Probability Theory - Math 170B/1 - Spring 08



Text D. Stirzaker, Elementary Probability, 2nd Ed., Cambridge University Press. Wrong answers in the back of the book.

Prerequisites Courses Math 170A (C- or better).

Class Meetings This course will meet four days a week. Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays class will be conducted by me. Please feel free to ask questions in lecture, though none regarding homework problems. I do problems during class and I am more than happy to help you with homework problems during my office hours. I do not (talk or teach) math via email. Please use the class email account for questions or issues not related to homework problems. On Tuesdays your TA will lead a discussion. In your discussion section, the TA will answer questions to homework problems that have been turned in and review material needed to do your homework to be turned. The TA won't do your homework problems in discussion section but will help you with those during his office hours.

Homework: There will be two parts to homework:

Midterm on Friday, 2nd of Mai, 2008 at 9:00am-9:50am in MS 6229
Final Exam on Tuesday, 10th of June, 2008 at 11:30am-2:30pm in MS 6229

These times and dates are fixed in stone, so make sure now that you have no conflicting plans. No make up exams will be given under any circumstances. See also under Grades. You must bring a picture ID to the exams. No calculators, computers, books or notes are allowed during exams.

Before exams are returned in discussion, I will take a random selection of exams to be copied. So when you come back for a regrade, make sure you know what you added later on to the exam and what was originally there.
After the midterm is returned I will post a deadline on the exams page on the web until which a regrade can be requested. Be aware that a regrade means that your exam will be graded from scratch, and it is possible that you will receive a lower score than originally given, if I decide that the original grade was too high.

Final Exams are kept for one quarter, stored for a second to be picked up and recycled soon thereafter.

The Five Minutes Rule If you happen to find me anywhere, (almost) anytime, I will have at least five minutes to talk to you.

Grades Your final grade will be based on the maximum of the following two schemes:

  1. 15% for writing assignments (called Homework in the my.ucla gradebook),
    10% reading assignments/blogs (called Participation in the my.ucla gradebook),
    30% for the midterm,
    45% for the final.
  2. 15% for writing assignments (called Homework in the my.ucla gradebook),
    10% reading assignments/blogs (called Participation in the my.ucla gradebook),
    75% for the final.
All scores and final grades will be available on the MyUCLA gradebook.

Academic Integrity Guide to Academic Integrity
Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated in any form. Academic Dishonesty includes, but is not limited to

  1. 'copying' writing assignments
  2. 'copying' blogs submitted for reading assignments
  3. cheating on any of the exams, including using material not allowed to be used, using cheat sheets during the exam time and of course 'copying' from another student's paper.
In all of the above, 'copying' does not only refer to producing verbatim copies using somebodies material, but includes taking sombodies material and turning them in, in a slightly changed format or writing, pretending it was your own.
Math 170B Home Page Andrea Brose Department of Mathematics UCLA

This page was last updated: 06.June.2008 at 10:33:48 by