MATH 115A/4 Winter 2023

Homework Assignments

Time: MWF 11-12:00PM 

Place: Geology 4645

Instructor: Sorin Popa, office MS7907 

Office hours: Tue 1-2pm in MS7907; Thu 1-3pm on Zoom (link to be provided)

Text Book: ''Linear Algebra, 5th edition'' by Friedberg, Insel, Spence

Syllabus: See here

Grading Policy: Your grade in this class is based on your performance on the assignments and exams. It will not be based on your ranking relative to your classmates, and it will not be based on any sort of quota of how many students receive each letter grade. In particular, grading in this class is not competitive. If every single student performs at an A level, then every single student will receive an A.

At the end of the quarter, your course average will be computed as the maximum of the following two schemes:
Scheme 1: 20% Homework,  20% each Midterm,  40% Final;
Scheme 2: 20% Homework, Highest of the two midterms 30%, 50% Final exam: 40% 50%

Note that you do not need to choose one of these two schemes. I will calculate your average according to both of them, and automatically choose the one that gives you the higher course average. In short, if you must miss one of the midterms, the second grading scheme will ensure that this doesn’t harm your grade.

Homework: Homework sets will be assigned roughly each week on Wed (due next Wed, one week after being assigned; you will directly submit HW to Gradescope by 6pm that day). HW assignments will be posted on the Bruin Learn course website. Most homework problems will be taken from the textbook, but sometimes I will write up additional problems. Each homework assignment will be weighted the same amount, for a total of 20% of your grade, and your lowest two homework scores will be dropped. This way, if there is one week when you are unable to complete the homework for whatever reason, it will not hurt your grade. IMPORTANT aspect: late homework will not be accepted! Gradescope will be set up so that you’ll only have until 6pm on the due date to upload your HW.

Midterms: There will be two midterms, and a final exam. The dates for the midterms are below; these dates are tentative. I will not give make-ups for missed midterms, but if you must miss one midterm, your grade will be computed using the second grading scheme above. The date of the final exam, listed below, was set by the university months in advance, and cannot be changed. In accordance with university policies, you must take the final exam in order to pass the class. Make-ups for the final exam are permitted only under exceptional circumstances, as outlined in the UCLA student handbook. If you have a conflict with any of these exam dates, let me know as soon as possible, by the end of week two at the latest.

Midterm 1: Wed, Feb 1st, 11:00–11:50 AM
Midterm 2: Wed, March 1st, 11:00–11:50 AM
Final exam: Thursday March 23, 8-11AM