Title: Asymptotics related to prime specialization and average behavior of the Mobius function over finite fields

A few years ago, in joint work with K. Conrad and R. Gross, some surprising behavior was discovered for the statistics of prime specialization of generically inseparable irreducible polynomials over coordinate rings of curves over finite fields, and it was heuristically explained via some new periodicity properties for certain average values of the Mobius function on such coordinate rings. More recent work has revealed a better understanding of the situation, especially a connection with point-counting over finite fields and the intrinsic geometric meaning of parameters in some formulas. This allows one to prove appealing results concerning the asymptotic structure of these Mobius averages (in two natural senses). The main techniques are deformation theory and the product formula for G_m-valued local symbols, together with the Lang-Weil estimate in families. I will explain the motivation for these questions and indicate why the asymptotic results are interesting; in the remaining time I will say something about the proofs. Since the case of characteristic 2 requires much heavier geometric machinery (2-adic rigid and formal geometry), in this talk I will stick with the case of odd characteristic.