukka Keranen, Donald Laackman, Jaclyn Ann Lang, John Lensmire, Dustan Levenstein, Melissa Lynn, Zach Norwood, Frederick Robinson, Jacob Rooney, Christopher Scaduto, Yehonatan Sella, Jonathan Siegel, Brooks Smith, Andrew Soffer, Kevin Ventullo, Erik Walsberg.

2012-13: Vivian Bailey, Konstantin Dragomiretskiy, Stephen Ge, Julian Gold, Joseph Hughes, Geoffrey Iyer, Donald Laackman, Christopher Scaduto, Matthew Stoffregen, Ian Zemke.

2011-12: Siddharth Bhaskar, Robert Denomme, Jukka Keranen, Samuel Miner, Natee Pitiwan, Daniel Ram, William Rosenbaum, Kevin Ventullo.

2010-11: Nevin Brackett-Rozinsky, Damek Davis, Konstantin Dragomiretskiy, Siddhartha Kanungo, Jukka Keranen, Kyle Kinneberg, Joshua Lampkins, Jason Murphy, Natee Pitiwan, Anand Rajagopalan, Daniel Ram, Silas Richelson, William Rosenbaum, Andrew Ruf, Christopher Scaduto, Kevin Ventullo, James Von Brecht.

2009-10: Joshua Baron, Jack Buttcane, Clinton Givens, Judah Jacobson, Matthew Lane, Carl Lederman, Adam Massey, Aleka McAdams, Justin Shih, Eamonn Tweedy.