Title: "Haar multipliers, Bellman functions and more." Abstract: In this talk we will revisit known results about Haar multipliers and variants. The Haar multipliers are like pseudodifferential operators where trigonometric functions have been replaced by Haar functions: \[Tf(x) = \sum_{I\in D}\sigma (x,I)h_I(x)\], here $D$ denotes the dyadic intervals, $\{h_I\}$ the Haar functions, $\sigma (x,I)$ is the symbol. The symbols we are interested in are of the form $\sigma (x,I)= (w(x)/m_Iw)^t$, where $w$ is a weight, and $m_Iw$ denotes the average on the interval $I$. The necessary and suficient conditions for boundedness in $L^p$ of these operators are known. In particular for $t=1$ they reduce to $w$ belonging to the Reverse H\"older p class, when $t=-1/2$ to the $A_p$ class. We are interested in finding sharp bounds in term of the $A_p$ and $RH_p$ characteristic of the weights. The techniques that have given fantastic results along those lines are the Bellman functions of Nazarov, Treil and Volberg. This is closely related to the problem of finding sharp bounds for the dyadic square function on weighted spaces. Recently S. Petermichl found the sharp bound for the Hilbert transform on $L^2(w)$, the proof reduces to checking some estimates on operators closely related to the Haar multipliers.