Spring 2016 - Problem 5

module theory

Let AA be the ring Cu,v/uvvu1\C\gen{u, v}/\gen{uv - vu - 1}, the quotient of the free associative algebra on two generators by the two-sided ideal.

  1. Show that every nonzero AA-module MM has infinite dimension as a complex vector space.
  2. Let MM be an AA-module with a nonzero element yy such that uy=0uy = 0. Show that the elements y,vy,v2y,y, vy, v^2y, \ldots are C\C-linearly independent in MM.

Let yMy \in M be nonzero. If uy=0uy = 0 and vy=0vy = 0, then

0=u(vy)=(vu+1)y=v(uy)+y=y.0 = u\p{vy} = \p{vu + 1}y = v\p{uy} + y = y.

Thus, at least one of uyuy and vyvy is nonzero. Without loss of generality, suppose uy=0uy = 0 so that vy0vy \neq 0. It remains to show that y,vy,v2y,y, vy, v^2y, \ldots are linearly independent.

Suppose c0y+c1vy++cnvny=0c_0y + c_1vy + \cdots + c_nv^ny = 0. First, note that for j1j \geq 1,

uvj=(vu+1)vj1=vuvj1+vj1=v(vuvj2+vj2)+vj1=v2uvj2+2vj1.\begin{aligned} uv^j &= \p{vu + 1}v^{j-1} \\ &= vuv^{j-1} + v^{j-1} \\ &= v\p{vuv^{j-2} + v^{j-2}} + v^{j-1} \\ &= v^2uv^{j-2} + 2v^{j-1}. \end{aligned}

By induction, we see uvj=vju+jvj1uv^j = v^ju + jv^{j-1}.

We now proceed by induction. {y}\set{y} is linearly independent since y0y \neq 0, so now assume {y,vy,,vny}\set{y, vy, \ldots, v^ny} are all linearly independent. Suppose c0y+c1vy++cnvny=0c_0y + c_1vy + \cdots + c_nv^ny = 0, and left multiply by uu, which gives

0=uj=0ncjvjy=j=0ncj(uvj)y=j=1ncj(vju+jvj1)y=j=1njcjvj1y.\begin{aligned} 0 = u \cdot \sum_{j=0}^n c_jv^jy &= \sum_{j=0}^n c_j \p{uv^j} y \\ &= \sum_{j=1}^n c_j \p{v^ju + jv^{j-1}}y \\ &= \sum_{j=1}^n jc_j v^{j-1}y. \end{aligned}

By the inductive hypothesis, it follows that c1==cn=0c_1 = \cdots = c_n = 0, so we have c0y=0c_0y = 0. By the base case, c0=0c_0 = 0 as well, so we have linear independence, which means MM is infinite dimensional.