Week 6 Discussion Notes

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Let (X,d)\p{X, d} be a metric space. We say that XX is disconnected if there exist two disjoint, non-empty, open sets U,VXU, V \subseteq X such that X=UVX = U \cup V.

If XX is not disconnected, then we say that XX is connected.

Example 1.
  • Any interval in R\R is connected (with respect to the restricted absolute value metric).

  • QR\Q \subseteq \R is disconnected (with respect to the restricted absolute value metric).

Example 2.
(warmup to 2.4.6)

Let (X,d)\p{X, d} be a metric space and assume A,BA, B are connected sets in XX such that AB=A \cap B = \emptyset. Show that ABA \cup B is connected.


Assume that AB=UVA \cup B = U \cup V, where U,VU, V are disjoint, non-empty, open sets in ABA \cup B. By the properties of sub-metric spaces, there exist open sets UX,VXXU_X, V_X \subseteq X in XX such that U=(AB)UXU = \p{A \cup B} \cap U_X and V=(AB)VXV = \p{A \cup B} \cap V_X.

Claim: AUA \subseteq U or AVA \subseteq V.

Suppose otherwise, and that AUA \cap U \neq \emptyset and AVA \cap V \neq \emptyset. Notice that

AU=A(AB)UX=AUX,A \cap U = A \cap \p{A \cup B} \cap U_X = A \cap U_X,

i.e., AUA \cap U is open in AA and by symmetry, AVA \cap V is open in AA also. But AB=UVA \cup B = U \cup V, so

A=A(AB)=A(UV)(since AB=UV)=(AU)(AV).\begin{aligned} A &= A \cap \p{A \cup B} \\ &= A \cap \p{U \cup V} && \p{\text{since }A \cup B = U \cup V} \\ &= \p{A \cap U} \cup \p{A \cap V}. \end{aligned}

But AUA \cap U and AVA \cap V are disjoint, non-empty, and open sets in AA, which implies that AA is disconnected, a contradiction.

Thus, AUA \subseteq U or AVA \subseteq V. Without loss of generality, we may assume that AUA \subseteq U. In the other case, we can just replace UU with VV in the following argument.

Because ABA \cap B \neq \emptyset, this means that BUB \cap U \neq \emptyset. Since BB is connected, this means that BUB \subseteq U as well by using the same argument in the claim, which means that ABUA \cup B \subseteq U, so V=V = \emptyset, a contradiction. Thus, no such UU and VV existed to begin with, i.e., ABA \cup B is connected.

Example 3.

Let (X,d)\p{X, d} be a connected metric space and let f ⁣:(X,dX)(Y,dY)\func{f}{\p{X, d_X}}{\p{Y, d_Y}} be a function such that the set

E={xX|f(x)=y}E = \set{ x \in X \st f\p{x} = y}

is non-empty, open, and closed. Show that ff is constant.


Assume otherwise, and that ff is not constant. Then EcE^\comp \neq \emptyset: since EE \neq \emptyset, there exists xXx \in X such that f(x)=yf\p{x} = y, but ff is not constant, so there exists xXx' \in X such that f(x)yf\p{x'} \neq y, i.e., xEcx' \in E^\comp.

Since EE was closed, we know that EcE^\comp is open, and by definition,

X=EEc.X = E \cup E^\comp.

But E,EcE, E^\comp are disjoint (by definition), non-empty, and open, which implies that XX is disconnected, a contradiction.



Let (X,d)\p{X, d} be a metric space. Then XX is path-connected if for any two points x,yXx, y \in X, there exists a continuous function γ ⁣:[0,1]X\func{\gamma}{\br{0,1}}{X} such that γ(0)=x\gamma\p{0} = x and γ(1)=y\gamma\p{1} = y.


In your homework, you will prove that path-connected     \implies connected. However, the converse is not true in general, i.e., there are connected metric spaces which are not path-connected.

Sometimes, it's easier to show that a metric space is path-connected than it is to show that it's connected directly.

Example 4.

Show that

E={fC([0,1])|f(0)=0}E = \set{f \in C\p{\br{0,1}} \st f\p{0} = 0}

is a connected subset of C([0,1])C\p{\br{0, 1}} with the sup\sup-metric.


We'll show that EE is path-connected. Let f,gEf, g \in E, and define the line segment (or homotopy) between them via γ ⁣:[0,1]E\func{\gamma}{\br{0,1}}{E},

γt(x)=(1t)f(x)+tg(x).\gamma_t\p{x} = \p{1 - t}f\p{x} + tg\p{x}.

For any t[0,1]t \in \br{0, 1}, the function γt(x)\gamma_t\p{x} is continuous since it's a linear combination of the continuous functions ff and gg, and

γt(0)=(1t)f(0)+tg(0)=0,\gamma_t\p{0} = \p{1 - t}f\p{0} + tg\p{0} = 0,

so γ\gamma is well-defined (i.e., it actually gives me functions in EE).

If f=gf = g, then γ\gamma is constant in tt, so it's automatically continuous. If fgf \neq g, then let ε>0\epsilon > 0.

γt(x)γs(x)=(1t)f(x)+tg(x)((1s)f(x)+sg(x))=(st)f(x)+(ts)g(x)=(ts)(g(x)f(x))stsupz[0,1]f(z)g(z)Cf,g    supx[0,1]γt(x)γs(x)Cf,gts.\begin{aligned} \abs{\gamma_t\p{x} - \gamma_s\p{x}} &= \abs{\p{1 - t}f\p{x} + tg\p{x} - \p{\p{1 - s}f\p{x} + sg\p{x}}} \\ &= \abs{\p{s - t}f\p{x} + \p{t - s}g\p{x}} \\ &= \abs{\p{t - s}\p{g\p{x} - f\p{x}}} \\ &\leq \abs{s - t} \underbrace{\sup_{z \in \br{0, 1}}{\abs{f\p{z} - g\p{z}}}}_{\eqqcolon\:C_{f,g}} \\ \implies \sup_{x \in \br{0, 1}}{\abs{\gamma_t\p{x} - \gamma_s\p{x}}} \\ &\leq C_{f,g}\abs{t - s}. \end{aligned}

Cf,gC_{f,g} exists and is finite because fg\abs{f - g} is a continuous function on the compact set [0,1]\br{0, 1}. Moreover, Cf,g0C_{f,g} \neq 0 since we assumed that fgf \neq g. Thus, we can pick δ=εCf,g\delta = \frac{\epsilon}{C_{f,g}}. Then if ts<δ\abs{t - s} < \delta, we get

d(γt,γs)=supx[0,1]γt(x)γs(x)Cf,gts<Cf,gεCf,g=ε,\begin{aligned} d\p{\gamma_t, \gamma_s} &= \sup_{x \in \br{0, 1}}{\abs{\gamma_t\p{x} - \gamma_s\p{x}}} \\ &\leq C_{f,g}\abs{t - s} \\ &< C_{f,g} \cdot \frac{\epsilon}{C_{f,g}} \\ &= \epsilon, \end{aligned}

so γ\gamma is continuous in tt. In other words, γ\gamma is a valid path between ff and gg, so EE is path-connected, hence connected.

Connectedness and Continuity


If f ⁣:(X,dX)(Y,dY)\func{f}{\p{X, d_X}}{\p{Y, d_Y}} is continuous and EXE \subseteq X is connected, then f(E)Yf\p{E} \subseteq Y is connected.

Like with compact sets, we say "the continuous image of a connected set is connected."

This can be a useful way to show that some sets are connected directly.

Example 5.

Let f ⁣:RR\func{f}{\R}{\R} be a continuous function. Show that its graph

Γ={(x,f(x))|xR}\Gamma = \set{\p{x, f\p{x}} \st x \in \R}

is a connected subset of R2\R^2.


We can define F ⁣:RΓ\func{F}{\R}{\Gamma} by F(x)=(x,f(x))F\p{x} = \p{x, f\p{x}}. By construction, Γ=F(R)\Gamma = F\p{\R}, and since R\R is connected, if we show that FF is continuous, we automatically know that Γ\Gamma is connected.

Let ε>0\epsilon > 0 and fix x0Rx_0 \in \R. Recall that

d2(F(x),F(x0))=(xx0)2+(f(x)f(x0))2.d_{\ell^2}\p{F\p{x}, F\p{x_0}} = \sqrt{\p{x - x_0}^2 + \p{f\p{x} - f\p{x_0}}^2}.

Since ff is continuous, there exists δ>0\delta > 0 such that if xy<δ\abs{x - y} < \delta, then f(x)f(y)<ε2\abs{f\p{x} - f\p{y}} < \frac{\epsilon}{\sqrt{2}}. Thus, if xy<min{δ,ε2}\abs{x - y} < \min\set{\delta, \frac{\epsilon}{\sqrt{2}}}, then

xx0<ε2andf(x)f(x0)<ε2,\abs{x - x_0} < \frac{\epsilon}{\sqrt{2}} \quad\text{and}\quad \abs{f\p{x} - f\p{x_0}} < \frac{\epsilon}{\sqrt{2}},


d2(F(x),F(x0))<ε22+ε22=ε,d_{\ell^2}\p{F\p{x}, F\p{x_0}} < \sqrt{\frac{\epsilon^2}{2} + \frac{\epsilon^2}{2}} = \epsilon,

so FF is continuous, which means Γ\Gamma is connected.