In one sentence, we are going to present an elliptization of the results of Beukers and Heckman on the monodromy of mFm-1. mFm-1 is a solution of the generalized hypergeometric equation (g.h.g.eq.) which is the closest relative of the famous hypergeometric equation of Gauss-Riemann. It is known that when all the local exponents of the g.h.g.eq. are generic real numbers, there exists a (unique up to a constant multiple) monodromy invariant hermitian form on the space of solutions H_trig. The m-hypergeometric system (m-h.g.s.) is a Fuchsian system equivalent to the g.h.g.eq. as a flat connection. When all its local exponents are generic real numbers, there exists a (unique up to a constant multiple) complex symmetric form on the residue space H_o such that the residue matrices are self-adjoint with respect to it. The formulae for the symmetric product on H_o and for the hermitian product on H_trig look very similar to each other despite the different nature of the products. It was our initial goal to understand reasons for such a similarity. It turns out that there exists a Hilbert space H naturally associated with the problem. This space has three two-parameter families of both hermitian and complex symmetric forms on it. In particular, it is hyperkahler. H_trig and H_o are m-dimensional subspaces of H. The hyperkahler structure on H explains why both H_o and H_trig have complex symmetric and hermitian forms on them. Moreover, there exists another m-dimensional subspace H(omega1, omega2) of H such that the space of solutions of the m-h.g.s. H_trig is its trigonometric limit as omega2 -> infinity. The residue space H_o is the rational limit of H(omega1, omega2) as both omega1, omega2 -> infinity. This explains the similarity between the formulae for the two spaces. The main technique used in the paper is to realize solutions of the m-h.g.s. as fermionic fields. Analytic continuation is then replaced by the vacuum expectation value pairing. If time permits, we will discuss applications of the above to the KP equation and to representation theory.