UCLA Mathnet Login



Everyone in the department is asked to use the printers responsibly.  While faculty and staff are not subject to printing quotas, graduate students are limited to 300 free pages of printing each quarter.  Unused pages are carried over to the next quarter, except at the end of the summer, when all printing quotas are reset. General printing is available in the public labs.  Additional printers can be found in the department copy room (faculty/staff only).

  • Student printers are located in 3347 MS (printer name: gclps), and 6187 MS (printer name: aclps)
  • Additional pages are $5.00 for 100 pages ($0.05/page)
  • To add pages, bring deposit to 6370 MS; office will contact bugs and credit your account
  • To check quota, contact bugs (please limit queries).