Fall 2016 - Problem 4

representation theory

Let DD be a dihedral group of order 2p2p with normal cyclic subgroup CC of order pp for an odd prime pp. Find the number of nn-dimensional irreducible representations of DD (up to isomorphisms) over C\C for each nn, and justify your answer.


Write D=r,f|f2=rp=frfr=1D = \gen{r, f \st f^2 = r^p = frfr = 1}. Suppose ρ ⁣:DV\func{\rho}{D}{V} is an irreducible representation for DD, and let vVv \in V be an eigenvector for ρ(r)\rho\p{r} with eigenvalue λC\lambda \in \C. Then

v=ρ(r)pv=λpv,v = \rho\p{r}^p v = \lambda^p v,

so λ\lambda is a pp-th root of unity. Moreover,

ρ(fra)v=λaρ(f)v,\rho\p{fr^a} v = \lambda^a \rho\p{f}v,

so the dimension is determined by ρ(f)\rho\p{f}. Indeed, there are two cases: if ρ(f)vspanv\rho\p{f}v \in \span{v}, then spanv\span{v} is the entire representation since VV was irreducible, and hence VV is one-dimensional. On the other hand, if ρ(f)vspan(v)\rho\p{f}v \notin \span\p{v}, then Vspan{v,ρ(f)v}V \simeq \span\set{v, \rho\p{f}v} is two-dimensional.

There are k=p+13k = \frac{p + 1}{3} representations with dimensions n1,,nkn_1, \ldots, n_k, one for each conjugacy class of DD, and these must satisfy n12++nk2=2pn_1^2 + \cdots + n_k^2 = 2p. We showed above that ni2n_i \leq 2 for each ii, so let N1,N2N_1, N_2 be the number of one- and two-dimensional irreducible representations, respectively. Then

{N112+N222=2pN1+N2=p+32.\begin{cases} N_1 \cdot 1^2 + N_2 \cdot 2^2 = 2p \\ N_1 + N_2 = \frac{p + 3}{2}. \end{cases}

This yields N1=2N_1 = 2 and N2=p12N_2 = \frac{p - 1}{2}.