Displaying/Saving Results

Use the cat(...) command to output variables to a file.

There are several ways to display the values of variables in the command window.

Formatting of the output from cat, print or when typing the name of a variable on the command line is set with the options(...). One can also format the output before using cat by using the formatC command.

External file manipulation routines are file.create(...), file.remove(...) etc. See file for details. Within the windows GUI one can view files by selecting the File/Display file item from the menu bar.

Original documentation: cat, options, file, formatC


# printing the internal value of pi

 [1] 3.141593

# resetting the number of output digits to 10,
# and then printing pi

  options(digits = 10);
  [1] 3.141592654

# using the cat command. I've included a "\n" so that
# there is a carriage return after the output of pi.


# generate some x,y data and then save it to the file results.txt

 x <- seq(0.0,1.0,.2);
 [1] 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
 y <- sin(x);
 [1] 0.0000000 0.1986693 0.3894183 0.5646425 0.7173561 0.8414710


# An example of using the formatC command to print values using different formats. Note that
# to print out the three numbers x,y, and e, in a row, one can use the c(...) (concatenate) operator.

  iter <- 5;
  x    <- 3.0;
  y    <- 2.0;
  e    <- 5.0;
  cat(formatC(iter,digits=2),' ',formatC(c(x,y,e),format='f',width=19,digits=16),'\n')

5 3.0000000000000000 2.0000000000000000 5.0000000000000000

UCLA Mathematics Department ©2000