Teaching College Mathematics - Math 495/1 - Fall 07


Turn in your class preparation.&alpha4. October 2007
Read section 7.3 of the TA Manual. Write something reflective about the reading and submit it on paper to your mentor TAC. 15. November 2007
  1. Think of one mistake you've made in class so far this quarter, and talk about what you would change if you had it to do over. By mistake we do not mean some algebra mistake, but a mistake with respect to teaching.
  2. Think of one or two other mistakes you've seen people (previous TAs, professors, etc.) make, and what you think they should change.
29. November 2007
Create a LaTeX document.&delta6. December 2007
Create and upload a web-based Home Page.&beta6. December 2007

&alpha Preparation

  1. If you are currently
    • TAing, turn in your written preparation for one of the courses you are TAing. As any other preparation for each of the classes you are teaching this preparation should be several pages long, detailing which problem you do and how you do them, including calculations.
    • not TAing, pretend you need to give a 50 minutes discussion section on an introduction to set theory at the undergraduate level, covering sets, elements thereof, subsets, intersection and union, complement, and the power set.

&beta The Web Page

  1. If you are currently
    • TAing create a web page relating to the classes you're teaching. It should contain basic information like office, office hours, and a link to email you, as well as a few other links (e.g. to the math department page, courses), plus optionally some tables and images.
    • not TAing create a basic personal web page. It should contain basics of your choice, a link to email you, as well as a few other links (e.g. to the math department page, courses), plus a table and some images.

  2. Upload your page to the math department's server.

  3. Email me a link to your page.

&delta The LaTeX Document

  1. If you are experienced either create one of the below files: or turn in a LaTeX document you created previously as described below in 3.

  2. If you are have never done a LaTeX document before, write a document with five math problems from varying fields or with varying contents as to maximize the number of different math symbols used.

  3. Create two links on your homepage (or on another page which is linked to your homepage) as follows:
    1. to the raw tex file to be displayed directly, like here
    2. to a pdf file of the LaTeX document, like this one.

Math 495 Home Page Andrea Brose Department of Mathematics UCLA

This page was last updated: 10.March.2008 at 09:05:34 by m495f07@math.ucla.edu