Recent 'Geometric (Analyst's) Traveling Salesman' Theorems. Given a set $K$ in a metric space $M$ one may ask when is $K$ contained in $\Gamma$, a connected set of finite 1-dimensional Hausdorff length, and for estimates on the minimal length of such a $\Gamma$. This was first answered for $M$ = the Euclidean plane by P. Jones and extended to $M=R^d$ by K. Okikiolu. Recently, there have been several new relevant results (by several people) for $M$ being: a Hilbert space, the Heisenberg group, and a general metric space. for some of these one restricts the discussion to $K$ and $\Gamma$ in specific categories. In some of these categories which we will discuss the anwswer is in IFF form, whereas in others it is not. The answer to this question usually comes together with a multiresolutional analysis of the set $K$ and a construciton of a $\Gamma$ containing $K$ which is not 'too long'. Essentially no prior knowledge in analysis is needed to understand this talk.