CAM Java Class Source (in .zip form)

The CAM Java classes and packages are distributed as subdirectories in compressed (.zip) form.

What to do with the .zip files

Packages ZipDate Description (9/30/98) Images used for JAVA class documentation; download and unzip this if you want images to appear in the class documentation. (1/06/00) Classes for SymbolicFunction (9/30/98) Classes for the construction of distributed applications (12/07/98) Visual components useful for scientific/technical computing
Java 1.1 event model version. (9/30/98) Classes that facilitate data exchange between objects (9/30/98) Classes for auto-generating wrapper codes for use in creating distributed applications based upon classses in the cam.netapp package or the Java RMI package.
Chris Anderson © UCLA 1997-98

What to do with the .zip files

Create a directory with the name cam, and place in it copies of the .zip files for the packages/classes one wants. Invoke an appropriate inflation routine (see below) on the .zip files. Sub-directories containing the source and documentation files are then created. When using the classes, you need to make sure that your classpath variable (or option in an IDE) contains the directory in which the cam directory resides.

Inflating the .zip files :

On UNIX systems: The command that I use to unzip them is

unzip -a -U -o

where is the .zip file. The -a option forces a conversion of CR LF to just LF, the -U option preserves the upper-case aspect of the file names, and the -o option allows an overwrite of existing files.

On PC systems: One can use any of the wide number of unzip routines. You have to use a version of an unzip routine which supports long file names. I've been using the PKZIP for Windows 2.5 from PKWARE.