MATH 170B: Probability Theory II

Spring 2024

Table of Contents



If you haven't already, this is a good time to learn how to use LaTeX and start typing up your homework assignments. I recommend using Overleaf if you've never typed up math before. This is not a requirement, so you can still write up your homework however you like (e.g., with a tablet, scanning a separate sheet of paper, etc.) as long as I can read it.

Office Hours

If you're unable to attend my office hours, then feel free to send me an e-mail and we can set up an appointment to meet at a different time.


I'm usually quick to respond to e-mails, so if you don't get a reply by the end of the day, feel free to send another one. Also, please address me as Steven.


4/3/23Please fill out this form to help me schedule office hours.

