Instructor: Itay Neeman.
Office: MS 6334.
Phone: 794-5317.
Office hours: MW 1-2pm.
Time and Place: MW 3:30-4:45pm, in MS 5237.
Text: Notes on Set Theory by D.A. Martin will be distributed in class.
Grading: The final grade will be based on homework (roughly 35%),
and a final exam (roughly 65%).
Homework exercises (all due at the start of class):
Assignment 1, due Monday 6 April: Exercises 1.2 and 1.3 in the Martin Notes.
Assignment 2, due Monday 13 April: Exercises 2, 3, and 4 in Chapter 1 of Kunen.
Assignment 3, due Monday 20 April: Exercises C, D, and F in this handout.
Assignment 4, due Monday 27 April: Exercises G, H, and I in this handout.
Assignment 5, due Monday 4 May: Exercises J, K, and L in this handout.
Assignment 6, due Monday 11 May: Exercises M, N, Q, and R in this handout.
Assignment 7, due Monday 18 May: Exercises A, B, and E in this handout and Question 1 in the Fall 2003 Qualifying Exam.
Assignment 8, due Wednesday 27 May: Exercises S, T, and U in this handout and Question 2 in the Fall 2003 Qualifying Exam.
Assignment 9, due Wednesday 3 June: Questions 3 and 6 in the Fall 2003 Qualifying Exam.