Worksheet 8

Problem 3

Let AMn×n(F)A \in M_{n \times n}\p{\F} be similar to an upper-triangular matrix, and suppose that AA has distinct eigenvalues λ1,,λk\lambda_1, \ldots, \lambda_k with corresponding algebraic multiplicities m1,,mkm_1, \ldots, m_k.

  1. Prove that trA=i=1kmiλi\tr A = \sum_{i=1}^k m_i\lambda_i.
  2. Prove that detA=i=1kλimi\det A = \prod_{i=1}^k \lambda_i^{m_i}.

This follows from two facts:

  1. If AA and BB are similar, then they have the same eigenvalues.
  2. The eigenvalues of an upper-triangular matrix are its diagonal entries.

Fact 1 follows from the fact that if B=QAQ1B = QAQ^{-1}, then

det(BλI)=det(Q(AλI)Q1)=det(AλI),\det\p{B - \lambda I} = \det\p{Q\p{A - \lambda I}Q^{-1}} = \det\p{A - \lambda I},

i.e., AA and BB have the same characteristic equation. For Fact 2, if AA is upper-triangular with diagonal entries a1,,ana_1, \ldots, a_n, then because AλIA - \lambda I is also upper-triangular with diagonal entries a1λ,,anλa_1 - \lambda, \ldots, a_n - \lambda, the characteristic equation of AA is

pA(λ)=det(AλI)=i=1n(aiλ).p_A\p{\lambda} = \det\p{A - \lambda I} = \prod_{i=1}^n \p{a_i - \lambda}.

Thus, the roots of pAp_A are exactly the diagonal entries, so the eigenvalues of AA are also just the diagonal entries.

  1. Note that tr(AB)=tr(BA)\tr\p{AB} = \tr\p{BA} from a simple calculation:

    tr(AB)=i=1n(AB)ii=i=1nj=1nAijBji=j=1ni=1nBjiAij=j=1n(BA)jj=tr(BA).\begin{aligned} \tr\p{AB} = \sum_{i=1}^n \p{AB}_{ii} &= \sum_{i=1}^n \sum_{j=1}^n A_{ij} B_{ji} \\ &= \sum_{j=1}^n \sum_{i=1}^n B_{ji} A_{ij} \\ &= \sum_{j=1}^n \p{BA}_{jj} \\ &= \tr\p{BA}. \end{aligned}

    Thus, if A=QUQ1A = QUQ^{-1}, where UU is an upper-triangular matrix, then

    trA=tr(QUQ1)=tr(Q1QU)=trU.\tr A = \tr\p{QUQ^{-1}} = \tr\p{Q^{-1}QU} = \tr U.

    But the diagonal entries of UU are the eigenvalues of AA counted with multiplicity, so

    trU=i=1kmiλi.\tr U = \sum_{i=1}^k m_i\lambda_i.
  2. Again, write A=QUQ1A = QUQ^{-1}, where UU is upper-triangular. Then the determinant of UU is just the product of the diagonal entries, which are the eigenvalues of AA counted with multiplicity. Thus,

    detA=detU=i=1kλimi.\det A = \det U = \prod_{i=1}^k \lambda_i^{m_i}.

Problem 4

Let VV be a finite dimensional vector space over F\F, let TL(V)T \in \mathcal{L}\p{V} be invertible.

  1. Prove that if λ\lambda is an eigenvalue of TT, then λ1\lambda^{-1} is an eigenvalue of T1T^{-1}.
  2. Prove that the eigenspace of TT corresponding to λ\lambda is the same as the eigenspace of T1T^{-1} corresponding to λ1\lambda^{-1}.
  3. Prove that if TT is diagonalizable, then T1T^{-1} is diagonalizable.

These all follow from the fact that vv is an eigenvector for TT if and only if it's an eigenvector for T1T^{-1}. If vv is an eigenvector for TT with eigenvalue λ\lambda, then

T(v)=λv    v=λT1(v)    T1(v)=λ1v.T\p{v} = \lambda v \implies v = \lambda T^{-1}\p{v} \implies T^{-1}\p{v} = \lambda^{-1} v.

Note that because TT is invertible, λ0\lambda \neq 0, so λ1\lambda^{-1} is well-defined.

Since vv is an eigenvector of TT, we know that v0v \neq 0, so this precisely says that vv is an eigenvector for TT with eigenvalue λ1\lambda^{-1}. Applying the forward direction with T,λT, \lambda replaced with T1,λ1T^{-1}, \lambda^{-1} and noting that (T1)1=T\p{T^{-1}}^{-1} = T and (λ1)1=λ\p{\lambda^{-1}}^{-1} = \lambda gives the reverse direction. (Alternatively, you can just do the same computation, but in reverse.)

  1. Our computation above shows that if λ\lambda is an eigenvalue for TT, then λ1\lambda^{-1} is an eigenvalue for T1T^{-1}.

  2. Recall that the eigenspace of TT corresponding to λ\lambda is the set

    Eλ(T)={vVT(v)=λv}.E_\lambda\p{T} = \set{v \in V \mid T\p{v} = \lambda v}.

    We showed that T(v)=λvT\p{v} = \lambda v if and only if T1(v)=λ1vT^{-1}\p{v} = \lambda^{-1} v, and this implies Eλ(T)=Eλ1(T1)E_\lambda\p{T} = E_{\lambda^{-1}}\p{T^{-1}}.

  3. Let β={v1,,vn}\beta = \set{v_1, \ldots, v_n} be an eigenbasis of VV for TT. Then β\beta is also a set of eigenvectors for T1T^{-1}. Since β\beta was a basis of VV, this means that β\beta is also an eigenbasis of VV for T1T^{-1}.