MATH 131A: Analysis

Fall 2023

Table of Contents



If you haven't already, this is a good time to learn how to use LaTeX and start typing up your homework assignments. I recommend using Overleaf if you've never typed up math before. This is not a requirement, so you can still write up your homework however you like (e.g., with a tablet, scanning a separate sheet of paper, etc.).

Homework should be turned in through Gradescope and is due by 5pm each Friday.

Office Hours

If you're unable to attend my office hours, then feel free to send me an e-mail and we can set up an appointment to meet at a different time.


I'm usually quick to respond to e-mails, so if you don't get a reply by the end of the day, feel free to send another one. Also, please address me as Steven.


9/27/23Please fill out this form to help me schedule office hours.

