grid {base}R Documentation

Add Grid to a Plot


grid adds an nx by ny rectangular grid to an existing plot, using lines of type lty and color col.

If more fine tuning is required, use abline(h = ., v = .) directly.


grid(nx = NULL, ny = NULL, col = "lightgray", lty = "dotted")


nx,ny number of cells of the grid in x and y direction. Defaults to the number of tick marks on the corresponding axis.
col character or (integer) numeric; color of the grid lines.
lty character or (integer) numeric; line type of the grid lines.

See Also

plot, abline, lines, points.


## maybe change the desired number of tick marks:  par(lab=c(mx,my,7))
plot(iris$Sepal.L, iris$Sepal.W, col = rep(1:3, rep(50, 3)),
     xlim = c(4, 8), ylim = c(2, 4.5), panel.first = grid())

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