import cam.symfun.*;
public class SFtest2
//  Create and then evaluate a user specified function of one variable. 
// INPUT :
// ------
// User is prompted to specify a function f(x).
// Example :  Typing x*x +2 followed by a carriage return would input
// the function x squared plus 2. The syntax for function specification
// is that of the syntax for a Java expression. 
// User is prompted to specify the evaluation point
// ------
// The value of the function at the evaluation point
public static void main(String[] args)
    // query user for function specification userInput = new
    String E   = null;
    System.out.print("Enter f(x) : ");
    try{ E = userInput.readLine();}
    catch(Exception e){System.out.println(e.getMessage());}
    // query user for x value (note that the value is read in as a string
    // and then converted to a double value 
    String xVal;
    double x = 0.0;
    System.out.print("Enter evaluation point : ");
    xVal = userInput.readLine();
    x = (new Double(xVal)).doubleValue();  
    catch(Exception e){System.out.println(e.getMessage());}
    // create the symbolic function and evaluate it 
    SymbolicFunction Sym = new SymbolicFunction(); 
    String[] V = new String[1];                 
    V[0]       = new String("x"); // x = ind. variable
    catch(Exception e)
    double val = Sym.evaluate(x);
    System.out.println(" SymbolicFunction F = " + Sym.getConstructorString());
    System.out.println(" Evaluated at x = " + x + "  is : " + val);
// Pause command window
    System.out.println(" ");
    System.out.println(" Program End : Hit Return to Continue ");   
    try{userInput.readLine();}catch(Exception e){};