Running Sage Math

Using Cocalc

It is possible to work entirely in cocalc and to avoid installing Sage (basically, you send your code to the cocalc server, the computation happens there, and the results are sent back). I prefer to install Sage on my computer, but other people may prefer to use cocalc. It certainly is a good fallback option if you can't figure out how to install Sage.

Installing locally

To get a local install, you can install use an installer or use Conda. (The full installation documentation is available here but it's a bit overwhelming, and some of the pages are slighty out of date.)

Installing with an installer

Installing with Conda

First you need a copy of Conda. If you don't have conda, you can install miniconda here.

Once you've installed conda, you can install sage with:

    conda config --add channels conda-forge conda create -n sage_env sage

Running locally

If you are running Windows or Mac, the installer should have created an icon on your desktop or start menu (or wherever you installed sage). I think you can just click on this icon. Though I'm not sure what it opens.

In Linux, you can start a Jupyter server with sage -n jupyter. If you installed with Conda you'll need to run conda activate sage_env first. This will open a browser tab with the Jupyter notebook interface.

Another good option is to run the Jupyter notebook in VSCode. For this, you first need VSCode if you don't already have it. Then you need to install the Python, and Jupyter VSCode extensions. Then follow the instructions here.