Class cam.netapp.ServerManager

Instances of a ServerManager class are run on a remote machine to service requests for loading and running classes on the remote machine. To start an instance running one invokes the main() method of this class by executing one of the commands given below. This command starts a ServerManager running that listens on port 6789. Instances of the ServerManager also have a thread scheduler associated with them, so that classes running under the managers' control are time-sliced in a round-robin, equal time, fashion. (However on Linux systems, this doesn't work properly, and one has to turn it off using the -linux flag.)

When a NetworkConnection object requests that a class be loaded, the classpath utilized for locating this class is that existing on the remote machine. To set the classpath to a value different than a default, one should specify the complete classpath on the java command line using the -classpath option.

main() method invocations

java cam.netapp.ServerManager Starts a ServerManager that listens on the default port 6789.
java cam.netapp.ServerManager flags Starts a ServerManager with options set with flags.

 main() method flags
portnum Specifies that the ServerManager should listen on port portnum
-verbose Specifies that the ServerManager should print out diagnostics to System.out (i.e. the console)
-logfile Specifies that the ServerManager should create a log file for ServerManager activity. The output file has the form SM_YYMMDD__HHMM.log.
-linux Specifies that the ServerManager is running on a Linux system (and so turns of the CPU scheduler).

Chris Anderson, Dan Delsol © UCLA 1997,1998
Updated 9/8/98 CRA