Christoph Thiele


Real Analysis, Harmonic Analysis, with interests in Scattering Theory, Ergodic Theory

!!! Challenges in Geometry, Analysis, and Computation. !!!
Conference in honor of R.R. Coifman, P.W. Jones, and V. Rokhlin
Yale University, June 4-6 , 2012


Preprints and papers

Lecture Notes/Presentations

Some open problems in Mathematics

Summer Schools in Analysis

Graduate Students and Postdocs

Analysis and PDE Seminar/ Participating Analysis seminar

Teaching: Bootcamp Summer 2012

Other links

A math blog by and for highschool students


Office MS 6191
Department of Mathematics
University of California
Los Angeles, CA 90055-1555
Phone: (310) 825-4984
Fax: (310) 206-6673
Email: thiele@math...