Worksheet 9

Problem 3

Let VV be an inner product space, let WW be a finite-dimensional subspace of VV. Prove that if xWx \notin W, then there exists yWy \in W^\perp with x,y0\inner{x, y} \neq 0.


Recall that V=WWV = W \oplus W^\perp (via orthogonal projection), so we can write

x=xW+xW,x = x_W + x_{W^\perp},

where xWWx_W \in W and xWWx_{W^\perp} \in W^\perp. Note that xW0x_{W^\perp} \neq 0: if this were not the case, then x=xWWx = x_W \in W, which is impossible. Thus, if we set y=xWy = x_{W^\perp}, then

x,y=xW+y,y=xW,y+y,y=y2>0.\begin{aligned} \inner{x, y} &= \inner{x_W + y, y} \\ &= \inner{x_W, y} + \inner{y, y} \\ &= \norm{y}^2 \\ &> 0. \end{aligned}

The penultimate inequality follows from the fact that yy is orthogonal to every vector in WW, and y\norm{y} is strictly larger than 00 since y0y \neq 0.

Problem 4

Let VV be a finite-dimensional inner product space, let WW be a subspace of VV. Prove that V/WV/W is isomorphic to WW^\perp.


There are two different ways to do this:

  1. Every finite-dimensional vector space over a field F\F is isomorphic to Fn\F^n for some nn, so we can try proving dim(V/W)=dim(W)\dim\p{V/W} = \dim\p{W^\perp}.
  2. We can try to find a linear isomorphism T ⁣:WV/WT\colon W^\perp \to V/W.

Method 1

Let dimV=n\dim V = n and dimW=m\dim W = m. Recall that because V,WV, W are both finite-dimensional that dim(V/W)=nm\dim\p{V/W} = n - m. To show dim(W)=nm\dim\p{W^\perp} = n - m, we need to find a basis for WW^\perp.

Let {v1,,vm}\set{v_1, \ldots, v_m} be an orthonormal basis (it's very important that we pick an orthonormal basis for this to work) for WW, and extend it into an orthonormal basis β={v1,,vm,,vn}\beta = \set{v_1, \ldots, v_m, \ldots, v_n} for VV. We will show that {vm+1,,vn}\set{v_{m+1}, \ldots, v_n} is a basis for WW^\perp.

First, the set {vm+1,,vn}\set{v_{m+1}, \ldots, v_n} is linearly independent since β\beta was. Next, we need to show that it spans WW^\perp. Let vWv \in W^\perp. Since β\beta was an orthonormal basis for VV, we can write

v=v,v1v1++v,vmvm++v,vnvn.v = \inner{v, v_1}v_1 + \cdots + \inner{v, v_m}v_m + \cdots + \inner{v, v_n}v_n.

But vWv \in W^\perp and v1,,vmWv_1, \ldots, v_m \in W^\perp, so v,v1==v,vm=0\inner{v, v_1} = \cdots = \inner{v, v_m} = 0. Thus,

v=v,vm+1vm+1++v,vnvn.v = \inner{v, v_{m+1}}v_{m+1} + \cdots + \inner{v, v_n}v_n.

This means vspan{vm+1,,vn}v \in \span\set{v_{m+1}, \ldots, v_n}, so the set spans. Thus, this set is a basis for WW^\perp and has nmn - m vectors, so dimW=nm\dim W^\perp = n - m.

Method 2

Define T ⁣:WV/WT\colon W^\perp \to V/W by

T(v)=v+W.T\p{v} = v + W.

This map is linear: given u,vWu, v \in W^\perp and a scalar cFc \in \F, the definitions of addition and scalar multiplication in V/WV/W tell us

T(cu+v)=(cu+v)+W=c(u+W)+(v+W)=cT(u)+T(v),\begin{aligned} T\p{cu + v} &= \p{cu + v} + W \\ &= c\p{u + W} + \p{v + W} \\ &= cT\p{u} + T\p{v}, \end{aligned}

so TT is linear. Let's show that TT is one-to-one: let vN(T)v \in N\p{T}. Then

v+W=T(v)=W,v + W = T\p{v} = W,

so vWv \in W. But vWv \in W^\perp, so vWW={0}v \in W \cap W^\perp = \set{\vec{0}}, and so v=0v = \vec{0}. This shows that N(T)={0}N\p{T} = \set{0}, so TT is one-to-one.

Now let's show that TT is onto. Let v+WV/Wv + W \in V/W. Note that we can't just say that

T(v)=v+W.T\p{v} = v + W.

This is because vv does not have to be in WW^\perp. However, if we could replace vv with a vector yWy \in W^\perp such that v+W=y+Wv + W = y + W, then T(y)=v+WT\p{y} = v + W and we are done. The "natural" way to do this is to write

v=vW+vWv = v_W + v_{W^\perp}

where vWWv_W \in W and vWWv_{W^\perp} \in W^\perp as in Problem 3. Thus, by definition of v+Wv + W, we have

v+W=(vW+vW)+W=vW+W,v + W = \p{v_W + v_{W^\perp}} + W = v_{W^\perp} + W,

since vWWv_W \in W. Hence, we have

T(vW)=vW+W=v+W,T\p{v_{W^\perp}} = v_{W^\perp} + W = v + W,

so TT is onto.

We have shown that TT is an invertible linear map, so it's automatically an isomorphism.